Transportation Service Quality of Pet Food Businesses in Bangkok Metropolitan Region
Service quality, Transportation services, Pet food businessesAbstract
Background and Aims: The pet food business in Thailand has been growing rapidly, necessitating a deeper understanding of service quality in this sector. This study aimed to (1) examine the level of transportation service quality of pet food businesses in Bangkok Metropolitan Region, and (2) compare the transportation service quality of pet food businesses in Bangkok Metropolitan Region classified by personal factors.
Methodology: This quantitative research surveyed pet food distributors in Thailand registered with the Department of Business Development, from a population of 1289, a sample of 305. Convenient sampling was employed, and data was collected using a purposive questionnaire. The instrument's validity was confirmed through IOC = 0.67 and reliability was established with a Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.897. Data analysis involved descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation) and multiple regression analysis.
Results: (1) The overall transportation service quality of pet food businesses was high (mean = 3.68). All dimensions were rated highly, with customer response scoring highest (mean = 3.83), followed by service tangibles and empathy (both mean = 3.66), assurance (mean = 3.64), and reliability (mean = 3.63). (2) Personal factors including marital status, education level, and work experience significantly influenced service quality perception (p < 0.05), while gender and age showed no significant impact. Personal factors accounted for 3.40% of the variance in service quality perception (R-square = 0.034).
Conclusion: The study reveals high satisfaction with transportation services in the Thai pet food business, particularly in customer response. Personal factors, especially education and work experience, play a small but significant role in shaping service quality perceptions. These findings can guide targeted service improvements and marketing strategies in the pet food sector.
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