Community Empowerment to Prevent and Sustainably Solve Informal Debt Problems Through Village Committees
Informal Debt; , Village Committee; , Community EmpowermentAbstract
The analysis of the village committee's environment to prevent and solve the problem of informal debt was found: the strength were appropriate structure roles of the village committee and authority for performing duties. The restrictions where the village committee had a lot of social roles, had a few activities about knowledge management to prevent and solve the informal debt problem, and lacked knowledge or understanding of policy guidelines about preventing and solving everyday debt problems. The opportunities were having government agencies and private sectors promote varieties of community development. The problems and obstacles were the decrease in agricultural product prices, as well as the uncertainty of government policies. The approach to community empowerment to prevent and sustainably solve informal debt problems consists of 4 aspects: knowledge of relevant laws; occupational promotion; Structure and roles and duties of the village committee and local community development.
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