Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal <div><strong>Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal</strong></div> <div><strong>Old ISSN 2774-0374 (Online): New ISSN 2985-2749 (Online)</strong></div> <div><strong>Crossref Member name: Dr. Ken Institute of Academic Development and Promotion<br />DOI prefix (Crossref): 10.60027</strong></div> <div><strong>Doi Prefix (DataCite): 10.14456</strong></div> <div> <h1><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ThaiJO User Manual</a> </h1> </div> <div><strong>Publishing Policy - Aims and Scope</strong></div> <div>This journal aims to publish research articles, academic articles, review articles, and book reviews in the scope of;</div> <div>- General Social Sciences</div> <div>- Education</div> <div>- Public Administration</div> <div>- Business Administration</div> <div>- Political Science</div> <div>- Religion and Philosophy</div> <div>- Development </div> <div>- Law</div> <div>- Linguistics</div> <div>- Including other Interdisciplinary</div> <div> </div> <div>Articles to be considered for publication have been reviewed by at least 2 to 3 peer reviewers (Double-Blind Peer Review) and published in both Thai and English.</div> <div>Views and opinions appearing in articles published in The Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal are the responsibility of the authors of the articles and not the views of the editors. The Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal does not reserve any copyrights. But give references to show the source. </div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div> <p><strong>Type of Articles</strong></p> <p>1. Research Article is a report of the results of a systematic study, research, or development.</p> <p>2. An Academic Article is a work of writing an interesting topic in which the author presents new knowledge by using theories, concepts, and related research results as information sources.</p> <p>3. Review Article is an article that combines theories, concepts, and research results on many subjects, the author will synthesize the literature in order to compile it into a conclusion or argument on a particular matter, which is a review of the academic progress of that matter.</p> <p> </p> </div> <div><strong>Publication Frequency</strong></div> <div>Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal is a bimonthly journal, (6 issues per year)</div> <div>Issue 1 January-February</div> <div>Issue 2 March-April</div> <div>Issue 3 May-June</div> <div>Issue 4 July-August</div> <div>Issue 5 September-October</div> <div>Issue 6 November-December</div> en-US <p>Copyright on any article in the <strong>Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal</strong> is retained by the author(s) under the under the <a href="">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License</a>. Permission to use text, content, images, etc. of publication. Any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose. But do not use it for commercial use or with the intent to benefit any business.</p> <p><img src="" /></p> (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sanya Kenaphoom) (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sanya Kenaphoom) Sun, 05 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 The Effects of Project Approach Learning Experienced Provision With Graphic Organizers on Responsible Decision-Making Skills in Young Children <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> Responsible decision-making is one component in promoting social and emotional learning. They are important in early childhood because they promote children’s awareness of their own emotions as well as those of others, improve children’s ability to deal with emotions and build good relationships, help them learn to think and make decisions for themselves, and teach them to be socially responsible; all of these skills will help them achieve academic success and improve their ability to be a valuable part of society improve their future job prospects. This research aimed to study the results of organizing learning experiences using a project approach with graphic organizers to improve responsible decision-making skills.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> The sample group consisted of 10 preschool children, both male and female,</p> <p>aged 5-6 years, who were studying in kindergarten year 2/1 in, semester 2 of the academic year 2023, at Wat Tha Kham School, Bang Khun Thian District Office, Bangkok. The research tools consisted of 1) two project approach plans with graphic organizers, and 2) an observation form on the responsible decision-making behavior of young children. Quantitative data analysis was performed using average standard deviation, and qualitative data were analyzed via content and descriptive analysis.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The research results showed that children who learned through a project approach combined with graphic organizers had a higher mean score in responsible decision-making skills after the experiment than before. The aspect with the highest average was acceptance and responsibility for one's actions, followed by selection and predicting results of actions of their own, respectively. From observing behaviors that show responsible decision-making in young</p> <p>children, it was found that in phase 1, in weeks 1-4, children began to accept and take responsibility for their actions. However, they still chose to make their own decisions and could only slightly predict the results of their actions. During phase 2, in weeks 4-8 children learned</p> <p>to accept and take responsibility for their actions and make appropriate decisions and they were able to predict the results of their actions.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Providing a project approach with graphic organizers is a process that encourages children to take action, search for information themselves, develop guidelines, plan, and evaluate situations. Being able to think and decide from a variety of options, results in responsible decisions for oneself and the public, these are important skills that will lead children to be quality members of society in the future.</p> Piyaphat Sawisai, Piyannan Hirunchalothorn , Chalatip Samahito Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sat, 04 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Legal Obstacles to Trade of Economic Timber in Agricultural Land Reform <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> In agricultural land reform areas, laws controlling the timber trade guarantee sustainable forest management by discouraging deforestation and fostering environmental preservation. They also promote economic stability, safeguard landowner rights, and maintain a balance between the production of timber and agriculture for the long-term ecological and economic well-being. Thus, this research aims to study the trade of economic timber within land reformed for agricultural purposes and to find solutions to amend the legal obstacles in trading such timber.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> This research uses a qualitative research method. By studying from documents Other, academic work involves and electronic documents.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The Forestry Act of B.E. 2484 (1941) has been amended under Section 7, which originally classified economic timber as restricted. Possession, felling, and processing of such timber required authorization from officials, regardless of its location within the kingdom. Violations were subject to criminal penalties. However, the amendment to the Forestry Act of B.E. 2484 (8th Revision) now stipulates that restricted timber found on non-forest land can be felled legally if the land is privately owned or possessed under rightful claims, including land with issued rights certificates.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The author identifies a problem in that, although the new law allows landowners with ownership or possession rights to fell, cut, or remove timber on their property, it conversely stipulates that on land granted for usage under specific types of rights certificates, only planted trees may be felled. It is observed that these two cases differ: land granted for usage under specific types of rights certificates cannot have naturally grown timber felled, even though this economic timber, whether naturally grown or planted by humans, should promote the trade of economic timber. This inconsistency undermines the promotion of economic timber trade, which is the principal intent behind the legal amendments. Therefore, this research recommends further revisions to the Forestry Act of B.E. 2484 (1941) to align with the intended principles and rationale.</p> Supawich Puangsuwan, Wanida Sayjan, Tanaphat Narin, Panuwat Singaew Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sun, 05 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Customer Satisfaction Towards Landline Services Provided BY Total Access Communication PLC. <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> Research on landline telephone services is crucial to managing complaints, improving customer satisfaction, and increasing customer retention. Additionally, understanding customer satisfaction levels keeps businesses competitive in the rapidly evolving telecom sector. This research has the following important objectives: 1. Gain knowledge and understanding about customer satisfaction with landline telephone services provided by Total Access Communication Public Company Limited. 2. Use the analysis results to develop a basic telephone service model provided by Total Access Communication Public Company Limited that has standards.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> The subjects used are frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, and Reference statistical analysis. The measurements utilized are a t-test, One-Way Examination of Change (ANOVA), relationship examination, and examination. Stepwise Different Relapse Examination.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> the research found that the investigate found that the investigation of client fulfillment with the landline phone benefit given by Add up to Get to Communication Open Company Restricted among clients in Bangkok Benefit clients in Bangkok (Y<sub>1</sub>) client bunch in Bangkok Open relations side (X<sub>2</sub>) features a P-value of 0.001 less than 0.05 (0.000 &lt; 0.05) and deals advancement side (X<sub>3</sub>) encompasses a P-value of 0.001 less than 0.05 (0.000 &lt; 0.05). It can be composed as a condition. The relapse investigation is as follows: Y=181.516 + 1.344 (X<sub>2</sub>) + 2.312 (X<sub>3</sub>).</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Respondents were satisfied with public relations Very high level, but when considering each aspect, it was found that it was at a high level in every aspect. The average values ​​from highest to lowest are: Getting to know the target group, followed by understanding the behavior of the target group.</p> Ali Sempher, Sitthiporn Porahong, Sirachaya Karawek, Prachak Mahasawat Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Mon, 13 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Guidelines for Developing Public Mind Behavior of High School Students under MahaSarakham Secondary Educational Service Area Office <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> The current crisis regarding the public spirit of youth, especially high school students, reveals that young people are in a state of risk, particularly in various aspects of life. If these risks are not controlled or resolved, they will inevitably have detrimental effects on the future of the youth as valuable human resources of society. Therefore, this research aims to study the public mind behavior of high school students under the MahaSarakham secondary educational service area office. And to study the guidelines for developing the public mind behavior of high school students under the MahaSarakham secondary educational service area office.</p> <p><strong>Methodology: </strong>The research procedures were divided into two phases. The first stage was to study the public mind behavior of high school students, The sample group consisted of 356 individuals, comprising 35 school administrators and 321 teachers, by stratified random sampling based on the size of the educational institutions. The index of consistency ranges between 0.60 and 1.00. The statistics used for data were analyzed by mean, and standard deviation. The second stage was the study of the guidelines for developing the public mind behavior of high school students. The Key informants for studying the guidelines included 6 individuals, and a group of 7 experts was involved in evaluating the guidelines. The tools used in the research were interviews and assessment forms to evaluate the suitability and feasibility of the development guidelines.</p> <p><strong>Results</strong>: 1. The current condition has an overall average at a high level. Ranked from lowest to highest average.: 1) Development through teaching and learning management 2) Development through activities 3)Development through the guidance of parents and community leaders 4) Development through the management of the environment 5) Development through the use of good role models. The guidelines for developing public mind behavior of high school students consist of 11 approaches: 1) Development through the use of good role models (2 approaches) 2)Development through teaching and learning management (2 approaches) 3)Development through the organization of activities (3 approaches) 4) Development through the guidance of parents and community leaders (2 approaches) 5) Development through the management of the environment (2 approaches)</p> <p>The results of the overall assessment of suitability and feasibility are at the highest level.</p> <p>Conclusion: Public mind behavior in students is a characteristic that reflects their participation in activities or situations that benefit others, the community, and society, with a willingness and enthusiasm without expecting any reward. Students with public spirit are those who give and help others, share their happiness for the common good, understand and empathize with those in distress, volunteer to assist society, and conserve the environment using their physical and intellectual efforts. They take action to solve problems or contribute to creating positive changes in the community without expecting anything in return.</p> Sattawat Satthapol, Kritkanok Duangchatom Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sun, 05 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Provision of Arts and Craft Activities Leftover Materials to Promote the Attention of Young Children <p><strong>Background and objectives:</strong> organizing art activities is an effective form of the learning experience. Interesting for children and is consistent with the guidelines for developing attention and focus skills. By performing activities Then complete the activities according to the goals you set. The purpose of this research was to study the effectiveness index of organizing art activities using waste materials to promote the attention and concentration of early childhood children and to compare the attention and concentration of early childhood children before and after organizing art activities using waste materials.</p> <p><strong>Research method:</strong> The target group is 25 preschool children, male and female, aged 3–4 years, who are studying in the first year of kindergarten. The tools used include 1. A plan for organizing art activities using leftover materials to promote attentive and focused behavior in early childhood children 2. Observation model for the attentive and focused behavior of early childhood children. Data was analyzed by determining the effectiveness index, mean, and standard deviation.</p> <p><strong>Research results:</strong> (1) The effectiveness index of the art activity plan using waste materials to promote attentiveness of early childhood children is equal to 0.7307, indicating that early childhood children have increased attentiveness skills. Representing 73.07 percent (2) early childhood children had a higher mean of attentiveness and concentration skills after the experiment (μ = 23.64, good quality level) than the experiment (μ = 14.52, fair quality level), reflecting the belief that the organization of art activities by Use leftover materials Can be used to promote concentration in early childhood children.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The research found that early childhood children who received art activities using waste materials have average skills. Paying attention after organizing activities. It is at a better level (μ = 23.64, σ = 0.95) than before organizing the activity (μ = 14.52, σ = 1.12). Therefore, organizing art activities using leftover materials. As a result, early childhood children developed attentiveness and concentration skills up to 73.07 percent. It is believed that this activity plan is an effective option for promoting attentiveness in early childhood and has a statistically significant effect on the effectiveness index.</p> Suttikhun Kucharo, Pattamavadi Lehmongkol, Chalatip Samahito Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sun, 05 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Development Guidebook for The Life Quality of Elderly Promotion Based on the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy through the Community <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> At present, the global community, including Thailand, has transitioned into an aging society, which impacts national development. The objectives are 1) to study the current condition, problems and needs related to the promotion of the life quality of elderly according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy through the community 2) To develop a guidebook to promote the life quality of elderly according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy through the community and to assess the appropriateness of the guidebook to promote the life quality of elderly according to the sufficiency economy philosophy through the community.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> The research employs a mixed-method approach with the following stages: Stage 1: Document review and current situation analysis. This involves gathering relevant documents and studying the current conditions, problems, and needs related to promoting the quality of life for older adults. A structured questionnaire is used to survey a sample of 400 participants aged 60 and above, residing in Samut Prakan province. Stage 2: Drafting the manual outline. The content framework is established, comprising five aspects based on the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy. Stage 3: Evaluating the manual's suitability. The draft manual is presented to 6 purposively selected Village Health Volunteers (VHVs) and 60 purposively selected older adult representatives from Samut Prakan province. A questionnaire is used to assess the manual's appropriateness. Stage 4: Creating a comprehensive manual containing essential information on improving the quality of life for the elderly based on the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The results showed that the life quality of elderly in Samut Prakan Province according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy Overall, it was at a high level (\overline{x}=3.99) and there was a need for the life quality of elderly improvement according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy through the community in Samut Prakan Province. It was found that the elderly wants community leaders to promote income and expense accounting, find an additional career, take care of health thoroughly both physical and mental health and promote savings. The developed guidebook takes the form of a brochure, comprising a cover page, rationale, objectives, concepts, implementation methods, and expected outcomes. Its content encompasses five key components, including the three rings and two conditions of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy. As for the assessment of the appropriateness level of the guidebook to promote the life quality of elderly according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy through the community by the Village Health Volunteers representatives (VHVs) overall were at a moderate level (\overline{x}=3.44) and assessed the appropriateness level of this guidebook by the elderly representatives overall was at a moderate level (\overline{x}=3.50).</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The findings of this research demonstrate that in developing a guidebook to promote the quality of life for elderly based on the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy through the Community, it is essential to begin by surveying the current issues and development needs of the elderly. This ensures that the guidebook aligns as closely as possible with the community context and the specific requirements of the elderly. The practical methods outlined in the guidebook are designed to enable the elderly to live in accordance with the principles of the Sufficiency Economy. When the appropriateness of the developed guidebook was evaluated by relevant stakeholders, it was found to have an overall moderate level of suitability, indicating its potential for further implementation.</p> Sureeporn Salapsri, Pongpat Wattanapongsiri Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sun, 05 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 The Development of the E-Learning Model for the Public Administration Program Dhonburi Rajabhat University <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> COVID-19: Educational institutions in many countries, including Thailand, have adopted various technologies to facilitate online learning. The objectives of this research are 1) to study the problems and obstacles in teaching E-Learning to students in the Department of Public Administration, Dhonburi Rajabhat University. 2) to find a model suitable for teaching and learning E-Learning for students in the field of Public Administration, Dhonburi Rajabhat University.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> Key informants were specifically selected, including 73 students from the Public Administration program and 32 participants in focus group discussions between teachers and students. The method was in-depth interviews, utilizing semi-structured interview guides with open-ended questions. The data from the interviews were analyzed using content analysis.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The results showed that the problems found in 3 aspects were 1) Teacher's problems such as lectures, and classroom supervision. Practice, exams, program implementation, proficiency, and equipment provision 2) Learner’s problems such as discipline, learning, interoperability, lack of concentration, lack of interaction, health, proficiency, and procurement of equipment, and 3) Equipment and technology problems such as internet signal stability, system stability, and device stability. The appropriate model is an e-learning system that is either a teaching system or online learning. In this approach, teachers plan and design teaching methods for distance learning, aiming to replicate the traditional classroom experience as closely as possible. This is achieved through the use of synchronous communication in the teaching and learning process.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The issues related to teaching and learning can be divided into three main aspects: the teacher, the students, and the equipment and technology. The appropriate teaching model is e-learning, where teachers should plan and design the instruction to closely resemble traditional classroom learning. Additionally, synchronous communication should be utilized to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning.</p> Pongpat Wattanapongsiri, Sureeporn Salapsri Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sun, 05 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Needs for Further Studying in the Doctor of Business Administration Program at Nakhonratchasima College <p><strong>Background and Objectives:</strong> Higher education is the heart of manpower production and development, creates advanced research and innovation, and is the source of knowledge for national development; in developing a new curriculum that is in line with higher education standards, it is necessary to take into account the needs of those who want to continue their education so that those who want to continue their education can gain knowledge and experience from studying that can be applied in practice; including the faculty that organizes studies in the doctoral program, they can use the available resources most efficiently and to benefit those who wish to continue their studies. Therefore, the researcher is interested in studying the needs of studying in the Doctor of Business Administration program of Nakhonratchasima College to use the information obtained to plan the development of the curriculum to be in line with the needs of the students. Therefore, the research objectives were: (1) to study the opinion levels of factors affecting the decision to further study in the Doctor of Business Administration program at Nakhonratchasima College; and (2) to study the relationship between factors affecting the decision to further study in the Doctor of Business Administration program and the needs for further studying in the Doctor of Business Administration program at Nakhonratchasima College.