The Conditions Led to the Coup D'etat of Thailand




Revolution; , Coup D'etat; , Conditional Factor


The coup d'état is against the political action that is in line with the democratic regime. However, in reality, "Coup d'etat" in Thailand has become something many people accept.  This article discusses the conditions that led to the coup d'etat of Thailand from the change of government from an absolute monarchy to a democratic regime in 1932 to the present (2022). Over 90 years, Thailand has carried out 19 revolutions coups rebellions, including 13 successful coups and 11 failed coup attempts (Treason). However, out of the 13 successful coups in Thailand, there are two main components: (1) a social class comprising civilians and soldiers; (2) a political party, or a group of people who want to run the country, is set up as a government to run the country.  The conditional factors leading to the coup in Thailand can be classified into two important conditional factors as follows:  (1) Social factors include economic backwardness. political independence centralization of power in governance economic downturn and the civilian government is unable to resolve the violence and divisions of people in society. (2) The internal factors of a soldier include Military Organization Benefits such as budget support the individuality of the military organization The need to have no competitors, etc. And factors in the army such as the appointment and transfer of important positions in the army budget cuts, etc. Thus, all of these conditional factors formed a cycle that led to the coup. Ultimately, every coup d'état leads to a constitutional amendment, which is the supreme law in governing the country.


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How to Cite

Detwattanayotin, A. (2022). The Conditions Led to the Coup D’etat of Thailand. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 2(3), 335–356.


