Developing Strategic Leadership Components and Indicators of Mayor in the Northeast
Development;, Strategic Leadership; , Mayor; , NortheastAbstract
The leader is the person who is most important to the success or failure of an organization. A leader is an influential person in commanding, assigning tasks, and supervising the work to achieve the goals of the organization. The local government organization is considered the first agency that knows the problems of the people in the area, leading the organization to be successful in serving the people in the area. Organizational leaders must have the knowledge and ability to have strategies to bring out the potential of the personnel in the organization for maximum efficiency. Therefore, this research The objectives of this research were to 1) identify the components and strategic leadership indicators of mayors in the Northeast; 2) create and develop strategic leadership indicators. of the mayors in the Northeast and 3) to examine the consistency of the relationship patterns Strategic Leadership Indicator Structure of Mayors in the Northeast Region Quantitative and qualitative research was used, divided into 2 phases: Phase 1: Creation and development of strategic leadership indicators. It is qualitative research. Research tools were structured interviews. The target group is 3 qualified persons using a specific selection method for mayors. Phase 2: Verification of strategic leadership indicators. The sample used in this research was 276 mayors in the Northeastern region using a multi-stage random sampling method. The research tool was the questionnaire on the suitability of strategic leadership indicators of mayors in the Northeast. The results showed that Strategic Leadership Indicators of Mayors in the Northeastern Region consist of 3 main components: strategic planning; Implementation of strategies and strategy tracking and evaluation. The 10 sub-components are the analysis of the organizational environment. Orientation of the organization organizational strategy formulation, planning, organization, organizational leadership, organizational control setting performance standards working with standards Implementation of improvement There are 70 indicators. The test results of the correlation model of the mayor's strategic leadership structure in the Northeast found that the Chi-Square value = 116.92 at the floor. of freedom (df) = 16, the probability approaches 1 (p) = .62, that is, the chi-square value is not statistically significant. Coherence Index (GFI) =.95 Relative Consistency Index (NFI) =.98 Model Acceptance Index (TLI) =95 Relative Consistency Index (CFI) =.98 Measurable Index Error in estimation (RMSEA) = .151. The root means square index of the residuals (RMR) = .010 shows that the Strategic Leadership Indicator Model of Mayors in the Northeast Region is consistent with empirical data.
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