</p> <p><strong>Methodology: </strong>This was the quantitative research. The sample group was the 400 people living in Nakhon Ratchasima Province who hold a master's degree and used the simple random sampling method. The research instrument was the questionnaires. The Data analysis statistics were the mean, standard deviation, Pearson correlation coefficient, and present data in the form of tables, explanations, and summaries of research results.</p> <p><strong>Results::</strong> The opinions on the factors affecting the decision to further study in the Doctor of Philosophy program of the private educational institutions in Nakhon Ratchasima Province found the overall was at a high level; When considering each aspect found: the aspect of opinions of students' expectations was at the highest level, followed by the aspect of educational institution location, the aspect of institution's public relations channels to acknowledge the opening of the course, the aspect of faculty members qualifications, and the aspect of study duration, respectively. The factors of student expectations and the location of the educational institution had a positive relationship with the decision to further study the Doctor of Business Administration program at Nakhon Ratchasima College.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>The results of the research show guidelines for developing the Doctor of Business Administration program that should consider student expectations, especially that the developed curriculum needs to have a variety of course content, and learners can put the knowledge gained to use, including the location of the educational institution is the important role in the decision to study in the program.</p> Sirinthorn Eapsirimetee, Samran Boonchareon, Parinya Kowitwiwat, Wisarn Putchong Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sun, 05 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Academic Administration of Educational Institution Administrators under the Jurisdiction of the Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 <p style="margin: 0cm; text-align: justify; text-justify: inter-cluster; tab-stops: 1.0cm 42.55pt 2.0cm 70.9pt 3.0cm 99.25pt;"><strong><span style="font-size: 16.0pt; font-family: 'TH SarabunPSK',sans-serif;">Background and Aims: </span></strong><span style="font-size: 16.0pt; font-family: 'TH SarabunPSK',sans-serif;">Education is extremely important and an educated person will be able to live well in every society. At present, it can be seen that education changes frequently, thus affecting the context within the school. Therefore, it is necessary to have an educational management agency come in to help develop the school to move it in a better direction. The purposes of this research are to: 1) Study the academic administration level of educational institution administrators under the jurisdiction of the Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. 2) Compare the academic administration of educational institution administrators under the jurisdiction of Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, classified by position and educational level and the size of the educational institution. 3) To study guidelines for developing academic administration of educational institution administrators under the jurisdiction of Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2.</span></p> <p style="margin: 0cm; text-align: justify; text-justify: inter-cluster; tab-stops: 1.0cm 42.55pt 2.0cm 70.9pt 3.0cm 99.25pt;"><strong><span style="font-size: 16.0pt; font-family: 'TH SarabunPSK',sans-serif;">Methodology: </span></strong><span style="font-size: 16.0pt; font-family: 'TH SarabunPSK',sans-serif;">The sample group used in this research consisted of 335 school administrators and teachers. The sample size was determined according to Krejci and Morgan's table and randomly divided into groups. The research instrument was a 5-level rating scale questionnaire with a consistency index between 0.80 - 1.00 and the reliability of the entire questionnaire was 0.88. Statistics used for data analysis include frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, T-value and F-value tests.</span></p> <p style="margin: 0cm; text-align: justify; text-justify: inter-cluster; tab-stops: 1.0cm 42.55pt 2.0cm 70.9pt 3.0cm 99.25pt;"><strong><span style="font-size: 16.0pt; font-family: 'TH SarabunPSK',sans-serif; letter-spacing: -.2pt;">Results: </span></strong><span style="font-size: 16.0pt; font-family: 'TH SarabunPSK',sans-serif; letter-spacing: -.2pt;">The results of the research found that: (1) The level of academic administration of educational institution administrators under the jurisdiction of the Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, overall and each aspect is at a high level. (2) Results of comparing opinions on academic administration of school administrators under the jurisdiction of the Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, classified by position, educational level, and size of educational institution. Overall, they are statistically significantly different at the .05 level. (3) Guidelines for promoting development academic administration of educational institution administrators under the jurisdiction of the Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, it consists of 17 areas, including 1) development or operations regarding giving opinions on the development of local curriculum content, 2) academic planning, 3) teaching and learning management in educational institutions, 4) curriculum development in educational institutions, 5) development of the learning process, 6) measurement, evaluation and transfer of academic results, 7) research to develop the quality of education in educational institutions, 8) development and promotion of learning resources, 9) educational supervision, 10) guidance, 11) development of quality assurance systems and educational standards, 12) promotion of communities to be academically strong, 13) coordination and cooperation in development Academics with educational institutions and other organizations, 14) promoting and supporting academic work for individuals, kitchens, organizations, and agencies establishments and other institutions that provide education, 15) regulation preparation and guidelines regarding the academic work of educational institutions, 16) book selection textbooks for use in educational institutions, 17) development and use of educational technology media. </span></p> <p style="margin: 0cm; text-align: justify; text-justify: inter-cluster; tab-stops: 1.0cm 42.55pt 2.0cm 70.9pt 3.0cm 99.25pt;"><strong><span style="font-size: 16.0pt; font-family: 'TH SarabunPSK',sans-serif;">Results:</span></strong><span style="font-size: 16.0pt; font-family: 'TH SarabunPSK',sans-serif;"> Academic administration of educational institution administrators under the jurisdiction of Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, it was found that the development and use of educational technology media It can be used to help manage work well and efficiently. This will be able to lead the organization and personnel to continuous development.</span></p> Sunanta Khammadee, Suvijuk Mansaraneeyatham, Wiralphat Wongwatkasem Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sun, 05 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 A Study of Development Guidelines for Using Information Technology for Educational Management under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Nakhon Phanom <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> A study of development guidelines for using information technology for Educational Management under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Nakhon Phanom. This research aims to study the current and desired conditions of information technology for the administration of educational institutions, study the necessary needs of using information technology for the administration of educational institutions, and study guidelines for using information technology for the administration of educational institutions under the Nakhon Phanom Secondary Education Area Office.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> The sample group in this research was 315 school administrators and teachers under the Nakhon Phanom Secondary Education Area Office, using stratified random sampling without proportion. The study was structured through interviews with 10 experts, obtained from the purposive selection. The instrument was a questionnaire regarding the current state of the use of information technology for the administration of educational institutions, a questionnaire regarding the desired conditions of the use of information technology for the administration of educational institutions, a structured interview form and evaluation form for suitability and feasibility of guidelines for using information technology for school administration under the Nakhon Phanom Secondary Education Area Office. Data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation, and the adjusted need importance index value.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> 1) The current information technology for the administration of educational institutions under the Nakhon Phanom Secondary Education Area Office was at a high level. The desired conditions of information technology for the administration of educational institutions were at the highest level. 2) The necessary needs of using information technology for the administration of educational institutions under the Nakhon Phanom Secondary Education Area Office, arranged from highest to lowest budget management, general administration, academic administration, and personnel management. 3) The guidelines for using information technology for the administration of educational institutions under the Nakhon Phanom Secondary Education Area Office In terms of general administration, there are 5 areas and 19 approaches. In terms of budget management, there are 4 areas and 14 approaches. The results of the evaluation of the appropriateness and feasibility of the guidelines for using information technology for the administration of educational institutions are at the highest level.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The status of using information technology for the administration of educational institutions under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Nakhon Phanom, the level is high. But there are ideal conditions at the highest level. Corresponds to the need to improve guidelines for the use of administrative information technology by school administrators. In addition, guidelines for developing the use of information technology from experts show the highest level of suitability and feasibility. Corresponds to the potential effectiveness of the guidelines for improving the use of administrative information technology by school administrators.</p> Ekachai Chaimuen, Saksit Rittilun, Rutchadaporn Ngoiphuthon Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sun, 05 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Innovative Approaches of Moral Education in Colleges and Universities: A Case of Sichuan Institute of Industrial <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> With profound changes in the Chinese economy, The social structure should be observed. Interest pattern Ideological concept and the dangers hidden in the ideology and morality of contemporary college students. This study examined the state of moral education in colleges and universities.</p> <p><strong>Research Methodology</strong>: The impact of moral education on the quality of character in college students. Problems of moral education today and the cause of the problem Then I analyzed the innovation path of moral education in colleges and universities.</p> <p><strong>Results: </strong>According to the descriptive statistics of background variables, it was found that the highest percentage of gender was "female" at 65.9%, while the second grade had the highest percentage of 100. 40.0 each. The major field of study “Science and Engineering” has the highest proportion (66.9 %) in terms of political profile. "Members of the Communist Youth League" had the highest proportion, 75.0%. In terms of academic performance, "moderate" had the highest proportion, 57.6%. For the "urban" student source category, the proportion was 54.0%.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> When combined with the above analysis Students should emphasize the importance of moral education in colleges and universities. Students should value the role of self-study and emphasize innovative strategies such as self-monitoring, self-discipline, and self-control.</p> Dingyong Xiong, Sujin Butdisuwan, Piyapun Santaveesuk Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sun, 05 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 The Management of Hong Hiang Inherits Lanna Wisdom in Chiang Mai, Thailand <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> Hong Hiang Inherits Lanna Wisdom in Chiang Mai is a private educational institution established in 1997 to preserve Lanna's wisdom and cultural knowledge. The objective of this study is to investigate the development and management principles of the Lanna Wisdom School in Chiang Mai, Thailand.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> This qualitative research involved collecting data from documents and conducting interviews with 12 participants, including 1 administrator, 1 teacher, 5 students, and 5 parents. Interviews were used as the primary data collection tool, and data were analyzed using descriptive analysis to provide a clear overview of the school's management and development.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> Hong Hiang Inherits Lanna Wisdom is a well-maintained school that offers a diverse curriculum covering various Lanna cultural subjects. Based on the 4P theory, the school's management principles focus on curriculum development, tuition fees, facility management, and promotion, ensuring it meets community needs and attracts students through effective word-of-mouth and social media efforts.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>Hong Hiang Inherits Lanna Wisdom's management effectively addresses community needs through curriculum development, tuition fees, facility management, and diverse promotion, utilizing the 4P theory. Recommendations include curriculum development, fee adjustments, facility improvements, and further socio-economic studies.</p> Zhengqin Pang, Peerapong Sensai Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sun, 05 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Quality of Civil Registration Services: A Case Study of the Registration Office, Pakham District, Buriram Province <p><strong>Background and Aims: </strong>High-quality civil registration services are essential to guarantee accurate and reliable records of life events, such as births, marriages, and deaths, which are required for legal rights, public administration, and personal identification. High-quality services enable the development of vital statistics for the nation's progress, the efficient provision of social services, and public health planning. The present study aims (1) to investigate the public's perception of the Pakham District Registration Office in Buriram Province's civil registration services. And (2) To research suggestions and opinions about the Pakham District Registration Office in Buriram Province's civil registration services.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> Three areas make up this quantitative study: (1) the service aspect; (2) the location and facilities; and (3) the personnel aspect. Data will be collected from June to July 2024 for a sample of 380 individuals. A questionnaire was utilized as the data collection tool, and statistics were used to analyze the data and produce standard deviations (SD), averages, and percentages.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> Conditions for civil registration services provided by Buriram Province's Pakham District Registration Office All things considered, each is at the level A great deal, sorted as follows from the side with a high average to the low one. Location and amenities personnel and the service element, respectively. Regarding suggestions and opinions regarding the terms of civil registration services provided by the Pakham District Registration Office in Buriram Province, for instance, please let us know if a lot of people contact the office at any given time to request services. The inability of the staff to meet demand results in service delivery delays for the general public. Regarding the service area, the Ban Na San District Registration Office has made it wheelchair-accessible and equipped with a service point on the first floor to make it suitable for service recipients. Wheelchairs can enter the area under the counter without any obstacles because it is free of space. In order to be ready to serve the public and adhere to public health regulations, the Pakham District Registration Office should ask the Department of Provincial Administration for budget support to install automatic sliding doors at the entrances and exits of the District Registration Office.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The Pakham District Registration Office in Buriram Province is widely regarded for its excellent civil registration services, particularly with regard to its location, amenities, staff, and service quality. Notwithstanding, certain obstacles persist, such as inadequate workforce during high-demand periods and the requirement for improved accessibility facilities, such as automated sliding doors. These underscore the necessity of improving public service efficiency and accessibility in these areas.</p> Chanyanut Kongnanta, Thanyarat Phutthiphongchaicharn , Sataporn Wichairam Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sun, 05 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Factor Analysis Active Learning Competencies of Teachers at the Roi-Et Primary Educational Service Area Office <p><strong>Background and Aims</strong>: Active learning increases student engagement and makes learning more dynamic and interactive, so teachers' ability to plan and facilitate it is essential. Along with fostering critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, this competency equips students for challenges they may face in the real world. Thus, the objectives of this research are: (1) To study the components of active learning competencies of teachers under the jurisdiction of Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office and 2) To study the active learning competencies of teachers under the Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> The sample group used in this study consists of teachers hired by the Office of the Primary Education Service Area, Roi Et, for the 2023–2024 school year, which came from the Office of the Primary Education Service Area, Roi Et, determining the sample size of 380 individuals through stratified random sampling from teachers in each school area. A 5-level rating scale questionnaire with a reliability value of.96 serves as the data collection tool. The statistics used in data analysis include mean, standard deviation, principal component extraction using the Principal Component Method, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) by rotating the axis (Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization) and rotating the axis with varimax to collect or reduce the observed variables.</p> <p><strong>Result</strong>: Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) has a cumulative variance component weight of 80.951 at the 0.05 level of statistical significance. The variables that were noted are as follows: (1) In terms of learning design, it was found that teachers have a high level of proactive learning management competency. When considering each item, the top 3 items with the highest mean values ​​are: teachers set learning objectives, followed by teachers set appropriate teaching time, and teachers improve teaching and learning. (2) In terms of learner-centered learning management, it was found that teachers have a high level of proactive learning management competency. When considering each item, the top 3 items with the highest mean values ​​are: teachers study learners’ needs or interests by allowing learners to participate in learning, followed by teachers using teaching media to practice thinking, problem-solving, and knowledge discovery, and teachers using teaching media to practice thinking, problem-solving, and knowledge discovery. (3) In terms of using and developing learning media, it was found that teachers have a high level of proactive learning management competency. When considering each item The top 3 items with the highest mean values ​​are: Teachers select teaching media that match the characteristics of the lesson content, followed by: Teachers analyze the characteristics and nature of the learners, and Teachers select teaching interesting media and attract attention. (4) In terms of learning assessment, it was found that teachers have a high level of proactive learning management competency. When considering each item, the top 3 items with the highest mean values ​​are: Teachers determine the characteristics they want to measure according to the learning objectives, followed by: Teachers determine assessment objectives that are consistent with the learning objectives, and Teachers compile and integrate various data from all items measured.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The analysis of the components of the survey of the competence of active learning management of teachers under the Office of the Primary Education Area, Roi Et, found that it consists of 4 components, 44 variables, with weights, components between 0.528 and 0.864, consisting of learning design, learning management that focuses on learners, use and development of learning media, measurement, and evaluation of learning outcomes.</p> Chusana Singsathit, Athit Athan, Atchariya Promtow Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sun, 05 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 The Role of School Administrators in Relation to School and Community of School under the Bangkok Secondary Education Service Area Office 2 <p><strong>Background and Aims: </strong>To improve resources and support for students and to create a collaborative environment, school administrators play a critical role in school-community relations. Trust and engagement are fostered by competent administrators, strengthening and broadening the educational community. Thus, this research was a survey that aimed to study and compare the roles of school administrators in school-community relationships at schools operating under the Bangkok Secondary Educational Service Area Office 2.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> The sample group used in the research was 357 teachers in schools under the Office of the Secondary Education Area of ​​Bangkok Area 2, which were obtained by stratified random sampling. The research instrument was a questionnaire that passed the content validity test by finding the Index of Congruence (IOC) and the Alpha Coefficient reliability value according to Cronbach's method, with a reliability value of 0.995. The statistics used in the data analysis were: Descriptive statistics, t-test (Paired Samples t-test), and F-test (One-Way ANOVA)<strong>. </strong></p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> (1) Teachers' opinions towards the roles of school administrators in a school-community relationship of schools under the Bangkok Secondary Educational Service Area Office 2 as a whole and each aspect were relationship building; participation in public relations activities and monitoring and evaluation at a high level. (2) A comparison of teachers' opinions toward the roles of school administrators in terms of the relationship between schools and communities of schools under the Bangkok Secondary Educational Service Area Office 2 classified by educational qualifications, positions, and size of schools. can be summarized as follows; (2.1) Qualified teachers had different opinions on the roles of school administrators in the relationship between schools and communities of schools under the Bangkok Secondary Educational Service Area Office 2 as a whole and each aspect. had no difference. (2.2) Teachers with titles and teachers working in educational institutions of different sizes had their opinions on the roles of school administrators in the relationship between school and community of schools under the Bangkok Secondary Educational Service Area Office 2 as a whole and each aspect had no difference.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> According to the study, teachers consistently and favorably view the roles that school administrators play in fostering relationships between the school and the community through a variety of activities. Furthermore, these opinions do not significantly differ according to the roles, enrollment numbers, or educational backgrounds of the teachers.</p> Natarinee Kunsorn Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Mon, 06 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Apply a Learning and Innovation Platform for the Management of Agricultural Waste following a Sustainable Bio-Circular-Green Economy Model <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> Currently, government entities regularly explore ways to solve problems in the grassroots economy, but these efforts are still inconsistent and do not align with development objectives. It affects the sustainable development of the grassroots economy. The study team observed that agricultural waste has a direct and indirect effect on the environment's quality of life. Create a concept framework for designing and developing models based on the Learning and Innovation Platform (LIP) “Receive-Adapt-Use-Transfer” (Learning and Innovation Community, Program Management Unit on Area Based Development (PMU A)) The management of agricultural waste according to the BCG model is an example of the integration of network partners in all sectors in developing the grassroots economy for stability and sustainability.