The transediting strategy of health news: A case study of BBC News Thai
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The purpose of this research is to investigate the transediting process of BBC health news as well as the influence on BBC Thai's gatekeeping power over the selection of health content and the transediting strategy. A total of 167 pairs of English and Thai health news items released on BBC and BBC Thai websites during 2017-2020 were analysed for their transediting strategy (i.e. reorganisation, deletion, addition, and substitution). A semi-structured interview with a former BBC Thai duty editor was conducted to investigate the influence on BBC Thai's gatekeeping power. According to the findings, each element of the news was transedited with a varying combination of approaches. Addition (49%) and substitution (23.9%) were employed the most to create appealing headlines. Reorganisation (40.33%) was mostly adopted in the leads to attract Thai readers. Deletion (57.33%) was mostly found in the news bodies for conciseness. Regarding the influence on BBC Thai's gatekeeping power (e.g. the transeditors’ expertise, BBC’s policies and Thailand’s status quo), the Thai audience itself is one of the most significant.
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