A Development of English Proficiency Test for Undergraduate Students of the University of Phayao
English Proficiency Test, Undergraduate Students, University of PhayaoAbstract
This study aimed to develop English proficiency tests for undergraduate students of the University of Phayao based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages B 1 level and to evaluate the quality of the developed tests. There were 4 sets of the tests had been developed. Each set of the test consisted of 60 items, and it was divided into 4 parts including vocabulary, reading, grammar and writing, and conversation. There were 15 items in each part. The sample of this study were 227 third-year students from 18 faculties of the University of Phayao. The tests were verified content validity by 3 experts in the fields of English language and Education Evaluation and Assessment using Index of Item-Objective Congruence (IOC). Then the tests were tried out with the sample to analyze difficulty and discrimination based on 27 % technique of Chung-Teh-Fan. The criteria for index of difficulty and discrimination was the difficulty should be between 0.20 and 0.80 and discrimination should be at least 0.20. Next, the tests were analyzed reliability using KR-20 formula.
The findings showed that overall, the Index of item objective congruence (IOC) of the tests was between 0.33 – 1.00. The IOC of each test was between 0.92-0.93. In terms of the standardized quality of the difficulties and the discrimination of the test, there were 49 qualified items in the first test, 48 qualified items in the second test, 49 qualified items in the third test, and 50 qualified items in the fourth test respectively. The reliability of each test was between 0.79 and 0.87. This indicated a good quality of the tests.
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