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> Participation in designing community development concepts according to the concept design of the Learning and Innovation Platform (LIP): a learning platform that uses learning by doing (Receive-Adapt-Use-Transfer) to convey knowledge on Community-Innovation-Management to promote sustainability.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> It was found that 1) the research team had developed an innovation model, learning program, and procedure for high-efficiency furnaces in collaboration with network partners and local specialists. Upgrading furnaces with great efficiency and temperatures over 600 °C. And creating a learning innovation platform (Learning and Innovation Platform; LIP) “Receive-Adjust-Use-Transfer” for the community, together with driving with network partners. 2) Results from using the process model and learning curriculum to develop innovative community members (Innovators) with knowledge of highly efficient biomass charcoal kilns. That answers the needs of the community and can solve the problem of smoke from burning and improve the quality of life of the charcoal-producing professional group. 30 people have the skills to analyze and select the type of raw materials to use for burning agricultural waste in the area. Value and the results have been expanded to be transferred to other communities. 3) From the analysis of social return (SROI), the value is equal to 0.67, less than the high investment cost. This is because the target group does not have basic skills in producing high-efficiency charcoal kilns.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The results of such research can be applied using the Learning and Innovation Platform (LIP) "Receive-Adapt-Use-Transfer" model created by the cooperation of network partners in all sectors. It is used and extended to improve the quality of life in the community and can be transferred to achieve sustainable development.</p> Teadkait Kaewpuang, Jarunan Chainam, Piyaphong Yongphet Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Mon, 06 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 The Development of an Instructional Model Based on Design Thinking to Enhance The Innovative Abilities of Undergraduate Students Majoring In Special Education <p><strong>Background and Aims</strong>: The development of an instructional model based on design thinking focused on learning through design and problem-solving process. The outstanding features of this model were that the students could learn by doing and use their creativity for innovative development. The objectives of this study were: 1. to study the problems and needs for the instructional model to enhance the innovative abilities of undergraduate students majoring in special education, and 2. to develop the instructional model based on design thinking to enhance the innovative abilities of undergraduate students majoring in special education.</p> <p><strong>Methodology</strong>: The research methodology was divided into 2 steps. The first step was to study the problems and needs for the instructional model to enhance the innovative abilities of undergraduate students majoring in special education. The target groups were 30 undergraduate students, 5 teachers, 5 teachers and specialists in the field of students with special needs. The second step was to develop the instructional model based on design thinking to enhance the innovative abilities of undergraduate students majoring in special education. The target groups were 5 experts and 20 undergraduate students majoring in special education. The data was analyzed using the mean (M), the standard deviation (SD), and the content analysis.</p> <p><strong>Results</strong>: According to the study of the problems and needs for the instructional model to enhance the innovative abilities of undergraduate students majoring in special education by 30 students, it was found that the expected value was higher than the real value. Moreover, the average mean score was 4.64/4.21 and the standard deviation score was 0.61/1.04. Furthermore, from 5 experts’ assessments of the appropriation of the instructional model based on design thinking to enhance the innovative abilities of undergraduate students majoring in special education, the average mean score was 4.85 and the standard deviation score was 0.36. The level of appropriation was at the highest level. Additionally, 5 experts evaluated the appropriateness of the handout for the instructional model based on design thinking to enhance the innovative abilities of undergraduate students majoring in special education. The average mean score was 4.91 and the standard deviation score was 0.29. The level of appropriation was at the highest level.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: The elements of the instructional model based on design thinking to enhance the innovative abilities of undergraduate students majoring in special education consisted of 1) the principles; 2) the objectives; 3) the instructional procedures based on design thinking, which contained 3.1 Consider, 3.2 Idea, 3.3 Prototype, and 3.4 Trial; 4) the support for the media and learning resources; 5) the evaluation and revision; and 6) the role leading to innovative development.</p> Nampech Tasaboomrung, Siriwan Vanichwatanavorachai Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Mon, 06 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 A Study of the Results of Using the Flipped Classroom and Video Teaching Methods in Classroom Action Research Course <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> This study is a classroom action research, to solve the problem of the proportion of practice time promoting students' learning and academic achievement in classroom action research course. This research aims to (1) study the academic achievement of students using the flipped classroom and video teaching methods in a classroom action research course and (2) compare the academic achievement of students using the flipped classroom and video teaching methods in a classroom action research course.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> This research used quasi-experimental research, and was conducted with 75 undergraduate students, at Ramkhamhaeng University, who registered and took the examination of classroom action research course (37 students participated in the flipped classroom teaching method and 38 used the video teaching method). The research instruments were lesson plans using flipped classroom teaching method and the academic achievement exams. The data were analyzed using basic statistics, including mean and standard deviation.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> Findings are as follows. (1) For The academic achievement of students using the flipped classroom teaching method, the mean score was 39.12, and the standard deviation was 3.345, and for the academic achievement of students using the video teaching methods, the mean score was 27.55 and the standard deviation was 3.564 from 50 points. (2) The average academic achievement of students using the flipped classroom teaching method is higher than using the video teaching methods (39.12 &gt; 27.55)</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The flipped classroom teaching method is possible to solve the problem of proportional practice time by responding to the diverse needs and abilities of students effective learning occurs. Students also develop teamwork and communication skills, promote critical thinking and problem solving, including a positive attitude towards studying in the action research course in the classroom.</p> Roongporn Klyprayong Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Mon, 06 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Community Waste Management in Nong Chok District, Bangkok <p><strong>Background and Aims</strong>: Effective community waste management reduces pollution in the environment and improves public health by recycling and appropriately disposing of waste. It also promotes community accountability for maintaining sustainability and a clean, healthy environment. The objective is to qualitatively research the operational model for the Baomai waste management group in the eastern Bangkok area.</p> <p><strong>Methodology</strong>: Waste management is applied to manage in the community in the form of integrated waste management and management is carried out following the dimensions of each community. This is done with the help of the award-winning prototype community Khoi Ruddin and the pilot community, as well as by inviting a sample group of five communities as research tools, attending seminars, conducting interviews, and gathering data from all five communities.</p> <p><strong>Results</strong>: It was found that it is truly a pilot project for other communities, a practical tool that can be used in large-scale studies related to waste, adjusted to create dimensions in each community. In addition, it was found that the issue of waste management by creating a culture of environmental conservation in the community and the relationship between garbage and the environment and people.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: Creating a culture of cleanliness in the community that has an impact on the environment and eliminating abnormal waste is a problem. The application of the model communities resulted in all five communities creating value and expanding the results to create efficiency in managing other communities in the future.</p> Watchara Yeesoontes, Pornphen Kladvaiyanate, Charuvan Kasemsap, Chiratus Ratanamaneichat, Tosaporn Mahamud, Somkid Chaiponoi Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Tue, 07 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Comparison of Academic Achievement in Thai Language 4 Subject: Kap Ho Klong Praphas Than Thong Daeng for Mathayom 2 Students at Samutsakhonwittayalai School, Between Teaching with Additional Reading Materials and Normal Teaching <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> This research aimed to (1) create the additional reading materials of Kap Ho Klong Praphas Than Thong Daeng for Mathayom 2 students in 8 books to have efficiency according to the criteria of 80/80 (2) compare the academic achievement in Thai language 4 subject: Kap Ho Klong Praphas Than Thong Daeng for Mathayom 2 students between teaching with additional reading materials and normal teaching (3) to study Mathayom 2 students’ satisfaction for the additional reading materials in Thai language 4 subject: Kap Ho Klong Praphas Than Thong Daeng.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> The sample group was Mathayom 2/4 students at Samutsakhonwittayalai School, Samut Sakhon studying in semester 2/2023 which was obtained from simple random sampling. Then drew lots to choose students from 2 classrooms. One of them was an experimental group teaching with additional reading materials, which was Mathayom 2/4 students. The another was a control group using normal teaching, which was Mathayom 2/6 students. Research tools included 8 lesson plans using additional reading materials, 8 lesson plans using normal teaching, 8 additional reading materials, academic achievement test in Thai language 4 subject: Kap Ho Klong Prapas Than Thong Daeng with 4 multiple choices and 30 questions, and questionnaire on satisfaction for teaching with additional reading materials in Thai language 4 subject: Kap Ho Klong Praphas Than Thong Daeng with 10 questions. Scoring criteria was verified by experts and analyzed the Index of Consistency (IOC). Data was analyzed by using mean (xˉ ), standard deviation (S.D.), and independent t-test.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The research results were summarized as follows. (1) The additional reading materials of Kap Ho Klong Praphas Than Thong Daeng for Mathayom 2 students reached the efficiency according to the criteria of 80/80 which was 81.42/83.08. (2) The academic achievement in the Thai language 4 subjects: Kap Ho Klong Praphas Than Thong Daeng for Mathayom 2 students teaching with additional reading materials was higher than normal teaching, statistically significant at .05. (3) Students were satisfied by teaching additional reading materials in Thai language 4 subject: Kap Ho Klong Praphas Than Thong Daeng at a higher level.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>The study found that, when compared to standard teaching methods, the additional reading materials for Mathayom 2 students in Thai language education significantly improved academic achievement and increased student satisfaction with the teaching approach. They also met and exceeded the efficiency criteria.</p> Sukanda Sawasdimongkol Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Tue, 07 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Guidelines for Developing Wellness Spa Facilities for Tourism in Chiang Mai <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> Wellness tourism is gaining popularity, particularly in Chiang Mai province, which has natural and cultural resources suitable for wellness spa businesses. However, there are challenges in improving quality and service standards. This study aimed to investigate: 1) foreign tourists' perception and satisfaction levels with health spa services in Chiang Mai, 2) the influence of service use perception on satisfaction, and 3) strategies for developing health spa establishments for tourism in Chiang Mai.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> The study employed a mixed-method approach. Quantitative research involved a questionnaire distributed to foreign tourists using spa services in Chiang Mai. The questionnaire had an IOC value of 0.80 and a confidence value of 0.968. This qualitative research employed purposive sampling with 18 informants: 6 spa entrepreneurs (in-depth interviews) and 12 tourism and spa experts (focus groups). Data analysis utilized descriptive and inferential statistics, including t-test, ANOVA, and Multiple Regression Analysis.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> 1) The perception of spa standards was high (Mean = 3.87), with service scoring highest (Mean = 4.09), followed by marketing (Mean = 3.85) and management (Mean = 3.67). 2) The perception of spa standards significantly positively influenced satisfaction. The three independent variables explained 52.4% of the variance in satisfaction. 3) Guidelines for developing wellness spa facilities for tourism in Chiang Mai: blend culture with innovation, develop staff, utilize technology, promote sustainability, build partnerships. Consider standard implementation, adaptability, and international competition.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> To develop wellness spas in Chiang Mai, focus should be on improving service quality and creating a distinctive identity by blending Lanna culture with service innovation. Enhancing personnel skills in massage techniques is crucial for creating impressive customer experiences. Additionally, emphasis should be placed on marketing and management development to increase the competitiveness of the wellness spa business in Chiang Mai.</p> Anita Krueprayong, Weera Weerasophon Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Tue, 07 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Educational Institution Administration Toward Excellence <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> Educational institutions need to be effectively managed to foster an environment that supports both high academic achievement and personal development to guarantee that students receive a high-quality education. Effective management also enhances resource allocation, curriculum implementation, and staff morale, all of which contribute to the institution's overall excellence and reputation. This paper aims to collect concepts and principles of educational administration towards excellence. Content from various reliable sources has been analyzed, reasoned, and written academically.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> This study is a study of concepts, theories, and academic documents. The content is analyzed and then presented descriptively according to the objectives.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The administrator of education who elevates the quality of the educational establishment, there must be 10 important principles, consisting of 1) The organization's leader must have a clear vision, 2) Focusing on learning as the core, 3) Organizational learning, 4) Giving value to teachers, personnel, and participants, 5) Agility, enthusiasm, 6) Looking to the future, 7) Managing for innovation, 8) Public/social responsibility, 9) Focusing on results and creating value, and 10) Systemic management.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Administrators must abide by ten fundamental principles, such as having a clear vision, emphasizing core learning, and valuing all stakeholders, to improve the quality of educational institutions. Together, these values create a progressive, creative, and goal-oriented atmosphere that guarantees systemic and long-term quality in education.</p> Tanaporn Saelim, Wirapoj Kokkasam, Atitaya Woranit Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Tue, 07 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 The Study of a Learning Management Model for Thai Reading Based on Constructivist Theory in Conjunction with Cooperative Learning to Enhance Reading Competency for Grade 6 Students <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> Organizing learning to read Thai that will <strong>Somprasong Klinjek </strong>promote students' reading ability. Teaching methods and learning management formats must be adjusted accordingly, which will help develop and encourage students to have increased reading ability. Become a learner in the 21<sup>st</sup> century who has the ability to read and create knowledge. and applying knowledge to develop creativity into innovations in reading. The aims of this research were to: 1) study the basic data and elements of a learning management model for thai reading based on constructivist theory in conjunction with cooperative Learning to enhance reading competency for grade 6 students, and 2) develop a learning management model for thai reading based on constructivist theory in conjunction with cooperative Learning to enhance reading competency for grade 6 students.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> This research used a mixed-method research which was conducted through 2 interrelated stages. Stage 1; the synthesis of components an instructional model and approved by 11 educators using the delphi technique and Stage 2; the developing of an instructional model and approved by 5 educators. The sample group was students in Prathom 6/2 at Sankhaburi Kindergarten School. Under the Chainat Primary Educational Service Area Office, 30 people are studying in the second semester of the 2023 academic year. The tools used in the research were: 1) Assessment of basic information and elements of the learning management model 2) Assessment of the quality of the learning management model and 3) Reading competency assessment for grade 6 students. The statistics used in this research included the percent mean and standard deviation.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> 1. The results of the study of the basic information and components of the learning management model found that the basic information of the learning management model includes: 1) conditions for learning to read thai, 2) learning management format, 3) reading competency, and 4) components of reading competency. As for the elements of the learning management model, it consists of 5 elements: 1) principles, 2) objectives, 3) contents, 4) learning management processes, which consists of 5 steps: (1) Step of surveying previous experiences Adding new knowledge (2) Problem setting and grouping step (3) Research and practice step (4) Development and application step, can be extended (5) Evaluation step exchange knowledge and 5) measurement and evaluation. and 2. The results of evaluating the quality of the developed learning management model found that the learning management model was appropriate at the highest level ( \bar{x} = 4.73, S.D.= 0.11)</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Research results indicate that learning management model for thai reading based on constructivist theory in conjunction with cooperative Learning to enhance reading competency for grade 6 students, this development can be used in organizing learning activities. As a result, learners will have learning outcomes that reflect the development of abilities, skills, and attitudes, being able to integrate knowledge and apply it in real life and students learn through grouping processes It will help develop and encourage students to have increased reading ability.</p> Somprasong Klinjek, Suwana Juithong, Wassaporn Jirojphan Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Tue, 07 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Integrated Marketing Communications that Affect the Image of the Miss Grand Thailand Pageant and to Promote Tourism in Thailand <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> Miss Grand Thailand pageant is a significant platform for promoting Thai tourism and culture, generating revenue, and enhancing the country's image. It attracts tourists, stimulates spending in related businesses, showcases Thai culture to the world, and positions Thailand as an attractive tourist destination. Additionally, it promotes the Thai beauty and fashion industry, creates business opportunities, and develops tourism personnel. The pageant serves as both a beauty contest and an effective marketing tool for promoting the country's tourism. This research aims to 1) study the perception through integrated marketing communications of Miss Grand Thailand, 2) compare opinions on integrated marketing communications influencing the perception of Miss Grand Thailand, and 3) examine the influence of integrated marketing communications on the perception of Miss Grand Thailand.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> A mixed-method approach was employed, combining quantitative research using an online questionnaire with 500 samples selected through systematic sampling (IOC = 0.67, reliability = 0.920), and qualitative research through in-depth interviews with 9 key informants. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, including t-test, ANOVA, and Multiple Regression Analysis.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The study found that 1) respondents had a moderate level of perception through integrated marketing communications, especially in social media and digital trend creation; 2) gender, age, education level, and income significantly affected the perception of integrated marketing communications of Miss Grand Thailand (p &lt; 0.05), while occupation and domicile did not; 3) integrated marketing communications positively correlated with the image of Miss Grand Thailand (p &lt; 0.001), with high correlations in electronic communications (r = 0.689) and public relations (r = 0.618), and moderate correlations in viral marketing, advertising, sales promotion, and direct marketing.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Integrated marketing communications focusing on digital media and creating shared experiences are highly effective in generating positive perceptions and attitudes towards Miss Grand Thailand. Strategies should be tailored to the demographic characteristics of target groups to enhance the promotion of Thai tourism and culture through the pageant.</p> Thawat Santipongchaisri, Weera Weerasophon Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Wed, 08 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Administration of the School’s Student Support System under the Office of Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area 2 <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> The student support system is a process in school education management. This is a measure to take care of students and prevent them from dropping out of the education system. According to the policy of the Ministry of Education and the focus of the Bangkok Secondary Educational Service Area Office 2 on safety, learners, teachers, educational personnel, and educational institutions. To provide students with educational opportunities With the administration model of the student care and assistance system of the Office of the Basic Education Commission. The research results were found that. 1) Administration of the student support system of educational institutions Under the Office of Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area 2, overall and on each side, was at a high level. 2) The result of a comparative analysis of opinions about the administration of the student support system of educational institutions Under the Office of Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area 2, according to the opinions of teachers Classified by educational qualification Work experience, and school size.