Creative Research in Creating Matchanu Solo Dance
Macchanu, Chui Chai, CreationAbstract
The purposes of this research were 1) to study and analyze the principal dance of the monkey's role in Khon, as well as the fish dance, 2) to create the choreography of Chui Chai Macchanu dance. This research is a qualitative research conducted by studying related document and collecting field data by observation and interviews. The tool used for the data collection was interview forms, both structured and unstructured. The informants were Thai traditional artists in Office of Performing Arts, the Fine Arts Department. The purposive sampling method was used to limit the sample group to practitioners in the field. The analysis was done by applying movement analysis approach and aesthetics approach. Then the performance was presented.
The research revealed that, the dance choreography, Chui Chai Macchanu, applied the principal dance postures of the monkey's role in Khon. The description is as follows: 1) Three principal dance postures were used in the first half, which were Liam Ad standing posture, Krathueab Klab stomping posture, and Yong looking posture; 2) One principal dance posture was used in the second half, which was the threatening posture; 3) Two specific dance postures were used, which were waist scratching posture and chin scratching posture; 4) Three Kraw Nok (army marching) dance postures were used, which were the 4th, the 5th, and the 7th Kraw Nok dance posture; 5) The fish dance postures of Suvannamaccha. The researcher has created new dance postures from songs, written works, and lyric of Chui Chai Macchanu dance. Each dance posture was designed to be continuous and harmonious with the melody, using a total of 52 dance postures and 12-minute show time. The original costumes were retained according to the tradition of the Fine Arts Department. The monkey's costume consisted of ankle bracelets, a traditional balloon capris, a brocade skirt, waist dangling accessories, a rear waist dangling brocade, a shirt (embroidered with monkey's fur motive), a waist brocade cloth, a front waist dangling brocade, a belt, a collar accessory, a necklace, breast chains with diamond-shaped decorative plates, arm bracelets, ankle rings, beaded bracelets, golden armbands, fish tail, and a lotus-shaped weapon. The dance choreography, Chui Chai Macchanu, can be performed in every occasion.
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