Mind Characteristic to Sport Achievement of Athlete from Thailand National Sports University Suphanburi Campus


  • Rachan Chaliawsil Program in Sport Science Faculty of Sports and Health Science Thailand National Sport University, Suphanburi Campus, Suphanburi 72000
  • Thammarat Arkasvipath Program in Sport Science Faculty of Sports and Health Science Thailand National Sport University, Suphanburi Campus, Suphanburi 72000


Mind Characteristic, Love, Earnestness and Proud of the Sport they are Participating, Reward and Being Famous, Self-Controlling for a Fully Ability of Development at the Higher


The research aimed to 1) study mind characteristic to sport achievement of athlete from Thailand National Sports University Suphanburi campus and 2) study relationship between mind characteristic to sport achievement of athlete from Thailand National Sports University Suphanburi campus. The samples of the study are 280 from Thailand National Sports University Suphanburi campus who are preparing to participate in the National Sports University game in 2021. The research instruments used in the study were measure of mind characteristic of sport successful; Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was 0.88. The statistics used for data testing were percentage, mean, standard deviation and Pearson Correlation Coefficient.

The results of the study were as follows:

1. The mind characteristic to sport achievement of athlete from Thailand National Sports University Suphanburi campus found that 1) love, earnestness, an a proud of the sport they are participating with the average at 33.68 point, in very high level 2) reward and being famous with the average at 33.68 point, in medium level and 3) self-controlling for a fully ability of development with the average at 40.88 point, in high level.

2. The analysis of relationship between mind characteristic to sport achievement of athlete from Thailand National Sports University Suphanburi campus, it was found that 1) love, earnestness and proud of the sport they are participating had the relationship with self-controlling for a fully ability of development at the higher lever (r=.769), 2) reward and being famous had the relationship with self-controlling for a fully ability of development at the higher lever (r=.700) and 3) love, earnestness, and proud of the sport they are participating had the relationship with reward and being famous at the moderate lever (r=.510) at a significant level of 0.01.


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How to Cite

Chaliawsil, R., & Arkasvipath, T. (2023). Mind Characteristic to Sport Achievement of Athlete from Thailand National Sports University Suphanburi Campus. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 11(2), 41–61. Retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Humanties-up/article/view/258060



Research Article