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> The sample group used in the research was teachers in educational institutions Under the Office of Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area 2 Academic Year 2022 and using a stratified sampling method. By using Cohen's ready-made table (Cohen, Manion, and Morrison, 2011), a total of 365 people. The research tool was a questionnaire about the administration of the student care and support system of educational institutions. under the Office of the Secondary Education Service Area 2, a total of 54 items passed the confidence analysis. (Reliability) of the questionnaire using the alpha coefficient method (α = Coefficient) according to the (Cronbach) method received a score equal to .993 Data were analyzed using a packaged program. The statistics used in the research were basic statistics, t-test, one-way analysis of variance, and Scheffé's method.</p> <p><strong>Results: </strong>1) Administration of the student support system of educational institutions Under the Office of Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area 2, overall and on each side, was at a high level. 2) The result of a comparative analysis of opinions about the administration of the student support system of educational institutions Under the Office of Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area 2, according to the opinions of teachers Classified by educational qualification Work experience, and school size, It was found that. 2.1) the administration of the student support system of educational institutes Under the Office of Bangkok Secondary Educational Service Area, Region 2 according to teachers' opinions classified by educational qualifications as a whole and in different areas. 2.2) The administration of the student support system of educational institutions Under the Office of Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area 2, according to the opinions of teachers Classified by work experience Overall each aspect is different. statistically significant at the .05 level except screening students and student forwarding no difference. 2.3) The administration of the student support system of educational institutions Under the Office of Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area 2, according to the opinions of teachers Classified by the size of educational institutes as a whole, and each aspect was not different. Except for knowing students individually, they were different in statistical significance at the .05 level.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The Office of Bangkok Primary Educational Service Area 2, which is in charge of the school's student support system, has effectively organized detailed plans and manuals to enhance teacher comprehension and student development. They ensure a methodical approach to student care and behavior modification through advisor coordination and parent participation.</p> Maturada Srisuk, Kanyamon Indusut Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Thu, 09 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Guidelines for Developing Historical and Cultural Tourism in Ang Thong Province for Thai Tourists <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> Historical and cultural tourism in Ang Thong province has high potential for local economic development, but lacks in-depth studies on tourists' behavior and decision-making factors. This research aimed to 1) study the behavior of historical and cultural tourists in Ang Thong province, 2) compare tourist attractions and environmental conditions affecting decisions to visit historical and cultural sites in Ang Thong province, 3) examine factors influencing decisions to engage in historical and cultural tourism in Ang Thong province, and 4) propose guidelines for developing historical and cultural tourism in Ang Thong province.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> A mixed-method approach was employed, combining quantitative research using questionnaires with 500 Thai tourists through systematic sampling (IOC = 0.67, reliability = 0.902) and qualitative research through in-depth interviews with 9 stakeholders. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, including t-test, ANOVA, and correlation analysis.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The study found that 1) most tourists were family and friend groups, preferring one-day trips on weekends; 2) facilities and safety were the most crucial factors in tourism decision-making; 3) travel purposes and duration were secondary factors; 4) eight development guidelines were proposed, including infrastructure development, safety promotion, tourism activity development, public relations, local culture conservation, personnel development, cooperation integration, and budget management.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The proposed guidelines for developing historical and cultural tourism in Ang Thong province will help elevate tourism efficiency and sustainability, positively impacting long-term economic development and quality of life for local communities.</p> Tassanai Karnjanapong, Weera Weerasophon Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Thu, 09 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 The Effectiveness of The Crime Prevention and Suppression Policy of Metropolitan Police Division 2, Bangkok Metropolitan <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> Crime suppression and prevention play a critical role in improving public safety by lowering the frequency of criminal activity and creating a safe environment for communities. By reducing the financial and social costs of crime, such as court cases, jail time, and rehabilitation, these policies also conserve resources. The research aimed to 1) study the effectiveness of the crime prevention and suppression policy of Metropolitan Police Division 2, Bangkok, 2) analyze the factors affecting the effectiveness of the crime prevention and suppression policy of Metropolitan Police Division 2, Bangkok, and 3) propose guidelines for developing the effectiveness of the crime prevention and suppression policy of Metropolitan Police Division 2, Bangkok.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> This paper uses a mixed research method consisting of quantitative research with data collection using questionnaires from 400 officers using Taro Yamane's (1973) sample size calculation formula, and qualitative research with data collection by interviewing 11 key informants using purposive selection. Data collection instruments were questionnaires and interviews. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and content analysis.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The research results found that: (1) The effectiveness level of the 10 crime prevention and suppression policies was found to be at a high level overall. When considering each aspect, it was found that the aspect with the highest average value was materials and equipment, followed by management processes, organizational culture, personnel at a high level, information technology, budget at a high level, strategic planning, cross-functional teams, and evaluation at a medium level, and the aspect with the lowest average value was modern police leadership. (2) The results of the analysis of the factors affecting the effectiveness of the crime prevention and suppression policies of Metropolitan Police Division 2, Bangkok It was found that there were 5 important factors in predicting the results: personnel (X1), management process (X3), organizational culture (X6), evaluation (X9), and modern police leadership (X10). The coefficient of prediction (R2) was 0.74, which could predict 74 percent of the results. (3) Recommendations for developing effectiveness In terms of effectiveness according to the mission, the creation of organizational culture should be increased to volunteers and the public involved in crime prevention in order to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the work. In terms of service quality, the public and volunteers should receive training in providing services together with personnel in order to increase modern work and create greater satisfaction for the public. In terms of organizational development, there should be support for continuous learning in the use of technology because information technology is changing rapidly.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> According to the research, materials and equipment are the most effective components of crime prevention and suppression policies, which have a high overall effectiveness. It also identifies important predictors that contribute to a 74% prediction accuracy for policy effectiveness, such as staff, management procedures, organizational culture, assessment, and contemporary police leadership. The recommendations center on strengthening organizational culture, enlisting volunteers and the public in crime prevention, enhancing service quality through training, and encouraging ongoing education in the use of technology.</p> Suthisak Piriyaphinyo, Phamorn Khanthahat Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Thu, 09 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Organizational Management and Organizational Culture that Affect the Effectiveness of Subdistrict Administrative Organization in Pathum Thani Province <p><strong>Background and Aims: </strong>Effective resource allocation, goal setting, and achievement are made possible by organizational management, which is essential to the success of the organization as a whole. Organizational culture improves performance and retention by creating a happy work environment, increasing employee engagement, and coordinating behavior with the goals and values of the business. The research aims to 1) study the level of organizational management and organizational culture of sub-district administrative organizations in Pathum Thani Province, 2) study the factors of organizational management and organizational culture that affect the effectiveness of the management of sub-district administrative organizations in Pathum Thani Province, and 3) propose guidelines for developing the efficiency of the management of sub-district administrative organizations in Pathum Thani Province.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> The sample group used in the research was 400 people aged 18 years and over living in the area of ​​sub-district administrative organizations in Pathum Thani Province, obtained by using the Taro Yamane (Yamane. 1973: 725) sampling formula and simple random sampling. The qualitative data were collected by using a specific group of 11 informants. The research instruments were a 5-level rating scale questionnaire and an interview form. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and correlation coefficient. Multiple regression analysis.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The research results found that (1) The level of organizational management and organizational culture of sub-district administrative organizations in Pathum Thani Province was at a high level overall. When considering each aspect from highest to lowest, they were: coordination Command and control, planning, organization, and control, respectively. (2) The 13 organizational management and organizational culture factors that affect the effectiveness of the management of sub-district administrative organizations in Pathum Thani Province (Y) overall, regardless of the statistical significance of the variables, found that the coefficient of prediction was low (R2) equal to 0.177 or could predict only 17.7 percent, with statistical significance Sig. = 0.96, which is greater than .05, and there was high variability of data within and between groups, F = 76.6. (3) Suggestions for developing the efficiency of the management of sub-district administrative organizations in Pathum Thani Province The executives should have regular meetings between related agencies to create understanding and effective coordination. There should be a budget to support volunteers who join the work in various aspects, including public health, occupation, and economy.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: The study found that organizational management and culture are generally high in sub-district administrative organizations in Pathum Thani Province, with the strongest characteristics being coordination and command. However, these variables only have a 17.7% predictive ability when it comes to management effectiveness. Among the suggestions are funding for volunteers in a variety of industries and improving interagency meetings for better coordination.</p> Siri Chaya-Ngam, Phamorn Khanthahat Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Fri, 10 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 The Development of Tourism Management Models in Yaowarat for Enhancing Efficient and Sustainable Tourist Carrying Capacity <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> The Yaowarat district in Bangkok is facing problems of overtourism, resulting in traffic issues, environmental concerns, and risks of losing cultural identity. The objectives of this research are: 1) To study tourism components, tourist carrying capacity, perception of image, and efficiency of tourism area management in Yaowarat. 2) To examine the relationships between tourism components, tourist carrying capacity, image perception, and tourism area management efficiency in Yaowarat. 3) To investigate the influences among tourism components, tourist carrying capacity, perception of image, and the efficiency of tourism area management in Yaowarat, and 4) To develop an efficient tourism management model for Yaowarat that can sustainably accommodate tourists.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> This study employs a mixed-method approach, combining quantitative and qualitative research. The quantitative sample consists of 600 Thai and foreign tourists, selected through multi-stage sampling. Data was collected using a questionnaire with an IOC of 0.89 and a reliability of 0.92. Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis were used. The qualitative research involved in-depth interviews with 15 key informants, including government officials, entrepreneurs, and community representatives. Content analysis and triangulation were used to analyze and verify the data.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The findings show that 1) tourism components are at a high level (mean 3.80); 2) tourists perceive Yaowarat's image at a high level (mean 3.76); 3) tourism components have a strong positive correlation with management efficiency (r = 0.68-0.75); 4) an efficient and sustainable tourism management model for Yaowarat is proposed, considering economic, social, and environmental sustainability to enhance community quality of life and conserve tourism resources in the long term.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The development of an efficient and sustainable tourism management model for Yaowarat comprises six main aspects: 1) developing tourism attractions while preserving culture and promoting local identity; 2) improving facilities; 3) developing diverse accommodations consistent with the local context; 4) enhancing accessibility and traffic management; 5) upgrading tourist services; and 6) promoting participatory activities. This model emphasizes economic, social, and environmental sustainability to enhance community quality of life and conserve tourism resources in the long term.</p> Palatk Sirikulpisut, Weera Weerasophon Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Fri, 10 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Developing the Achievement of Diphthongs of Students in Grade 2 by Using the CIPPA Learning Activities to Accompany the Skill Practice <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> The Thai language is a national identity. It is a cultural property that creates unity and strengthens the personality of the nation to be Thai. It is a communication tool to create understanding and good relationships with each other. This makes it possible to conduct business, work, and live in a democratic society in peace. and is a tool for seeking knowledge and experience. Thus, the purpose of this research is to 1. Development of learning activities in the Thai language subject, topic diphthongs, Thai language learning group of 2nd-grade students by using CIPPA learning activities with skill practice exercises to be effective according to the criteria of 80/80 2. Compare the learning achievement in the Thai language subject on diphthongs of students in grade 2 by using CIPPA learning activities combined with skill practice exercises. between before class and after class, and 3. Study satisfaction with the development of Thai language learning on diphthongs of Grade 2 students by using CIPPA learning activities.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> The research sample consisted of 28 Grade 2 students using the Cluster Random Sampling technique. The research tools included: 1. Thai language learning group learning plan on the subject of compound words. 9 sets of skill practice exercises for the Thai language learning group on diphthongs. 2. Achievement test on diphthongs before class and after class. 3. Satisfaction questionnaire and Statistics used in data analysis include mean, percentage, standard deviation, and t-test using Dependent Samples (t-test dependent).</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The learning management plan includes skill training exercises for the Thai language subject group on diphthongs for Grade 2 with an efficiency of 85.42 / 86.96, which is more effective than the set criteria of 80/80. Achievement in reading and learning. write diphthongs by using CIPPA learning activities combined with skills. of 2nd-grade students after studying is higher than before studying. Statistically significant at the .05 level. Students are satisfied with the use of CIPPA learning activities combined with skills. At a very satisfied level.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The study demonstrates the high effectiveness of a skill-based group learning management plan for Grade 2 Thai language concordance, exceeding the established criteria. The integration of skill-based learning activities results in significant improvements in reading and writing proficiency, supported by statistical significance. Furthermore, students express a high level of satisfaction with this learning approach, highlighting its positive impact.</p> Thiwaporn Worachai, Chompunut Makemuenthong, Darunnapa Nachairit Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Fri, 10 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Managing the Rare Ethnic Art of the Baiku Yao at the Li Lake National Ethnic Art Museum and Learning Centre <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> This paper investigate and records the rare ethnic art of the Baiku Yao around Li Lake, the article needs to address the question) to investigate and inscribe rare ethnic arts on Li Lake Bai Kuyao's cultural significance. 2) to design Ethnomuseum attraction management.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> The research methodology includes ethnographic surveys, field investigations, and interviews with museum experts. It leverages the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage for a deeper understanding of intangible cultural heritage classifications, defines the role and functions of museums through the International Council of Museums' "New Museology" concept, and uses the cultural values presented in the Burra Charter Guidelines as guiding principles.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> Researchers have documented the unique ethnic art of the Baiku Yao at Li Lake: the styles and patterns of Baiku Yao clothing, the fourteen steps of traditional craftsmanship, architectural features, and characteristics of festival activities. Additionally, a comprehensive management plan for the ethnographic museum and learning center has been developed, covering themes, spatial design, interactive experiences, visitor guides, and a museum website. This research and museum management plan potentially impacts the protection, promotion, and sustainable development of the Baiku Yao cultural heritage, also bringing influence and economic benefits to the local community.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The study includes a management plan for a museum and learning center in addition to documentation of the Baiku Yao people's distinctive art and traditions. This plan intends to benefit the local community economically while preserving and advancing their cultural heritage.</p> Zhao Peiheng, Manus Kaewbucha Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Fri, 10 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Leadership Characteristics of School Administrators Affecting Teacher Performance Motivation Under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok 1 <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> Leaders of every organization must have leadership qualities, which are good characteristics that are inherent in leaders that can be learned from accumulated experiences through training and developed to be good leaders. Activities of various groups Whether they will be successful or not depends largely on the leader. The purposes of this research are 1) to study the leadership characteristics of educational institution administrators 2) to study the motivation for teachers' work performance 3) to study the relationship between the leadership characteristics of educational institution administrators and the motivation for teachers' work performance. and 4) to study the leadership characteristics of school administrators that affect teachers' work motivation Under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok 1.</p> <p><strong>Methodology: </strong>This research is survey research. Population and sample The sample group included school administrators and teachers under the Bangkok Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Area 1. The sample size was determined using Krejcie and Morgan tables, resulting in 354 people. The sample was sampled using stratified random sampling. according to school size, the tool used is a questionnaire. It is characterized by a scale of estimation. with a consistency index of 1.00 for every item with a confidence value of 0.968. Basic statistics used include percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Statistics used to test the hypothesis include Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Coefficient, and Stepwise Multiple Regression.</p> <p><strong>Results: </strong>1) Leadership characteristics of educational institution administrators Under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok 1, the overall level is at a high level. 2) Teachers' motivation for their work. Under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Area 1, the overall level is at a high level. 3) The leadership characteristics of school administrators (X) and teachers' work motivation (Y) have a high positive relationship (r<sub>XY</sub>=0.736) with statistical significance at the .01 level. When considering the relationship between the leadership characteristics of school administrators (X) and teachers' work motivation (Y) as individual variables, it was found that there was a relationship. Plus, there is statistical significance at the .01 level for all variables, with 1 variable having a high positive relationship and a moderate level for 4 variables (r = 0.630-0.712). 4) The variable with the best predictive power is good relationships with co-workers Management ability and self-confidence They can jointly predict teachers' motivation for their work. Under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok 1, 32.00%.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: Leadership characteristics of school administrators and teachers' performance motivation Overall it is at a high level. There is a high level. The variable with the best predictive power is good relationships with co-workers. Forecast regression coefficient Management ability with the regression coefficient of the forecast. and self-confidence Together they were able to predict teachers' work motivation.</p> Yuttapoom Jamrus, Suttipong Boonphadung Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Fri, 10 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Home Economics in Adding Value to Agricultural Products <p><strong>Background and Aims: </strong>The Academic and Professional Services Project for the Chaiyaphum Community, implemented by Ramkhamhaeng University, organized a workshop to add value to agricultural products, specifically focusing on training and demonstrating the production of fried chili products. Following the project, the researchers, as instructors and project leaders, conducted a study to use the findings for the development and improvement of the project in the next fiscal year. The research objectives were: (1) to evaluate the academic and professional services project for the Chaiyaphum community on the topic "Agricultural Product Processing (Fried Chili)" and (2) to study the trainees' perspectives on adding value to fried chili products.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> The target group consisted of 30 participants from Chaiyaphum province who attended the workshop. Data were collected using a 5-level Likert scale questionnaire. The statistical methods used for data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The research findings indicated that: (1) The overall satisfaction with the academic and professional services project for the Chaiyaphum community on the topic "Agricultural Product Processing (Fried Chili)" was at the highest level. Satisfaction with input factors was at a high level, the process aspect at the highest level, and the output aspect at the highest level. (2) The overall satisfaction with the trainees' perspectives on adding value to fried chili products was at the highest level.