The Journal of Language and Culture (JLC) is an open-access, double-blind, peer-reviewed journal published biannually by the Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia (RILCA) at Mahidol University. Since 1981, JLC has served as a platform for researchers, academicians, practitioners, and students to communicate and share knowledge through cutting-edge research on a wide array of topics related to language and culture in Asian contexts.

Aims and Scope JLC welcomes contributions across a range of fields in language and culture, including but not limited to the following topics:

  • Linguistics & Applied Linguistics
  • Language and Culture Documentation & Revitalization
  • Language Education
  • Multilingual & Multicultural Education
  • Cultural Studies
  • Anthropology & Sociology
  • Museum & Heritage Studies
  • Media Studies & Intercultural Communication
  • Translation Studies
  • Multicultural Studies
  • Transnational and Global Issues

Publication Types JLC publishes articles in the following categories:

  • Research Articles
  • Review Articles
  • Academic Articles
  • Book Reviews

Publication Frequency JLC publishes twice a year, in June and December.

Publication Policy JLC does not charge a processing fee, and all articles are freely accessible. The journal considers only manuscripts that have not been published before and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Ownership and Management

JLC is under the ownership of Mahidol University, with full support from RILCA. The operation and management of JLC are sustained through dedicated funding sources, affirming its commitment to upholding high publication standards, a rigorous peer-review process, and ensuring open-access availability to researchers and readers worldwide.

The financial backing provided to JLC plays a crucial role in maintaining its excellence, allowing the journal to contribute significantly to the scholarly community. This support underscores the commitment of Mahidol University and RILCA to advancing language and culture research. The ownership and support of JLC by RILCA exemplify a dedication to fostering the dissemination of valuable knowledge and facilitating collaborations not only within the Asia region but also extending beyond its borders. This commitment positions JLC as a platform for scholarly exchange, promoting the advancement of language and culture studies on a global scale.


  • Ownership: Authors retain copyright to all published works under a CC BY license.
  • Attribution: The Journal of Language and Culture (JLC) must be credited as the original publisher in any use of the article.
  • Non-Exclusive Right: Authors grant JLC the non-exclusive right to publish and distribute the article.


  • CC BY License: All articles published in JLC are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). This allows for unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
  • Clear Indication: The CC BY 4.0 license is prominently indicated on all published articles, both HTML and PDF versions, as well as on the journal's website.

Revenue sources

RILCA at Mahidol University proudly provides institutional support for JLC. This support encompasses various facets:

  • RILCA covers the expenses associated with publishing JLC, including editorial management, website maintenance, and open access infrastructure. This allows us to operate without charging author fees, making publication accessible to scholars from diverse backgrounds.
  • RILCA provides the journal with administrative support, including personnel and infrastructure, to ensure smooth operation and efficient decision-making processes.
  •  RILCA faculty and researchers contribute to the journal's editorial board and peer-review process, ensuring high-quality academic standards and rigorous scientific evaluation.
  • RILCA helps promote JLC within the academic community through its networks and channels, increasing the journal's visibility and reach.

By providing this institutional support, RILCA demonstrates its commitment to:

  • Open access: Making research findings in language and culture freely available to a global audience.
  • Inclusivity: Removing financial barriers to publication and encouraging diverse voices in the field.
  • Academic excellence: Maintaining high standards for scholarly rigor and ethical publication practices.
  • Knowledge dissemination: Contributing to the advancement of knowledge and fostering international collaboration within the field.

RILCA's institutional support ensures that JLC remains a vibrant and accessible platform for publishing high-quality research in language and culture. We believe that this approach fosters a more equitable and diverse scholarly environment, where everyone has the opportunity to contribute and benefit from the exchange of knowledge.

Advertising Policy

JLC, published by RILCA at Mahidol University, does not accept any advertising or promotional materials. This applies to both print and online versions of the journal.

Our commitment to academic integrity and editorial independence is paramount. We believe that the inclusion of advertising could potentially compromise this commitment and raise concerns about conflict of interest or bias. Therefore, we have adopted a strict policy of no advertising to maintain the highest standards of ethical publication.

This means that:

  • We do not accept any paid advertisements from companies, products, or services of any kind.
  • We do not publish sponsored content of any nature, even if it is related to the field of language and culture.
  • We do not permit the inclusion of promotional materials within the published content of the journal.

Our editorial decisions are solely based on the academic merit and relevance of manuscripts submitted for review. No advertising considerations influence our decisions in any way. The published content of JLC remains entirely independent and free from any commercial influence.

We believe that this policy ensures the highest standards of academic integrity and reader trust. By rejecting advertising, we can focus on publishing high-quality research that contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the field of language and culture.

If you have any questions about our advertising policy, please feel free to contact the Editorial Board at

Direct marketing
JLC adheres to high ethical standards in all direct marketing activities. We ensure that:

  • All information provided about the journal and publisher is accurate and truthful.
  • Marketing materials are clearly identified as such and do not mislead potential authors or readers.
  • We respect the privacy of individuals and comply with relevant data protection regulations.

By implementing these targeted and ethical direct marketing strategies, JLC aims to connect with a wider community of scholars interested in language and culture, attracting high-quality submissions and contributing to the dissemination of valuable research findings.