Guidelines for Creating Sustainable Happiness Through a Process of Reconciliation in Community
Sustainable Happiness; , Mediation;, Harmony; , ConstructivismAbstract
Thai society is a multicultural society, also known as “Multicultural Society. There is a loose structure with diversity in ethnicity, religion, language, dress, existence, etc. The differences between the different societies, races, religions, languages, and daily living of the people of the societies arise from differences in the physical features of the area. When there are cultural differences in society, there will be conflicts with each other within the community. However, the people in that community all want peace and freedom from conflict, thus ending the conflict through mediation is a negotiation between many parties. Therefore, the study of guidelines for creating sustainable happiness through the mediation process in the community is aimed at (1) To study the principles and guidelines for the dispute resolution process according to the mediation process. (2) Study the information about disputes that arise both at the individual level and the level of various social groups. And (3) to study the process of transferring dispute mediation techniques in the community to create lasting reconciliation. This research is mixed-use research using quantitative research to collect population data in the Ban Siew Noi area, Chaiyaphum province, and qualitative research from interviews with key informants as a group of village leaders. The results showed that:
The principle of the dispute resolution process according to the reconciliation process in the community begins with the creation of happiness in society. That is to say, if Thailand's political situation returns to calm, it will improve the well-being of the people, where social turmoil deteriorates the economy and people's livelihoods, and solving political problems should be a priority. Resolving conflicts and disputes within the community may be managed by creating happiness through coexistence starting with family activities, organizing activities within the community, participating in religious or cultural activities, and community traditions, and not violating the personal rights of people in the community. A society that everyone should always practice. Thus, Sustainable happiness in the community comes from the creation of livelihood in the community, the people in the community, love, compassion, caring for each other, as well as wishing for others to be happy together.
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