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The "Academic and Professional Services Project for the Chaiyaphum Community on the topic 'Agricultural Product Processing (Fried Chili)'" achieved its goals in terms of input factors, process, and outcomes, with trainees perceiving the workshop as effective in adding value to fried chili products.</p> Porndara Ketthongkam, Junthanee Teravecharoenchai, Chuthaphon Masantiah Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Fri, 10 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Development of a Program to Promote the Ability to Organize Teaching and Learning at the Lower Secondary Level for Monks Teaching Morality <p><strong>Background and Aims: </strong>n-school morality teaching monks are part of the important mission of academic services that aim to be a center for providing academic services in Buddhism with quality, standards, and results in children and youth having true knowledge of Buddhism and morality. The objectives of this research are: 1) to develop a program to promote the ability to manage teaching and learning and 2) to study the results of using the program to promote the ability to manage teaching and learning at the lower secondary level for morality teaching monks.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> The research and development process is divided into 2 phases: Phase 1: To study the basic information and development of a program to promote teaching and learning ability and Phase 2: To experiment with the program to promote the ability to organize teaching and learning among sample groups in Phase 1, including the sample groups used in Phase 1 of the research to study basic information. The sample group consisted of moral teaching monks under the Buriram Secondary Educational Service Area Office. The sample size was determined according to the Krejcie and Morgan table of 214 monks and the sample group used in the interviews, numbering 20 people, was obtained by purposive sampling. The sample group was used in phase 2 of the research to test the program, numbering 30 people. The tools used to collect data include questionnaires, interviews, conformity and suitability assessments, tests, and satisfaction questionnaires. Statistics for data analysis include percentages, means, standard deviations, and t-test dependent statistics.</p> <p><strong>Results: </strong>The results of the research found that 1) The present condition and the need to increase the learning management ability of morality teaching monks are at a moderate level, with the need to enhance competency, namely self-study and workshops. The program to increase the learning management ability of the moral monks consists of 5 components: (1) principles of the program (2) aims of the program (3) content and activities of the program (4) formats and activities used in the program, and (5) measurement and evaluation. 2) The program evaluation results found that it was appropriate. It has the highest level of usefulness and feasibility in every aspect. 3) Results of using the developed program. The test scores for learning management knowledge after development were significantly higher than before development at the .01 level. The level of competency in learning management after participating in the development program was at the highest level, and was at the highest level of satisfaction in participating in the program. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> The present condition and the need to increase the learning management ability of morality teaching monks are at a moderate level, with the need to enhance competency, namely self-study and workshops. Those who receive development have knowledge in learning management. After development was significantly higher than before development at the .01 level. There was a level of competency in learning management. at the highest level and were at the highest level of satisfaction in participating in the program</p> Rangsithi Vihokhern Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Fri, 10 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Guidelines for Innovation in the Disruptive Innovation Era under the Office of Nongkhai Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 <p><strong>Background and Aims</strong>: The objective of this research is to study the current state and desired state of educational institutions' technological innovation during the digital disruptive era. The study focuses on primary schools under the Office of Nong Khai Primary Educational Service 1. The research involved a sample group of 302 individuals,</p> <p><strong>Methodology</strong>: including administrators and teachers, following the sampling size specified by using the Krejcie and Morgan table. Phase 1 collected quantitative data through questionnaires with a confidence level of 0.90. Statistical analysis included frequency, percentage, standard deviation, and prioritization using PNIModified. Phase 2: studying the guidelines of technological innovation during the digital disruptive era: Qualitative Data Collection Using Semi-Structured Interviews with 5 Qualified Individuals, Selectively Chosen, and Content Analysis Presented through description.</p> <p><strong>Results</strong>: 1) The current state overall is moderate. Regarding digital networking, the average score was the highest, while organizational culture creativity scored the lowest. The desired state of technological innovation overall is also moderate. Flexible organizational structure scored the highest, while clear vision setting and digital networking scored the lowest. The necessary requirement index ranges from 0.487 to 0.547, with the highest need identified in organizational culture creativity and the lowest in digital networking. 2) The guidelines of technological innovation during the digital disruptive era: include: The organizational culture creativity: Administrators should promote a friendly team working environment, introduce new collaborative work values, and facilitate teacher learning exchanges and role rotations in developmental efforts.</p> <p>The flexible organizational structure: Administrators should focus on decentralizing power providing opportunities for teachers to work according to their skills and promoting a flexible working environment. Digital networking: Administrators should encourage teachers to integrate digital technology into teaching practices, create networks for learning about technology-based innovations, and provide continuous learning opportunities through collaboration. The clear vision setting: Administrators should establish policies aimed at fostering innovation, and develop strategic plans and performance indicators for collaborative innovation in learning and operations. Developing innovation capabilities: Administrators should encourage teachers who have undergone training to expand innovations within the school and disseminate innovations through various platforms.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: 1) The current state overall is moderate. Regarding digital networking, the average score was the highest, while organizational culture creativity scored the lowest. The desired state of technological innovation overall is also moderate. Flexible organizational structure scored the highest, while clear vision setting and digital networking scored the lowest. The necessary requirement index ranges from 0.487 to 0.547, with the highest need identified in organizational culture creativity and the lowest in digital networking. 2) The guidelines of technological innovation during the digital disruption. </p> Phanudej Sanboonmueng, Wallapha Areerat Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Fri, 10 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Performance of Local Government Employees, Local Government Organizations in Chiang Yuen District Maha Sarakham Province <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> Work performance is important because it directly affects output and efficiency, making sure that assignments are finished successfully and objectives are met. Good work output has a positive impact on staff growth and happiness as well, which boosts organizational success as a whole. Thus, this research study has three objectives: (1) to examine the level of job performance competency among local government employees in Chiang Yuen District, Maha Sarakham Province; (2) to compare job performance competencies of local government employees in Chiang Yuen District, Maha Sarakham Province, based on gender, age, education level, and work experience; and (3) to provide recommendations concerning the job performance competencies of local government employees in Chiang Yuen District, Maha Sarakham Province.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> The sample size consisted of 148 individuals, determined using Taro Yamane's formula, with proportional stratified random sampling and simple random sampling employed. The research instrument was a Likert scale questionnaire. The statistical methods used for data analysis included percentage, mean, frequency, standard deviation, T-test for gender comparison, and One-Way ANOVA for comparison based on age, education level, and work experience.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The research findings revealed that: (1) the overall level of job performance competency among local government employees in Chiang Yuen District, Maha Sarakham Province, was high; (2) there were statistically significant differences in job performance competencies based on gender, age, education level, and work experience at the 0.05 level; and (3) the recommendations include: (3.1) In terms of achievement orientation, there should be skill and knowledge development such as data analysis, communication, and project management, with clear goal setting that aligns with organizational policies and community needs. (3.2) In terms of service orientation, a system for listening to and responding to public feedback should be established, and the service system should be improved for convenience and speed. Service processes should be reviewed and simplified to reduce time and steps in service delivery. (3.3) Regarding expertise accumulation, continuous learning and skill development, such as IT skills, project management, and problem-solving, should be promoted. A culture of knowledge exchange within the organization should be fostered, encouraging the sharing of knowledge and experiences among employees. (3.4) In terms of adherence to correctness, justice, and ethics, regular training on ethics and work ethics should be conducted, focusing on corruption prevention, maintaining transparency, and compliance with laws and regulations. An organizational culture supporting honesty and transparency should be established. (3.5) In terms of teamwork, good relationships among employees should be promoted through internal relationship-building activities, such as recreational activities, workshops focused on teamwork and opinion exchanges. Building good relationships will enhance employees' confidence and trust in each other, leading to more effective teamwork.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The study comes to the conclusion that local government workers in Chiang Yuen District generally perform well on the job, with notable variations seen depending on demographic factors. The study suggests focused development in areas like achievement orientation, service efficiency, expertise accumulation, ethical adherence, and teamwork, with an emphasis on ethical training, ongoing learning, and creating a collaborative work environment, to further improve performance.</p> Watcharaporn Phupetch, Phakdee Phosing , Yupaporn Yupass Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sat, 11 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Guidelines for Developing Digital Competencies of Teachers Attached to Office of the Vocational Education Commission, Chiang Mai Province <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> Teachers' digital competencies are important in today's era. It is used in teaching and learning management and works to keep up with the changes in the global society and line with national development by the guidelines of education management policies. The objectives of this independent research are 1) to study the current conditions. Desirable conditions and needs for the development of digital competencies of teachers affiliated with the Office of the Vocational Education Commission. 2) To study the guidelines for the development of digital competencies of teachers affiliated with the Office of the Vocational Education Commission with good practices, and 3) to prepare and review the guidelines for the development of digital competencies of teachers affiliated to Office of the Vocational Education Commission. Chiang Mai Province.</p> <p><strong>Methodology: </strong>Study on Guidelines for Developing Digital Competency of Teachers Affiliated to Office of the Vocational Education Commission, Chiang Mai Province the study method according to the objectives was divided into 3 phases: Phase 1: Current condition study. Desirable conditions and needs for the development of digital competencies of teachers affiliated with the Office of the Vocational Education Commission. Chiang Mai Province by using a questionnaire with the executives. Teachers affiliated to the Office of the Vocational Education Commission, Chiang Mai Province Phase 2: Study on the Guidelines for Developing Digital Competency of Teachers in Vocational Education Institutions with Good Practices The interview was the result of the study in Phase 1. administrator Teachers in vocational education institutions with good practices in 3 educational institutions. Phase 3: Preparation and review of guidelines for the development of digital competencies of teachers affiliated to the Office of the Vocational Education Commission. Chiang Mai Province divides the operation in this phase into 2 stages. as follows Step 1: Preparation of guidelines for the development of digital competencies of teachers affiliated to the Office of the Vocational Education Commission Focus Group Discussion to create guidelines for developing digital competencies of teachers affiliated to the Office of the Vocational Education Commission. Chiang Mai Province by applying the elements of the guidelines. 1) Principles, 2) Objectives, 3) Development Process, 4) Conditions for Success by 3 groups of participants: 2 school administrators, heads of departments or teachers; 2 students studied for 3 people, a total of 7 people. Chiang Mai Province Audit Method: Accuracy, Appropriateness, and Feasibility of the Guidelines with 3 groups of qualified people in the audit, including 2 school administrators, 2 personnel supervisors, and 3 heads of departments or teachers, a total of 7 people.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> 1) Development of digital competencies of teachers affiliated to Office of the Vocational Education Commission, Chiang Mai Province the overall current condition is moderate. When considering each aspect, the first is the reporting of the results of the development of teachers' digital competencies. The overall dependency condition is at a very high level when considered individually. The overall PNI value is 0.39 when considered individually. This must be done at least once a year, using a variety of tools in the study to collect appropriate data and for placement. The school has prepared a project plan and appointed a technology expert committee to advise on the use of digital technology and solve work problems. The monitoring and evaluation of teachers' digital performance has defined a monitoring process. Clearly assign duties and evaluate the results systematically and regularly continuously with evaluations from all sectors. Improving the development of teachers' digital competencies by analyzing their strengths the points that need to be developed for teacher development are in line with their potential and ability and there is a backup plan to solve the problem of reporting on the results of teacher digital competency development. 3) Guidelines for the development of digital competencies of teachers affiliated to Office of the Vocational Education Commission, Chiang Mai Province, have 4 components: 1) principles, 2) objectives, 3) development process, divided into 5 stages, and 4) conditions for success. The overall feasibility is at the highest level and meets the criteria set in all aspects</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: The need to develop the digital competency of teachers affiliated to Office of the Vocational Education Commission Chiang Mai Province is the implementation of monitoring and evaluating the digital performance of teachers. This may be due to the fact that the educational institution has not implemented and monitored the development of teacher competency and has evaluated the progress as well as supervised and monitored teachers according to the plans of the educational institution which is not continuous and up-to-date to adapt to digital transformation. Guidelines for Developing Digital Competency of Teachers under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission Chiang Mai Province has the results of the accuracy check. This is because the guidelines are in line with the objectives. The principles of the digital competency development of teachers are comprehensive, according to the elements of the guidelines, the guidelines can be applied in the development of digital competencies of teachers affiliated to the Office of the Vocational Education Commission. Chiang Mai Province effectively achieves the objectives of the educational institution</p> Mattana Thila, Yongyouth Yaboonthong, Tharn Thongngok Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sat, 11 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 The Development Model for Educational Quality Development Under the Office of the Primary Educational Service Area in the North Eastern Area <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> School Management Model for Educational Quality Development School Management Model for Educational Quality Development under the Office of the Primary Educational Service Area To be used in developing educational quality and promoting teaching and learning management for teachers To be of maximum benefit to students. This research aims to (1) Study the components and indicators of school management for educational quality development. (2) Study the current and desired conditions and the necessary conditions of school management for educational quality development. (3) Design, create and develop a school management model for educational quality development. And (4) Study the results of using school management models for educational quality development. This study studied schools under the Office of the Primary Educational Service Area, Northeastern Region</p> <p><strong>Methodology</strong> : This research is an action research. The informants consisted of 5 experts who were purposively selected, including school principals, deputy principals, department heads, and teachers. The sample consisted of 380 school principals and 380 department heads, totaling 760 people. The research instruments consisted of: the appropriateness assessment form of components and indicators, the assessment form for experts, the questionnaire on current and desired conditions, the interview form for schools with good practices, the appropriateness and feasibility assessment, and the outcome assessment form according to the management model.</p> <p>The statistical methods used were the mean, standard deviation, and the index of importance for data analysis.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The study of the components and indicators of school management for the development of educational quality discovered that there were 8 components and 17 indicators, with the overall appropriateness assessment ranking highest. The study of current and desired conditions, including the need for improvement, revealed that overall current conditions were excellent. The school management model's design, creation, and development revealed that its overall appropriateness, feasibility, and utility were all at the highest levels. The study of the impact of the management model revealed that: (1) A comparison of knowledge and understanding before and after development revealed that the knowledge score after training was significantly higher than before training at a statistical level of 0.05. And (2) The evaluation of the results based on the school management model for the development of educational quality revealed that the overall level before using this model was moderate.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: The study's findings concluded that educational institutions' management models can help to improve education quality. The management model of educational institutions to improve educational quality under the Office of the Primary Education Area resulted in the appointment of school directors, deputy directors, department heads, and teachers. The sample group consisted of administrators who were continuously trained to be ready to carry out activities aimed at improving student quality.</p> Payung Thongkam, Suwat Julsuwan Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sat, 11 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Guidelines for Empowerment for School Administrators under Nong Khai Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 <p><strong>Background and Objectives: </strong>After the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone had to adapt to a new lifestyle or "New Normal". This adjustment aimed to ensure safety for students, teachers, and educational staff while maintaining work satisfaction. The study focuses on empowerment strategies for school administrators in Nong Khai Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, aiming to enhance the quality and effectiveness of school operations. The objectives are: 1) to study the empowerment of school administrators in this region, and 2) to propose strategies for enhancing their empowerment.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> This descriptive research involved 271 administrators and teachers, with sample size determined by Krejcie and Morgan’s table and stratified random sampling. Phase 1 involved quantitative data collection using a questionnaire with a reliability of 0.993. Statistical analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and ranking of needs. Phase 2 involved qualitative data collection through semi-structured questionnaires and interviews with 5 experts, analyzed using content analysis and descriptive methods.</p> <p><strong>Findings: </strong>The study found that the current state, desired state, and needs for empowerment among administrators were generally high. The highest mean scores were for decision-making participation, while the lowest were for professional advancement. The desired state also showed the highest mean scores in decision-making participation and the lowest in professional advancement. The modified PNI scores ranged from 0.287 to 0.355, with the highest needs being professional advancement, team building, motivation, delegation, and decision-making participation.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions: </strong>The findings suggest significant empowerment strategies for school administrators in Nong Khai Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. Recommendations include: Promoting continuous professional development, Building effective teams, Encouraging and Recognizing achievements, Delegating responsibilities and Granting autonomy, and Involving teachers in educational planning and problem-solving.</p> Rachata Songkasee, Sitthichai Sonsupee Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sat, 11 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Modeling the Relationship between Organizational Competency, Entrepreneurship, Human Resource Management, Technology Management, and Organizational Performance <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> Organizational competency development is an important factor enabling community enterprises to respond to customer needs and effectively adapt to changing environments. This article aims to study the factors, components, and relationships among organizational competency factors, entrepreneurship, human resource management, technology management, and organizational performance, and to create a model of the relationship between organizational competency, entrepreneurship, human resource management, technology management, and organizational performance.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> A literature review was conducted using the EBSCO database with the keyword “organizational competency”. This search yielded 195 articles, of which 125 were deemed non-redundant and suitable for analysis. Content analysis was employed to analyze the data. The review revealed that the key variables studied about organizational competency were entrepreneurship, human resource management, and technology management. These competencies were found to impact organizational performance significantly.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The study findings suggest that community enterprises seeking to enhance operational efficiency and improve overall performance should adopt the concept of organizational competency. To foster these competencies, organizations should focus on entrepreneurship, human resource management, and technology management. The relationships between these variables are illustrated in the proposed conceptual model.