Morality and Ethics for The Local Government Officiants




Morality,, Ethics, , Local Government Officiants


Morality and ethics It can be seen that the performance of local government officials by applying moral and ethical principles as guidelines for conduct In addition to promoting the vassals as valuable persons behave as a good government official able to distinguish what is good what should be ignored Moral and ethical principles are also important to organizations or agencies. Moral and ethical principles in the performance of local government officials mean. Principles or guidelines that The organization is compiled for members to use to adhere to. in order to regulate the behavior of people in the organization or profession the same to be in good correctness Serving and being a good local government official, Therefore, in addition to having to behave in accordance with the principles of morality and ethics According to the organization to set a framework as a guideline for civil servants to adhere to. and the local people also need to have a good attitude towards civil service careers as a factor that enhances moral and ethical standards to be good civil servants in the future.


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How to Cite

Sricharumedhiyan, C. ., & Qingamo , P. S. . (2022). Morality and Ethics for The Local Government Officiants. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 2(3), 1–12.


