Factor Affecting Marketing Mix of Purchasing for Processed Products from Agricultural Residues in Chiang Mai and Lamphun Provinces


  • Patcharin Supapunt Department of Agricultural Economics and Environment, Faculty of Economics, Maejo University
  • Patcharee Intanoo Department of Industrial Chemistry Innovation, Faculty of Sciences, Maejo University
  • Sanwasan Yodkhum Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Agro-Industry, Maejo University


Marketing Mix, Repurchasing, Product, Agricultural Residues


The objective of this study was to factor affecting marketing mix of purchasing for processed products from agricultural residues in Chiang Mai and Lamphun provinces according to marketing mix theory by means of multinomial logit model. The samples of this study were randomized by Taro Yamane table and purposive sampling. Data were collected in the form of interviews with questionnaires from 408 customers who were shopping in agricultural input shops and production sources of the products. Results revealed that the quality products contributed to an increase probability for customers to purchase organic fertilizers and growing media at a significant level of 0.10 and 0.05, respectively. Similarity, the complete detail product and brand certification on packages and distance from production source to markets resulted in an increase of the probability for growing media at a significant level of 0.10 and 0.05, respectively. Regarding a decreased probability, the portable products for organic fertilizers were comfortable at a significant level of 0.01. The promotion including discount, exchanging, free distribution, test, and public relation by government also associated with the decreased probability of organic fertilizers at a significant level of 0.10 and 0.05, respectively. Meanwhile, attraction on package and travel convenience to purchase decreased the probability of growing media at a significant level of 0.10 and 0.05, respectively. These factors of marketing mix should be considered carefully when producers must perform. It indicated that the factors affected to a different purchasing. Therefore, the factor increasing the probability should be maintained, while some factors should be improved or avoided leading to competitive advantages in the market.


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How to Cite

Supapunt, P., Intanoo, P., & Yodkhum, S. (2023). Factor Affecting Marketing Mix of Purchasing for Processed Products from Agricultural Residues in Chiang Mai and Lamphun Provinces. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 11(1), 306–331. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Humanties-up/article/view/263829



Research Article