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The study found that organizational competency is a critical determinant of organizational performance. Five key factors were identified: entrepreneurship, human resource management, technology management, organizational competency, and organizational performance. The empirical evidence suggests a positive correlation between the implementation of organizational competency and improved performance. Consequently, organizations aiming to enhance their performance should consider adopting the concept of organizational competency.</p> Atitarn Thongchua, Vichit U-On Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sat, 11 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Transportation Service Quality of Pet Food Businesses in Bangkok Metropolitan Region <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> The pet food business in Thailand has been growing rapidly, necessitating a deeper understanding of service quality in this sector. This study aimed to (1) examine the level of transportation service quality of pet food businesses in Bangkok Metropolitan Region, and (2) compare the transportation service quality of pet food businesses in Bangkok Metropolitan Region classified by personal factors.</p> <p><strong>Methodology</strong>: This quantitative research surveyed pet food distributors in Thailand registered with the Department of Business Development, from a population of 1289, a sample of 305. Convenient sampling was employed, and data was collected using a purposive questionnaire. The instrument's validity was confirmed through IOC = 0.67 and reliability was established with a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.897. Data analysis involved descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation) and multiple regression analysis.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> (1) The overall transportation service quality of pet food businesses was high (mean = 3.68). All dimensions were rated highly, with customer response scoring highest (mean = 3.83), followed by service tangibles and empathy (both mean = 3.66), assurance (mean = 3.64), and reliability (mean = 3.63). (2) Personal factors including marital status, education level, and work experience significantly influenced service quality perception (p &lt; 0.05), while gender and age showed no significant impact. Personal factors accounted for 3.40% of the variance in service quality perception (R-square = 0.034).</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The study reveals high satisfaction with transportation services in the Thai pet food business, particularly in customer response. Personal factors, especially education and work experience, play a small but significant role in shaping service quality perceptions. These findings can guide targeted service improvements and marketing strategies in the pet food sector.</p> Chitpong Ayasanond, Nittha Namchan, Thun Chaitorn Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sat, 11 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Developing Law and Participation and the Role of Local Administration to Restore and Preserve Community Forest <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> The research on the development guidelines for laws and forms of local community participation and the roles of local administrative organizations for community forest restoration and conservation has the following objectives: 1) To study the problems, obstacles, and limitations of the development guidelines for laws and forms of local community participation and the roles of local administrative organizations for community forest restoration and conservation. 2) To study the principles, concepts, and government policies related to the development guidelines for laws and forms of local community participation and the roles of local administrative organizations for community forest restoration and conservation. 3) To study international environmental agreements, community forest laws abroad, community forest laws in Thailand, and laws related to the powers and duties of local administrative organizations. 4) To study and analyze problems and determine guidelines for developing laws and forms of local community participation and the roles of local administrative organizations for community forest restoration and conservation. 5) To develop guidelines for developing laws and forms of local community participation and the roles of local administrative organizations for community forest restoration and conservation.</p> <p><strong>Methodology: </strong>This study is a qualitative research that integrates 3 disciplines: law, public administration, and management by studying data from primary and secondary documents, including principles, concepts, related theories, policies, national environmental strategies, environmental master plans, international environmental agreements, foreign laws and Thai laws, including data collection from field research, including in-depth interviews with 20 people and focus group discussions with 35 people. Doe used a specific selection method from stakeholders analyzed the data and described it descriptively.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The results of the study found that 1) Community Forest management in Thailand still has legal problems, namely the lack of a mechanism based on the principle of true local community participation and the lack of a clear and effective role of local administrative organizations for the rehabilitation and maintenance of community forests. 2) This research study emphasizes and the principle of decentralization by determining the role of local governments, which are administrative organizations that are close to community forests, to play an important role in the conservation, restoration, management and utilization of natural resources, the environment and biodiversity in a balanced and sustainable manner. 3) From the study of community forest management in foreign countries, namely the United States, the Federal Republic of Brazil and the Kingdom of Bhutan, all 3 countries emphasize the participation of local communities, including the use of local culture as an important mechanism in community forest management. 4) Data from all research methods were analyzed to determine guidelines for the development of laws and forms of community participation for the rehabilitation and maintenance of community forests by comparing laws and policies in community forest rehabilitation in foreign countries, along with the analysis of principles and concepts to find appropriate guidelines for the conservation of community forests and creative utilization without destroying the natural resources of community forests. 5) Guidelines for law development by proposing the recognition of local community rights in the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2560 and proposing amendments to the Community Forest Act B.E. 2562, namely the recognition of local community rights and the amendment of the definition of community forests. The objectives of community forest management and the roles and responsibilities of local administrative organizations were revised to be consistent with the principles of decentralization and effective community forest management. In addition, a model for community forest management was proposed to be used as an integrated model alongside law enforcement, including: (1) Determining the roles and responsibilities of communities; (2) Determining the roles and responsibilities of local administrative organizations; (3) The roles and responsibilities of relevant government units; (4) Using local cultural mechanisms; (5) Using mechanisms for participating in carbon credit projects; (6) Utilization of community forests; (7) Promoting local wisdom from community forest products; and (8) Promoting ecotourism.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> This research has set guidelines for the development of amendments to relevant laws, namely the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, B.E. 2560 and the Community Forest Act, B.E. 2562. In addition, it is proposed to apply the 8 community forest management models to manage Thai community forests. The next research topic suggestion is the model for developing a mechanism system to promote community forest ecotourism.</p> Narong Saethep , Julapathana Kiratiphumtam Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sat, 11 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 The Effectiveness of Service Quality of Thai Life Assurance Public Company Limited, Buriram Branch <p><strong>Background and Objectives</strong>: Service quality is an important tool in business management. Currently, organizations are very aware of the importance of service quality because it affects business success. This research aims to 1) study the effectiveness level of service quality of Thai Life Insurance Public Company Limited, Buriram Branch, 2) study opinions and suggestions for developing service quality of Thai Life Insurance Public Company Limited, Buriram Branch to be more effective.</p> <p><strong>Research Methodology</strong>: This research determined the sample size according to the Krejcie and Morgan table, using simple random sampling, resulting in a total of 373 samples. A questionnaire was used as a tool for data collection and processed using a ready-made statistical program. The percentage, mean, and standard deviation were presented.</p> <p>Results: The results were found to be at a high level overall. When considering each aspect, it was found that the aspect of access to the minds and empathy of service recipients was at a moderate level, while the rest was at a high level. The aspect with the highest average value to the aspect with the lowest average value is the tangibility of the service, followed by the reliability, the responsiveness to service recipients, the assurance of service recipients, and the access to the minds and empathy of service recipients respectively.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: From the results of this study, comments and suggestions were received, namely that the company should increase the number of service personnel and personnel who are experts in each area for speed and responsiveness to the needs of service recipients, and increase service channels by using mobile application technology to be a modern service channel, allowing service recipients to conduct transactions by themselves without having to come to the company for service.</p> Tharinee Niamhatthi, Thanyarat Phutthiphongchaicharn , Sathaporn Wichairam Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sat, 11 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Quality of Working Life of Personnel of the Local Administration Promotion Office Nakhon Ratchasima Province <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> The quality of the work-life of personnel is essential for personnel who work. If the organization gives importance to the quality of the work life of personnel, it will result in better work results and efficient, and effective work results. This research aims as follows: 1) To study the level of quality of work life of personnel of the Office of Local Administration Promotion, Nakhon Ratchasima Province 2) To compare the quality of work life of personnel of the Office of Local Administration Promotion, Nakhon Ratchasima Province classified by personal factors 3) To obtain suggestions for developing the quality of work life of personnel of the Office of Local Administration Promotion, Nakhon Ratchasima Province.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> The sample group used in the study was 90 personnel of the Office of Local Administration Promotion, Nakhon Ratchasima Province. The research instrument was a questionnaire in the form of a checklist and a 5-level rating scale with a reliability of 0.89. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and one-way analysis of variance.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> 1) The quality of work life of personnel of the Office of Local Administration Promotion, Nakhon Ratchasima Province was at a high level overall. 2) Comparing the quality of work life of personnel of the Office of Local Administration Promotion, Nakhon Ratchasima Province classified by personal factors, it was found that gender and income per salary were not different. As for age, and education level. The duration of work is significantly different at the .05 level. 3) Recommendations for improving the quality of working life of personnel of the Office of Local Administration Promotion, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, found that 1) The agency should use the results of the research to improve and develop personnel in the agency to have a better quality of life. 2) The agency should give importance to planning the financial management of personnel. There may be training and campaigns for personnel to understand financial management more. 3) Executives should give personnel the opportunity to express their opinions fully in order to develop knowledge to promote the quality of life of personnel in the agency.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Personnel of the Office of Local Administration Promotion, Nakhon Ratchasima Province were aware of their own quality of working life and suggested the needs of personnel to the organization's head to improve and apply in the organization's work in all aspects.</p> Namporn Ponsong, Sataporn Wichairam, Thanyarat Phutthiphongchaicharn Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sat, 11 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Creative Leadership of Subdistrict Headman and Village Headman: A Case Study at Nongki District, Buriram Province <p><strong>Background and Aims: </strong>Creative leadership is critical for driving innovation and cultivating a culture of adaptability within organizations. It encourages teams to think outside the box, allowing them to solve complex problems while remaining competitive in rapidly changing environments. Thus, this research aimed to 1) study the level of creative leadership of village headmen and sub-district headmen in Nong Ki District, Buriram Province, and 2) study opinions and suggestions on creative leadership of village headmen and sub-district headmen in Nong Ki District, Buriram Province, to be proposed to village headmen and sub-district headmen in 3 aspects: vision, flexibility, and problem-solving.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> The quantitative research was conducted using 70,483 samples from 382 people in Nong Ki District, Buriram Province. The sample size was determined according to the table of Krejci and Morgan, and the samples were randomly distributed to different villages in proportion using the simple random sampling method. The data collection tool was a questionnaire. Basic statistics were used for data analysis, namely frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The research found that the creative leadership of village headmen and sub-district headmen in Nong Ki District, Buriram Province was at a high level overall. When considering each aspect, all aspects were at a high level, ranked from the aspect with the highest average value to the lowest as follows: vision, flexibility, and problem-solving, respectively. The opinions and suggestions with the highest number were that village headmen and sub-district headmen should have a broad vision for their work. In order to develop the village and accept the opinions of the people, set clear development goals, be able to manage the village to develop working methods to achieve the objectives and goals set efficiently, should be able to adapt to changing situations appropriately, adjust and amend work regulations according to changing situations without sticking to the old working methods, should have consideration in finding ways to solve problematic situations, use reason to solve problems without personal bias, listen to the opinions of the people before deciding to solve problems, respectively.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>The study concludes that creative leadership by village and sub-district headmen in Nong Ki District is highly effective, with strengths in vision, flexibility, and problem-solving. It emphasizes the importance of having a broad vision, being adaptable, and solving problems objectively in order to drive village development and meet community needs.</p> Pornpisoot Pratoom, Thanyarat Phutthiphongchaicharn , Sathaporn Wichiram Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sat, 11 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Civil Society Participation in the Process of Developing the Buriram Provincial Development Plan <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> The provincial development plan is a holistic provincial development approach that covers all dimensions. How effective is the development of the area to be successful? Must allow people to participate in expressing opinions according to the constitutional law This research has the following objectives: 1) to study the level of civil society participation in the process of Buriram Provincial Development Plan 2) To compare the level of participation of civil society groups in the Buriram Provincial Development Plan Process Classified according to demographic factors and 3) to study the guidelines for participation in the Buriram Provincial Development Planning Process The sample group used in education is Civil society groups in Buriram Province.</p> <p><strong>Methodology: </strong>The sample used in the study was civil society groups in Buriram Province. A total of 370 people were sampled using the Krejcie and Morgan table, and then a stratified sample was sampled and a sample was used for semi-structured in-depth interviews. The tools used in the research were a questionnaire with a checklist and a 5-level estimation scale, with a confidence value of 0.86. T value testing and one-way comparative analysis of variance.</p> <p><strong>Results: </strong>1) The level of civil society participation. In the process of preparing the Buriram Provincial Development Plan, the overall level is very high. When considered on a case-by-case basis, it was found that it was at a high level in two aspects, namely the receipt of benefits and the evaluation of results. 2) Compare the level of participation of civil society groups in the process of preparing the Buriram Provincial Development Plan. Classified by Demographic Factors of Civil Society It was found that gender, age, status, and education level Average monthly income and civil society group type There is a statistically significant difference at the level of .05 3) Guidelines for participation in the process of preparing the Buriram Provincial Development Plan. It was found that (1) the agency should involve representatives of civil society in Buriram Province seriously. (2) There should be a meeting to brainstorm ideas in strategic planning, preparation of the provincial development plan, and joint consideration of the budget, and the operation should depend on the respective government departments, (3) Civil society representatives should be allowed to participate in the audit of the implementation of the project. (4) A community forum should be organized for all organizations to attend the meeting and seriously exchange opinions.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>A Study on the Participation of Civil Society in the Process of Developing the Buriram Provincial Development Plan Since the process of cutting the heart, operation, receiving benefits, and evaluating is at a high level because it has provided opportunities for civil society groups to participate in the process of work in all processes.</p> Theejutha Pusaram, Sataporn Wichairam, Thanyarat Phutthiphongchaicharn Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sat, 11 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Law Development and Innovations of Industrial Manufacturing under Thailand 4.00 Polity <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> The research study on the development guidelines for laws and innovations in the management of manufacturing industries under the Thailand 4.0 policy aims to 1) Study problems, obstacles, legal limitations, and innovations in management of manufacturing industries under the Thailand 4.0 policy. 2) To study principles, concepts, theories, state policies, national strategies, and laws related to developing laws and innovations in the management of manufacturing industries under the Thailand 4.0 policy. 3) To study and analyze problems and determine guidelines for developing laws and innovations in management of manufacturing industries under the Thailand 4.0 policy. 4) To lead to the development of laws and innovations in management of manufacturing industries under the Thailand 4.0 policy.</p> <p><strong>Methodology: </strong>This research is a qualitative research by integrating 3 disciplines: law, public administration, and management by studying data from primary and secondary documents, including principles, concepts, related theories, policies, national environmental strategies, environmental master plans, foreign laws, and Thai laws, including data collection from field research, including in-depth interviews with 15 people and focus group discussions with 25 people, including listening to opinions with 50 people by specific selection from stakeholders. The data was analyzed and described descriptively.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The research results found that 1) Currently, Thailand's manufacturing industry has a problem of lack of knowledge and innovation support, which affects the economy, society, and the environment. Innovation in the industrial sector is significant for driving the economy and national development. 2) Concepts and theories include good governance, new public administration principles, sustainable development principles and sustainable development goals (SDGs), the concept of holistic development according to the BCG Model, Industry 4.0 concept, management concept, linear economy theory, circular economy theory, preventive maintenance theory, and innovation theory. The aforementioned concepts and theories have been used by researchers to determine guidelines for the development of laws and innovations for managing the manufacturing industry under the Thailand 4.0 policy, including leaders in digital technology and innovation that this research studies, namely the People's Republic of China, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Korea and the United States, which have specified policies, national strategies and laws to drive Industry 4.0. As a result, these countries have legal mechanisms and policies for managing the manufacturing industry with efficient digital technology and innovation, in line with the guidelines of the Industry 4.0 revolution. 4) Thailand must adapt to the trends of the technology and digital world by determining the direction of industrial development according to the Thailand 4.0 policy with a development plan supporting finance, knowledge, and digital technology. Including the development of related personnel by adjusting and increasing skills to be able to work together with the use of digital technology effectively. 5) Proposing to amend the Federation of Thai Industries Act, B.E. 2530, and the Ministerial Regulations issued under the authority of the Promotion of the Utilization of Research and Innovation Results Act, B.E. 2564. In addition, 5 strategic policies were proposed: (1) Modern Management Strategy (2) Technology and Innovation Development Strategy (2) Government Support Strategy (3) Research Capability Development Strategy (5) Environmentally Friendly Industry Development Strategy.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> It is proposed to amend the Federation of Thai Industries Act of 1987, Chapter 1, Section 6, and Section 8, and to set guidelines for the development of innovations in the management of the manufacturing industry under the Thailand 4.0 policy, a total of 5 strategies.</p> Suraj Swatesuthisan , Julapathana Kiratiphumtam Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sat, 11 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Public Behaviour on Waste Management in Lampiak Subdistrict Administration Organization Khon Buri District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> Waste management is critical to environmental protection because it reduces pollution and conserves natural resources. It also promotes public health by ensuring proper waste disposal and recycling, thereby preventing disease transmission. The objectives of this research are 1) to study the level of behavior related to solid waste management in Lampiaek Sub-district, Buburi District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, and 2) to study the opinions and suggestions on solid waste management of people in the district. Lampiak Sub-district Administrative Organization, Buburi District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> The population includes 7,094 people who have a civil registration list in the 12 villages of Lampiak Sub-district Administrative Organization. The sample size was determined according to Taro Yamane's table of 378 people, and then randomly distributed among the villages in proportion by a simple random method. By a simple random method. The basic statistics used in data analysis are frequency values, percentage values, mean values, and standard deviations.</p> <p><strong>Results</strong><strong>:</strong> The findings revealed that people in the Lampiaek Sub-district Administrative Organization, Buburi District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, had generally good household solid waste management practices. The highest average value is REREDUCE, followed by REUSE, and the lowest average value is RECYCLE. People in the Lampiak Sub-district Administrative Organization area have suggested that buckets or containers be provided to accommodate various types of waste, as well as garbage pits or dumps for each community, and that training be provided to educate the public on the importance of proper solid waste management.