Development of an Electronic Document Storage System of the Samsung School Group under the Office of Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area 4
Document Storage System; , Electronic Document; , Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office 4Abstract
In today's digital era, organizations are increasingly reducing the use of paper and trying to adjust their working style by adopting methods, and using the information system to manage and manage documents within the organization by scanning documents into digital files. Thus, this research aimed to design and develop an electronic document storage system and to study the satisfaction and feedback of the developed system users using a semi-structured interview. This research study developed a system with a programming language used in website development, PHP. The database management used a Database Management System (DBMS) program, MySQL using the phpMyAdmin tool. In the development process, SDLC was used as a framework for system development. After the development of the system was completed, the system's efficiency was assessed by 2 groups of experts, namely 1) in an aspect of information technology, with a total number of 3 people, and 2) in the aspect of document storage, with the total number of 14 people, the result of the evaluation was at a high level (Mean= 4.59, S.D. = 0.50). The satisfaction of both system administrators and users was rated at the highest level (Mean=4.68, S.D. = 0.46).
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