A Comparison of Learning Achievement in Labor Law among Third-Year Political Science Students between Peer-Assisted Learning Techniques and Lecture-Based Teaching Method
Learning Achievement; , Peer Assist Techniques;, Lecture MethodAbstract
Background and Objectives: Organizing teaching and learning activities in labor law is crucial and necessary for students involved in legal studies. Utilizing peer-assisted learning activities in teaching can help students understand the content and lead to improved learning achievement. This research aims to compare the learning achievement in labor law among third-year Political Science students between peer-assisted techniques and lecture methods and to study the satisfaction levels of the students after implementing peer-assisted learning techniques.
Research Methodology: This research is a quasi-experimental research using a Two-Group Pretest- Posttest design. The study sample consisted of students from the second semester of the academic year 2023 enrolled in the course "Labor Relations Management" (PS2208304), totaling 106 students across 2 classrooms. Classroom 1 was designated as the experimental group while Classroom 2 was designated as the control group. Tools used included group peer-assisted learning lesson plans, lecture-based teaching lesson plans,
achievement assessment tests, and satisfaction surveys. Statistical analyses included mean, standard deviation, and independent t-tests.
Research Findings: 1) Students who underwent peer-assisted learning showed a statistically significant difference in post-learning scores compared to their counterparts taught using lecture-based teaching methods, reaching statistical significance at the .05 level. 2) Third-year Political Science students showed the highest level of satisfaction after participating in peer-assisted learning activities.
Conclusion: This research demonstrates that implementing peer-assisted learning activities through Classwide-peer tutoring with One-to-One Tutoring enhances students' learning development and leads to higher learning achievement. Furthermore, according to the satisfaction survey results, students expressed the highest level of satisfaction across all aspects.
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