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The findings show that, while Lampiaek Sub-district residents generally manage their waste well, there is room for improvement, particularly in recycling. They have proposed better waste disposal infrastructure and educational initiatives to improve solid waste management practices.</p> Somrat Insamran, Thanyarat Phutthiphongchaicharn , Sathaporn Wichairum Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sun, 12 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 English Skill Development and Expectation of English Use in the Workplace: Case Study of Supporting Staff and Project-based Researchers, Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> Supporting staff normally experience a lack of ability to use English in the workplace when communicating with foreign faculties/experts/students. Capacity building that meets these supporting staff’s jobs means that their enhanced capacity can meet the university’s vision. This paper examined knowledge, skills, experiences and expectation of English language use in the workplace in multiple aspects among supporting staff before and after their participation in the English class program. The paper also assessed the satisfaction with the program’s content in each aspect and overall. The program’s intention was that supporting staff would gradually change their behaviors and expectation of English use.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> The quantitative technique was applied into the study and through the sampled who were supporting staff participating in the program. Totally, 19 people were selected by the purposive sample. The data were analyzed through means and standard deviation.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> Major findings presented that the sample group had the moderate level of English use in the workplace in listening, speaking, reading and writing similarly. When looking into each aspect, participants had quite a low level of listening and writing. In speaking and reading, some participants experienced these frequently while some did not. Similar to expectation, some expected to use English in the workplace and some did not. However, participants showed satisfaction towards the class’s content.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Skill development and expectation of English use in the workplace were not achieved as written in the objectives. Two recommendations arose. First, the English class for workplace context should be organized in a continuous manner so that staff could change their behaviors regarding English use. This could bring forth the organization’s achievement. Second, the organizers should evaluate the target group’s level of knowledge, skills, experiences and expectation of English use in the workplace beforehand. This evaluation could help planning, categorizing and designing contents to match the participants’ needs.</p> Warissara Kailuenam, Piyapat Piamsawas Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sun, 12 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 The Administrator Skills Affecting Happy Workplace in School under Samut Sakhon, Samut Songkhram Secondary Education Service Area Office <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> The researcher is interested in studying how executive skills affect the organization of happiness in educational institutions. Under the jurisdiction of the Samut Sakhon Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Samut Songkhram. This descriptive research aimed to study 1) the level of creative leadership of school administrators, 2) the level of core competencies of teachers, and 3) the impact of the creative leadership of administrators on the core competencies of teachers under the Office of Secondary Educational Services Area, Samut Sakhon, Samut Songkhram.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> The sample consisted of 285 school administrators and teachers from a population of 1086, selected using stratified sampling according to population proportions. The research instrument was a questionnaire with an overall reliability of 0.994 (α = 0.994). The data were analyzed using statistics such as percentage, mean, standard deviation (S.D.), and stepwise multiple regression analysis.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The research findings were as follows: 1) The overall level of creative leadership of school administrators in the Office of Secondary Educational Services Area, Samut Sakhon, Samut Songkhram, was very high. The highest average was in commitment and drive in work, followed by intellectual abilities, with the lowest average in knowledge. 2) The overall level of core competencies of teachers in the Office of Secondary Educational Services Area, Samut Sakhon, Samut Songkhram, was very high. The highest average was in good service, followed by ethics and professional ethics of teachers, with the lowest average in self-development. 3) The creative leadership of administrators significantly affected the core competencies of teachers in the Office of Secondary Educational Services Area, Samut Sakhon, Samut Songkhram, at the .01 level (R² = 0.685).</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The influential predictors, in order, were personality, intellectual abilities, commitment and drive in work, and knowledge, which could predict 68.10% of the core competencies of teachers in the Office of Secondary Educational Services Area, Samut Sakhon, Samut Songkhram.</p> Malisa Sukapuwong, Nitsinee Kuprasurd, Wichian Intarasompun Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sun, 12 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Communication Strategy Used by the Football Commentators in thePrincessCup, Rasi Salai District, Sisaket Province <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> Football commentators use communication strategies to keep viewers interested, making the game more exciting and accessible. These strategies help to convey the match's emotion, pace, and context, which improves the overall viewing experience. Thus, the research aimed to study the communication strategy used by football commentators in the Princess Cup, Rasi Salai District, Sisaket province, and investigate the attitude of football fans towards the commentators.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> This qualitative research sample group was five football commentators and 100 football fans, selected using purposive sampling. The research tool was an in-depth interview. The researcher interviewed the sample group to collect data.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> Football commentators used various communication strategies to describe the game, including strategies involving sensitive rhetoric tailored to the interlocutor, message creation strategies, conformity strategies, and strategies for social politeness. Moreover, the results revealed the fans' attitudes toward the football commentators, showing their affection for the Princess Cup in Rasi Salai District, Srisaket Province, due to their pride in their hometown team. In addition, they enjoyed the game because of the live commentary on the field and gained valuable information through the commentators' communication strategies.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: The use of communication strategies by the football commentators in the Princess Cup, Rasi Salai District, Srisaket Province, built enjoyment among the fans and pride in the football players, as well as their hometown team. Most fans would like to see the development of a new generation of commentators, particularly local commentators, who can adopt these communication strategies for dubbing in the following years to maintain this tournament and establish it as the identity of Rasi Salai District, Srisaket Province.</p> Samosorn Oobkham, Archariya Sritha Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sun, 12 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 The Effect of Using Musical Activities to Promote Basic Mathematics Skills from Early Childhood <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> The rational thinking process is an important mathematics skill. Mathematics helps you think logically, and systematically can think carefully and analyze problems or situations. It can also be applied effectively in daily life. Integrating mathematics with music is another good way to learn math skills in early childhood. The purpose of the research is 1) to compare the basic mathematics skills before and after school early childhood learning with music activities to enhance basic mathematics skills. 2) To study the satisfaction of early childhood with music activities to enhance basic mathematical skills.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> The study sample consisted of 25 early childhood. The tools used consisted of 1) 9 music activities to enhance basic mathematical skills. 2) Basic math skills test before and after class. 3) Questionnaire on the satisfaction of early childhood with music activities to enhance basic mathematical skills. Statistics used in data analysis include mean and standard deviation. Test the research hypothesis using the t-test for dependent statistics.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The results of the study found that Preschool children have higher basic mathematical skills after learning than before learning with music activities to enhance basic mathematical skills. Statistically significant at the .05 level. Early childhood are satisfied with music activities that enhance basic mathematical skills. There is an overall mean of 4.79 with a standard deviation of 0.10, classified as having the highest level of satisfaction.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The results of the study indicate that using music activities to enhance basic mathematical skills can help develop basic mathematical skills in early childhood. The results of the study indicate that using music activities to enhance basic mathematical skills can help develop basic mathematical skills in early childhood. Notice that the average score after studying increased more than before studying. Early childhood are satisfied with music activities that enhance basic mathematical skills.</p> Kittisak Siengdee Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sun, 12 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Factor Analysis of Competency as a Professional Teacher in the New Era of Students Practicing Professional Teacher Experiences Faculty of Education Ramkhamhaeng University <p><strong>Background and Aims: The </strong>Faculty of Education, Ramkhamhaeng University able to effectively promote, support, and develop students practicing teaching professional experience to have the competency of being a professional teacher in the modern era. To develop students for quality and success in the future. The objectives of the study are threefold: (1) study the competency as a professional teacher in the New Era of Students Practicing Professional Teacher Experiences Faculty of Education Ramkhamhaeng University; and (2) analyze the exploratory components of the modern professional teacher in the New Era of Students Practicing Professional Teacher Experiences Faculty of Education Ramkhamhaeng University.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> The research utilizes a mixed-methods approach, incorporating both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The sample group is the student teachers of the Faculty of Education at Ramkhamhaeng University, totaling 400 students and 10 experts for providing interview data. The research tools consisted of an interview form and a questionnaire on the competency of a modern professional teacher. Statistics used in data analysis were mean, standard deviation, and factor analysis.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> This research found that 1) The results of the study on the competency as a professional teacher in the New Era of Students Practicing Professional Teacher Experiences Faculty of Education Ramkhamhaeng University found that the overall average. at a high level (M=4.01, SD=0.56) 2) The results of the survey component analysis of the competency of modern professional teachers. of students practicing teacher professional experience Faculty of Education Ramkhamhaeng University consists of 5 components: (1) the factor of learning management; (2) the factor of morality professional ethics; (3) the factor of measurement and evaluation; (4) the factor of research and development; and finally (5) the factor of professional engagement. The eigenvalues of these five factors were equal to 8.301, 7.378, 4.717, 3.862, and 3.364 respectively, and the percentage of variance was equal to 20.752, 18.446, 11.793, 9.656, and 8.410 respectively. The weighted value of the factor was between 0.527 and 0.906</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>The results of the study focused on the competency as a professional teacher in the New Era of Students Practicing Professional Teacher Experiences Faculty of Education Ramkhamhaeng University In using the science and art of being a professional teacher to prepare you for confidence and effective teaching professional experience.</p> Sirirat Hitakowit Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sun, 12 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Determining Economic Order Quantity for Spare Parts with Variable Purchase Prices: A Case Study of ABC Power Plant <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> Spare parts inventory control is a critical aspect of the maintenance system in power plants. In this case study, inventory management was largely neglected, leading to excessive inventory and high associated costs. This study aims to develop a quantitative model for determining the optimal order quantities and reorder points for spare parts with variable purchase prices, and to assess the cost-saving potential of this model within the context of the ABC power plant.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> The study applied quantitative analysis for the case study. Historical data from January until December 2022 of the two selected spare parts were collected. Numerical experiments with 30-year simulation runs were conducted. Related per-year costs including ordering costs, holding costs, interest costs, and product costs, were used to analyze the results.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The study successfully developed a quantitative model for determining the optimal order quantities and reorder points for the two selected spare parts. The cost-saving potential of this new approach was also evaluated. Numerical experimentation revealed that the total costs could be reduced by 35.27% and 40.95% for the primary and final filters, respectively.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The study highlights the significance of effective spare part inventory control in power plant maintenance systems. By applying quantitative analysis and utilizing historical data, the research identified optimal order quantities and reorder points for two critical spare parts. The numerical experiment, using simulation techniques, revealed that implementing the proposed inventory policies could significantly reduce total costs. Specifically, the costs for primary and final filter spare parts were reduced by 35.27% and 40.95%, respectively. These findings underscore the potential benefits of adopting a systematic approach to inventory management in similar settings.</p> Nichanan Boonsrang, Chumpol Monthatipkul Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sun, 12 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Generative AI in Education and Research: A Case Study on ChatGPT Usage by Grant Recipients at Chulalongkorn University <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> Generative AI is critical in education and research because it automates content creation, enables personalized learning experiences, and speeds up research processes. It promotes innovation by creating new ideas, simulations, and solutions, which improve educational outcomes and advance scientific discovery. Thus, this research aims to investigate the activities and outcomes of using ChatGPT in higher education at Chulalongkorn University, particularly in teaching, research, and operations, over five months during the first semester of the 2023 academic year (August-December 2023).</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> The study population consists of faculty members at Chulalongkorn University. A convenient or volunteer sampling method was employed, with an open call for 200 grants to support ChatGPT subscriptions, specifically for the GPT-4 version at that time. A total of 174 participants joined the program and 170 provided usage data. The research tool employed was a questionnaire, and the collected data were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. Quantitative analysis utilized descriptive statistics to summarize general information about ChatGPT usage, while qualitative analysis involved content analysis to identify key themes and usage patterns from open-ended questionnaire responses.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The findings revealed that most faculty members used ChatGPT to prepare teaching materials, design research plans, and manage administrative tasks, which significantly reduced preparation time and improved the quality of their work. The integration of ChatGPT into the educational and research activities of grant recipients at Chulalongkorn University led to the development of 202 courses, 52 research projects, 6 nationally published articles, 47 internationally published articles, and 27 other types of scholarly works. Statistical analysis showed that most users engaged with ChatGPT 1-5 times per week. Despite the positive impacts, challenges were noted, such as data accuracy and the ethics of using artificial intelligence in education.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> ChatGPT serves as a powerful resource for enriching education and research within the university setting, thereby bolstering the institution's global reach through heightened academic achievements. Nevertheless, it is crucial to acknowledge the limitations and potential risks tied to its utilization, necessitating meticulous and inventive strategizing for optimal gains. Universities are advised to endorse the judicious and ethical deployment of Generative AI.</p> Sirin Chakamanont, Proadpran Punyabukkana, Preechaya Sittipunt, Kanittha Wongvises, Asma Samoh, Siriporn Khabuan Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sun, 12 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Creative Music in Applied Isan Folk Long Drum (Klong-Yao Pra Yuk) of Nong Mek Village, Dan Chang Sub-district, Buayai District, Nakhon Ratchasima <p><strong>Background and Aims: </strong>A creative song featuring a long drum ensemble adds depth and cultural richness, resulting in a dynamic rhythm that improves the musical experience. The long drum's resonance and intricate beats heighten the song's emotional impact while connecting listeners to traditional roots. Thus, this research aims to 1) compose music in an Applied Isan Folk Long Drum of Nong Mek Village, Dan Chang Sub-district, Buayai District, Nakhon Ratchasima and 2) compose rhythmic patterns of an Applied Isan Folk Long Drum of Nong Mek Village, Dan Chang Sub-district, Buayai District, Nakhon Ratchasima.</p> <p><strong>Methodology: </strong>This research is a qualitative study (Qualitative Research) that focuses on the creative composition of songs for public dissemination. The researcher has divided the research process into five parts: 1) Target Population: Experts in musical arts. 2) Research Instruments: Interviews and music notation sheets. 3) Research Methodology: Data was collected through fieldwork. 4) Data Analysis: The analysis involved composing melodies and rhythmic patterns for an Applied Isan Folk Long Drum. 5) Conclusion and Presentation.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> Research results are as follows. 1) Results showed that the music in an Applied Isan Folk Long Drum of Nong Mek Village, Dan Chang Sub-district, Buayai District, Nakhon Ratchasima. The rhythm of the music was accompanied by a Thai northeastern harp with international notes. The researcher composed 3 parts, 44 bars with a Pentatonic scale through up and down melody. 2) The researcher recorded rhythmic patterns through rhythmic notes with a total of 32 bars and 5 rhythmic patterns. The first rhythmic pattern was a rolling drum, large cymbals, and small cymbals to finish the performance. The second rhythmic pattern was beating a drum in Korat Folk Dance (Ram Tone), the third pattern was a middle syncopation, the fourth pattern was in Nang Kra Dong Dance (Ram Nang Kra Dong), and the last one was the final syncopation.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The study emphasizes the integration of traditional Isan music with modern musical elements, demonstrating the fusion of cultural rhythms and international notation. It emphasizes the intricate compositions and rhythmic patterns that both preserve and innovate Nong Mek Village's musical heritage.</p> Sasipong Wongsa Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sun, 12 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 A Construction of Futsal Basic Skill Test for Physical Education Students in Roi-et Rajabhat University <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> Basic futsal skills are essential because they lay the groundwork for effective play, improving a player's ability to control the ball, make quick decisions, and perform in high-pressure situations. Mastery of these abilities is required for success in the fast-paced and tactical nature of the game. The purposes of this research were: 1) to construct a Futsal basic skills test with content validity, reliability, and objectivity; and 2) to create norms for Futsal basic skills for physical education students at Roi Et Rajabhat University.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> The samples are 52 (43 men, 9 women) physical education students. The research instruments include 12 skill tests, as follows: 1) Futsal ball juggling skill test with instep; 2) Futsal ball juggling skill test with knee; 3) Futsal ball juggling skill test against a wall at low waist level; 4) Futsal ball passing skill test with the inside of the foot against a wall; 5) Futsal ball passing skill test with instep for male students (pairs); 6) Futsal ball passing skill test with instep. For female students (pairs), 7) A test of stopping and controlling the futsal ball with the sole of the foot; 8) A test of stopping and controlling the futsal ball with the inside of the foot; 9) A test of dribbling and controlling the futsal ball to avoid obstacles; 10) A test of dribbling and controlling the futsal ball forward and backward; 11) A test of futsal shooting skills with the inside of the foot while the futsal ball is stationary; and 12) A test of futsal shooting skills with the instep while the futsal ball is moving. Create and find the quality of the instruments in terms of content validity by 3 experts, reliability by using the test-retest method, and objectivity of the instruments by 2 experts. Give scores to the testees and create normal criteria using the T-score.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The research found that all 12 Futsal basic skill tests for physical education students at Roi Et Rajabhat University. There remains content validity, reliability, and objectivity at a very good level. There are 5 levels of normal criteria (Norms), consisting of very good skills, good skills, medium skills, low skills, and very low skills.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The study found that the 12 Futsal basic skill tests for physical education students at Roi Et Rajabhat University are highly valid, reliable, and objective, with established norms categorizing student skills into five levels, ranging from very good to very low. These findings ensure that students' futsal skills are accurately assessed and benchmarked.</p> Montree Tienpograng, Apichat Deeminoi, Jirawat Yensai, Kriangsak Keattisongkram, Krittachai Salakul Salakul Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sun, 12 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Self-Confidence and Fitness Exercise of People in Bangkok <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> From the current events, people are paying more attention to exercise to have good health and to have a good personality. The purpose of this research is to study the self-confidence and exercising in fitness center of people in Bangkok Province. In order to know the behavior in exercising in fitness gyms and the self-confidence and exercising in fitness center of people in Bangkok Province. The results of the study can be used to plan strategies to attract more customers target group.</p> <p><strong>Methodology: </strong>This research is a mixed method that combines qualitative and quantitative studies. The population used in the study was people in Bangkok who exercised in fitness centers. Since the exact population size was unknown, the sample size could be calculated from W.G. Cochran's unknown sample size formula, with a 95 percent confidence level and a 5 percent error level. The sample size was at least 384. The researcher used a total sample size of 400 samples, which passed the criteria set by the conditions, which was no less than 384 samples. The tools used were questionnaires with an IOC value between 0.66-1.00. The questionnaires were also tested with 30 non-sample populations. After that, the researcher conducted all the questionnaires according to the research steps and analyzed the data from the questionnaires statistically.