Integrated Learning of STEM Education Concepts with Flipped Classroom to Improve Students' Chemistry Learning Achievement and Creative Skills in 11th Grade, Pakhampittayakom School




STEM Education; , Flipped Classroom; , Creative Skills; , Learning Achievement


The concept of 21st-century skills is important for education. The development of advanced thinking skills, such as creative skills, is essential for the student's future. Developing students' creative skills through integrated learning methods, engaging students in learning and There is a teacher to support. This research aims to 1) develop an integrated learning of STEM Education with Flipped Classroom and 2) to evaluate the effects of integrated learning management based on STEM Education with Flipped Classroom on the development of learning achievement and creative skills in chemistry subjects of students in 11th Grade Pakham Pittayakom School. The students studying at Pakham Pittayakom School, Buriram Secondary Education Area Office. The sample size consisted of 27 students who were equally divided into experimental groups on the basis acquired by a specific selection method. The research instruments an integrated learning management plan based on STEM Education concepts with Flipped Classroom 9 hour. Collected Data, suitability assessment of the learning management plan, learning achievement test, Rubric scale Creativity Assessment. Statistics meaning, standard deviation, and t-value testing. The results of this study revealed that an integrated learning plan on STEM Education concepts with a Flipped Classroom is appropriate for improving students’ creative skills. Students’ average scores of post-tests (mean=20.63, SD=2.03) statistically significantly higher than pre-test (mean=17.07, SD=2.50), and .05 level, Creativity skills good level (mean=9.33, SD=1.37).


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How to Cite

Dusita, B., & Chatkon, A. . (2023). Integrated Learning of STEM Education Concepts with Flipped Classroom to Improve Students’ Chemistry Learning Achievement and Creative Skills in 11th Grade, Pakhampittayakom School. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 3(5), 671–686.