The Journal of Language and Culture, a biannual publication in the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences, is issued in June and December by the Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia at Mahidol University. Established in 1981, the journal serves as a platform for disseminating scholarly works on language and culture, with a focus on contributing to national development and fostering international collaboration. Additionally, it aims to champion the preservation, development, and revitalization of language and culture.

This journal invites submissions in various sub-fields, including linguistics, cultural studies, anthropology, community development, and language for communication, translation, and teaching. It particularly encourages theoretically focused analyses, applied research, and papers that present synthesized research conducted in the Asian region.

For consideration, only original manuscripts will be reviewed, provided they have not been submitted or published elsewhere. Each manuscript undergoes a rigorous review process by three academic experts in the relevant field. Acceptance is contingent upon the approval of three referees. The Editorial Board retains the right to reject any material deemed inappropriate, make minor changes for presentation and format purposes, and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the content.

Articles will be published in the order determined by the Editorial Board for each issue. It is important to note that any article featured in the Journal of Language and Culture represents the academic perspectives of the author(s) and should not be construed as reflective of the Editorial Board's opinions.

Call for Papers: Journal of Language and Culture (Vol. 43, No. 2)


The Journal of Language and Culture (JLC), a prestigious publication indexed in TCI Tier 1, invites contributions for its upcoming special issue on Intercultural Communication. We welcome submissions from lecturers, scholars, students, and enthusiasts passionate about language and culture.

Vol. 43 No. 1 (2024): January - June

Editorial note

The Journal of Language and Culture, Vol.43 No.1 (2024) does not have a specific theme but still accepts research articles within the scope specified by the journal. There are those interested in submitting articles about linguistics and applied linguistics, translation studies, language education, cultural studies, and anthropology.


In addition to the eight research articles, there is also a book review entitled Believability: Sexual Violence, Media, and the Politics of Doubt, written by Sarah Banet-Weiser and Kathryn Claire Higgins. The editors sincerely hope that readers will receive academic benefits from this journal in terms of concepts, research methods, study results, and various recommendations from the articles that can serve as guidelines for thinking about research issues related to the fields of humanities and social sciences in the future.


The editorial team of the journal is dedicated to establishing it as a premier venue for high-quality academic publications on language and culture. Articles can be submitted through ThaiJo at


In conclusion, representing the journal, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to the authors, reviewers, and production staff who have helped establish The Journal of Language and Culture as a vital platform for sharing knowledge, high-quality research on language and culture, and valuable academic articles. Their contributions have allowed the journal to continuously evolve and offer enriching insights to its readership. Additionally, we are delighted to mark the 50th anniversary of RILCA's founding this year.


Associate Professor Dr. Siripen Ungsitipoonporn


Published: 30-06-2024

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