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> 1) Factors related to exercise behavior in fitness centers and self-confidence of people in Bangkok who exercise in fitness centers are not different. 2) Factors related to gender have no effect on exercise behavior in fitness centers and self-confidence of people in Bangkok who exercise in fitness centers. 3) Factors related to status, education, and income have no effect on exercise behavior in fitness centers, but have no effect on self-confidence of people in Bangkok who exercise in fitness centers at a significant difference at .05.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Factors related to self-confidence are related to exercise behavior of people in Bangkok who exercise in fitness centers. Understanding the relationship between exercise behavior and self-confidence is therefore important to promote exercise participation and promote positive outcomes.</p> Sakkamon Chakhonpanay, Prakit Hongsaenyatham Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sun, 12 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Customs Law Enforcement in Environment Management for a Sustainable Future <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> Customs law enforcement is critical in environmental management because it helps prevent the illegal trade of endangered species, hazardous waste, and other environmentally harmful goods. Customs authorities protect biodiversity and enforce international environmental agreements by regulating and controlling cross-border movements. Thus, this academic article aims to 1) study and analyze the enforcement of customs law in environmental management for a sustainable future, and 2) to determine guidelines and solutions for improving the enforcement of customs law in environmental management for a sustainable future.</p> <p><strong>Methodology: </strong>This study is a study of documents and related research, analyzed and presented according to the educational objectives.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The results of the study found that 1) the enforcement of laws on the inspection of imported and exported goods is ineffective, resulting in smuggling of goods that have an impact on the environment and a lack of environmental management for a sustainable future. This is partly due to the lack of personnel with knowledge and expertise in using technology, which is an important factor in inspection, as well as the lack of coordination between relevant government and private agencies in the responsible agencies, and the problem of law enforcement due to the insufficient number of customs officers for the increasing workload, resulting in delayed and incomplete inspection of goods. The shortage of personnel also causes existing officers to take on excessive workloads, including a lack of cooperation between government and private agencies in environmental management and customs law enforcement. 2) If there is cooperation in all sectors, it will enhance work efficiency, reduce the risk of corruption, and build public and business confidence. In addition, cooperation will help to make inspection and control of imported and exported goods more comprehensive. In order to manage the environment for a sustainable future, it is proposed to amend the law on training personnel to have expertise, including coordination between the government and private sectors to create cooperation in environmental management for a sustainable future.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> To amend the Customs Act of 2017 by specifying training and skills development regulations for customs officials and requiring cooperation between government agencies and the private sector in all relevant sectors.</p> Prasit Prawanna , Sasiorn Into Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sun, 12 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Good Governance Principles to Develop Law in the Performance of Duties and Exercise the Authorities of the Anti-money Laundering Commission and Officers <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> This research studies and investigates the principle of good governance in order to develop a law for the performance of duties and exercise of power of the Anti-Money Laundering Committee and its officials. The objectives are to study 1) concepts, principles and theories on the application of good governance in the performance of duties and exercise of power of the Anti-Money Laundering Committee and its officials; 2) legal measures on the application of good governance in the performance of duties and exercise of power of the Anti-Money Laundering Committee and its officials in foreign countries and in Thailand; 3) analyze the application of good governance in the performance of duties and exercise of power of the Anti-Money Laundering Committee and its officials; and 4) recommend the enactment of a law on the application of good governance in the performance of duties and exercise of power of the Anti-Money Laundering Committee and its officials.</p> <p><strong>Methodology: </strong>This research used qualitative research methods, consisting of document research and in-depth interviews using open-ended questionnaires. The quality of the data was verified by using interview data and focus group discussions, which are a qualitative data collection process that allows the target population to be a specific group that is involved or has a stake, from a group of 6 personnel of the Anti-Money Laundering Office, 3 government officials, 3 academics, and 3 lawyers to brainstorm on research issues. Then, the specific population groups exchanged information and experiences according to the issues specified by the researcher and analyzed the data until the research results were obtained as specified in the objectives.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The research results found that 1) From the use of concepts, principles and theories in analyzing the principles of good governance to develop laws in the performance of duties and exercise of power of the Anti-Money Laundering Committee and officials, although the Anti-Money Laundering Act B.E. 2542 allows the Anti-Money Laundering Committee to perform various actions, it is difficult to define clear roles, duties and powers, and leads to the use of discretion, resulting in discrimination and violation of basic human rights. 2) The examination of the exercise of discretion of the Anti-Money Laundering Committee found that there were no criteria that specified a mechanism to control and examine the exercise of discretion of the Anti-Money Laundering Committee. In addition, the exercise of such power does not have the status of an administrative order, making it impossible to object, object or appeal to any organization, including the Administrative Court. 3) The interpretation and enforcement of the law in practice that affects the performance of officials found that it was used as a channel to delay the case and was used as a tool for the government to intervene in the exercise of power. 4) The model law on the principles of good governance in the performance of duties and exercise of power of the Anti-Money Laundering Committee and officials’ The legal structure consists of (1) definitions of terms, (2) Section 1, Anti-Money Laundering Board, (3) Section 2, officials, and (4) Section 3, penalties.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> This research study has developed the law for the performance of duties and exercise of powers of the Anti-Money Laundering Board to be in accordance with the principles of good governance and the officers can perform the duties and exercise the powers of the Anti-Money Laundering Board and its officers more legitimately.</p> Nantachai Kamking , Siwaporn Saowakon Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sun, 12 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Cultural Identity Revival of Nakhon Sawan Province Toward Chinese Culture City <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> Nakhon Sawan Province has ethnic Chinese groups living and settling down with diverse languages, cultures, and lifestyles, along with specific social changes for each group. Therefore, the potential based on cultural capital as a value gained from the process of social change enhances the value and uniqueness of a local area. This article aims to clarify the cultural identity of Nakhon Sawan Province toward Chinese culture city.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> The qualitative study was conducted using document analysis, in-depth interviews, participant observation, and learning exchanges with key informants, which were 10 Thai-Chinese group leaders, 10 scholars, and the philosophers’ community in conducting data collection for this study.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The cultural identity of Nakhon Sawan Province toward Chinese cultural cities includes a learning resource for Thai-Chinese arts and culture, Chinese performing arts in 5 languages, Chinese food identity, integrated Thai-Chinese cultural tourism routes, and the use of information technology to support Chinese cultural cities.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> In the cultural identity revival of 5 key issues affecting the management of spatial tourism and the development of Nakhon Sawan toward a Chinese cultural city effectively.</p> Suchat Saengthong, Suphawan Vongkamjan, Pornchai Jedaman Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sun, 12 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Thai Dessert Promotion in Community to Drive the Foundational Economy through the Participation of the Thepleela Community Wang Thonglang District, Bangkok Thailand <p><strong>Background and Aims: </strong>"Wat Thep Lila Community" (Soi Ramkhamhaeng 39 Intersection 1) is a canal-side community situated on land belonging to the Crown Property Bureau. It is a densely populated area with a mixed population of Thai Buddhists and Muslims. The most pressing issue for the community is economic hardship, the COVID-19 pandemic. The economic downturn has led to reduced incomes, job losses, and a lack of stable employment opportunities, particularly for housewives and the elderly who seek supplementary income for their families. The community desires economic self-reliance. This research aims to (1) Study the community context, including the problems and obstacles faced in developing Thai dessert products within Wat Thep Lila Community, which could potentially drive the grassroots economy in Wang Thonglang District, Bangkok. (2) Examine the community's needs and willingness to participate in a collective effort to develop Thai dessert products as a means of stimulating the local economy in Wang Thonglang District, Bangkok. (3) Investigate potential development models for Thai dessert products, including marketing channels, to bolster the grassroots economy through community participation in Wat Thep Lila, Wang Thonglang District, Bangkok.</p> <p><strong>Methodology</strong>: This study is conducted as a Community-Based Research (CBR), involving the community in every step of the process. It is Participatory Action Research (PAR) that emphasizes collaborative learning between the community and researchers. The community actively participates in the research process. The target population includes groups such as the elderly, homemakers, low-income individuals, vulnerable groups, and those seeking supplementary income, totaling 22 participants. The research tools employed are: (1) surveys, (2) focus group discussions, (3) interview forms, (4) questionnaires, (5) field notes, (6) SWOT analysis, (7) participatory observation, and (8) study visits and knowledge exchange.</p> <p><strong>Results: Community Context:</strong> Wat Thep Lila Community has a predominantly elderly population with a significant number of transient residents renting accommodation. Residents lead disparate lives with diverse occupations, often lacking stable employment and organized occupational groups. Many rely on daily wages, and some groups are disengaged from community activities. The community is also affected by water pollution from sewage. Key challenges include income insecurity, lack of permanent employment, absence of hygienic facilities for food production, and limited marketing expertise. <strong>Community Needs:</strong> The community seeks solutions to economic challenges and recognizes the potential of their existing knowledge of Thai desserts to generate income through collective enterprise. This led to the registration of the "Wat Thep Lila Thai Dessert Occupational Group" based on the "5K" concept: (1) Group/Members: 34 members (2) Committee: Elected leadership (3) Rules and Regulations: Established guidelines for operation (4) Funds: Financial resources for group activities (5) Joint Activities: Monthly meetings, bi-weekly community markets, and support for community events. <strong> </strong></p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>This participatory action research project, conducted in collaboration with 22 community researchers from Wat Thep Lila, investigated the community context, explored the potential of Thai dessert products, and assessed the community's desire for collective economic action. This resulted in the successful registration of an occupational group based on the "5K" model and the development of a six-step product development framework. The project empowered the target group with Thai dessert production skills and facilitated the creation of a sustainable community enterprise in Wat Thep Lila.</p> Kesaree Pongsung, Orn-uma Butrrerm, Porndara Ketthongkam, Weerawat Chantharattana, Namphueng Puranasukhon, Banjong Leungratanamat Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Sun, 12 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Determinants Affecting Air Cargo Operational Performance in Thailand: A Strategic and Mixed-Methods Approach <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> The operational effectiveness of air cargo is a critical factor in global supply chains, as it impacts both economic growth and commerce efficiency. This study aims 1. To evaluate the impact of human, technological, cargo handling, and environmental factors on the operational efficiency of air cargo in Thailand, 2. To explore the practical insights associated with air cargo performance efficiency, and 3. To propose strategies for enhancing air cargo operational performance.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> The authors employed a sequential explanatory mixed methods approach to investigate the determinants affecting air cargo operational performance. We investigated the impact of human, technological, cargo handling, and environmental factors on the operational performance of air cargo. Quantitative data were initially gathered via a survey of 431 participants, comprising cargo operation agents, customs officers, airport managers, and cargo handling and airline personnel in Thailand. Thirteen key informants were purposefully chosen to ensure their roles and experiences were highly relevant to the air cargo industry. Criteria included five years of professional experience, and involvement in critical areas such as cargo handling, capacity management, storage, operational coordination, or regulatory compliance.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> It revealed significant relationships across all variables, with technological advancements exhibiting the strongest influence, followed by human factors, cargo handling processes, and environmental factors. In the subsequent qualitative phase, thematic analysis highlighted the critical role of technology including sorting technologies for loading/unloading, real-time tracking, predictive analytics such as demand forecasting, route optimization, and dynamic pricing integrating with human factors such as training, motivation, and teamwork to improve operational performance.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The operational efficiency of air cargo is greatly affected by the adoption of advanced technologies, the improvement of human resource management, and the optimization of cargo handling processes, while considering environmental and external factors.</p> Nisara Paethrangsi, Chadaporn Jaktong, Parida Brahmaputra Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Mon, 13 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Evaluation of Factors for Transportation Service Providers Selection Considering of Sustainability in Leamchabang Industrial Estate Chonburi Province <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> Evaluating factors in selecting a transportation service provider in an industrial area is important to be able to appropriately meet customer needs in terms of cost, reliability, and sustainability, which will help improve operational efficiency and create a competitive advantage. This study aims to analyze and evaluate factors influencing the selection of transport service providers with a focus on sustainability within the Laem Chabang Industrial Estate, Chonburi Province.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> A mixed-method approach was employed, involving qualitative and quantitative analyses. The qualitative phase utilized the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and interviews, while the quantitative phase employed structured questionnaires. The sample consisted of 15 decision-makers across eight companies, including safety and environmental managers, transportation planning managers, transport company selection managers, hazardous goods inbound and outbound managers, and their respective supervisors.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The findings reveal that the primary factors influencing transport service provider selection are categorized into three dimensions: 1) Economic Factors: Price (46.07%) and company reliability (19.60%). 2) Social Factors: Operational efficiency (13.60%), occupational health and safety (7.00%), and corporate social responsibility (CSR) (5.23%). Technology and Innovation Factors: GPS tracking transportation MGT system (TMS) and Warehouse MGT system (WMS) (4.5%)3) Environmental Factors: Environmental responsibility and management systems (4.00%). Among 22 sub-factors assessed, the top three with the highest weights were payment terms (36.96%), service price per trip (13.56%), and cargo insurance coverage (6.17%). Overall, economic factors held the highest importance (79.27%), followed by social factors (12.23%) Technology and Innovation (4.5%), and environmental factors (4.00%). Transport service providers should emphasize sustainable strategy development and operational planning to elevate service standards and align with sustainability principles.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The research results indicate that important factors in selecting a transportation service provider are divided into 4 main dimensions, with the economic dimension being the most important (79.27%), followed by the social, technological, and environmental dimensions, and strategies should be developed with sustainability in mind to improve service standards.</p> Wanpen Pengsomboon, Thiti Jirawatcharagorn, Sanit Thamasiri, Natedao Luangyai Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Fri, 24 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 The Efficiency of Temperature-Controlled Inventory Management: A Case Study of Convenience Store in Salaya Sub-District, Nakhon Pathom Province <p><strong>Background and Aims: </strong>Current logistics management is an important goal that entrepreneurs can use as a source of competitive advantage. Both at the business level and national level. This is because of globalization that has resulted in more intense business competition. And greater trade liberalization As a result, the business sector must upgrade its ability to conduct business in every possible way. The purposes of this research were 1) to investigate the efficiency of temperature-controlled inventory management by studying personal factors, namely work experience, number of employees, position, and monthly average income. And study to investigate the factors of the inventory management system that affect the efficiency of temperature-controlled inventory management in convenience stores.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> The questionnaire was used as a research instrument, it was collected from 15 samples. and collected the direct interviews with managers and employees who administer the inventory control. The statistics that were used were percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The statistics that were used to test the hypothesis were One-Way ANOVA.</p> <p><strong>Results: </strong>The result of this study showed that among the sample of 15 convenience store staff, it was found that most of the staff had 1-5 years of work experience, with employees between 11-20 people in general positions, and an average personal monthly income of 10,001-20,000 baht. The hypothesis testing results revealed that the significance of the variables, work experience, position, and average monthly income was greater than the 0.05 level of significance. This indicated that despite differences in work experience, position, and average monthly income, there was no difference in the efficiency of temperature-controlled inventory management for the convenience store in Salaya, Nakhon Pathom. The results of the regression coefficient test revealed that there is only one independent variable had a significant impact on the efficiency of temperature-controlled inventory management of convenience stores. It was the replenishment system. The forecast coefficient was 40.8%. The remaining 59.2% is another factor apart from those mentioned above. For the replenishment system, according to the research results, entrepreneurs should pay great attention to product replenishment and always keep up with the needs of customers to be able to have enough customer service inventory.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Work experience, position, and average monthly income do not affect the efficiency of temperature-controlled inventory management of convenience stores in the Salaya Subdistrict. The product replenishment system has an important effect on this efficiency at 40.8 percent. Product replenishment is a factor that entrepreneurs should give importance to to have sufficient inventory and meet customer demand in time.</p> Sanit Tammasiri, Nuttapoom Hamneat, Thiti Jirawatcharagorn Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Fri, 24 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Executive Leadership Affecting the Employees’ Happiness at Work Private Companies in Bangkok <p><strong>Background and Aims:</strong> Executive Leadership is very important for the successful and effective management of the organization. Working within the organization must be accompanied by happiness. Because happiness affects the development of individuals and organizations in a good direction. It can also be a guideline for the future development of organizations and the country. This research aimed to (1) personal factors affecting the employees’ happiness at work private companies in Bangkok and (2) the executive leadership level affecting the employees’ happiness at work private companies in Bangkok.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> It is quantitative research. This study used a sample of 385 employees of private companies in Bangkok. The sample size was calculated using Cochran's formula. By setting a confidence level of 95 percent and an error level of 5 percent and using the accidental sampling method. The research instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire. Data analysis statistics included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, T-value, and F-value tests.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> (1) The majority of the respondents were female, accounting for 64.9 percent, aged 30-39 years, accounting for 38.0 percent, were married, accounting for 54.5 percent, had a bachelor's degree, accounting for 50.9 percent, had 10 years or more of work experience, accounting for 34.5 percent, and had a monthly income of 15,001 - 20,000 baht, accounting for 43.6 percent and (2) the executive leadership level, Overall it was at a high level ( = 3.92, S.D = .847). The aspect with the highest mean score was supportive leadership followed by participative leadership and achievement leadership. The aspect with the lowest mean score was directive leadership ( = 3.90, S.D = .843).</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>(1) personal factors of employees in private companies in Bangkok with different ages, status, education levels, work experience, and monthly income have different effects on their happiness at work, statistically significant at the 0.05 level, and (2) the executive leadership affected the employees’ happiness at work private companies in Bangkok consisted of supportive leadership and participative leadership affected the employees’ happiness at work private companies in Bangkok Consists of supportive leadership and participative leadership.</p> Ariya Phuvakeereevivat , Sutthapat Amornruangtrakool, Khuanwara Potiwara Copyright (c) 2025 Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal Fri, 24 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700