Administration of Vocational Education Bilateral System of Educational Institutions under the Office of the Commission Rayong Province Vocational Education
Vocational Education Administration; , Bilateral System; , Vocational InstitutionsAbstract
Background and Aims: The study of bilateral vocational education administration in educational institutions under the Rayong Vocational Education Institute aims to: (1) assess the level of vocational education administration within the bilateral system of vocational institutes in Rayong Province, based on the standards set by the Vocational Education Commission; (2) compare the levels of vocational education administration between different vocational education institutes in Rayong Province; and (3) explore guidelines for promoting or developing the administration of vocational education under the bilateral system within institutions under the Rayong Vocational Education Institute.
Methodology: The study involved 201 participants in the sample group. Data collection was carried out using questionnaires with a 5-point rating scale and structured interviews, yielding Item-Objective Congruence (IOC) values between 0.80 and 1.00, and a reliability coefficient of 0.97. Statistical analysis included t-tests, F-tests, as well as frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation to effectively interpret the data.
Results: (1) The Rayong Vocational Education Institute oversees a bilateral system of educational institutions, and the vocational education administration demonstrates a high level of proficiency in four main areas: curriculum, measurement and evaluation, collaboration between establishments and educational institutions, and graduate quality. (2) Using a t-test, vocational education administration in the bilateral system was analyzed based on categories such as position, educational level, individual items, and overall assessment. An F-test was also conducted to assess differences according to the size of the educational institutions. While administrators and teachers from different positions, educational backgrounds, and institution sizes had varied opinions on vocational education administration, there were no significant overall differences in perception. (3) Comprehensive guidelines for enhancing the administration of vocational education in the bilateral system should focus on four key areas: 1) improving graduate quality, 2) enhancing the curriculum, 3) fostering collaboration between businesses and educational institutions, and 4) refining measurement and evaluation processes.
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