Boutique Hotel Management in Bangkok Tourism Management, College of Management Bangkok, University of Phayao


  • Poompat Thongkam Tourism Management, Bangkok Management College, University of Phayao
  • Chawalee Na Talang Tourism Management, Bangkok Management College, University of Phayao


Boutique hotel, Management, Bangkok


The objective of this study were: to study boutique hotel management in Bangkok. The researcher used qualitative method through concept and theory study for research equipment created to in-depth questionnaire. For collected information from ten people who are boutique hotel owner or executive director. The study showed planning that shown almost of boutique hotel have daily meeting in the morning and evening. In Organizing the result shown The majority of boutique hotel have organized the department follow room amount and in the small boutique hotel separated department with two to three units for instance, front office, housekeeping and food and beverage service. In staffing the boutique hotel used an attitude, knowledge in position and English or other languages for example, Chinese. Otherwise, the Coordinating that showed the technology in present has a lot of effective for working, sending information and news including problem case in daily and how to solving. Over more, almost of boutique hotel have commanding between owner to employees with directly that reduced the job procedure certainly. Furthermore, the hotels already have reporting system such as a logbook. Finally, in budgeting the hotels have budget controlling by profit and lost system for calculation.


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How to Cite

Thongkam, P., & Na Talang, C. (2022). Boutique Hotel Management in Bangkok Tourism Management, College of Management Bangkok, University of Phayao. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 10(1), 226–238. retrieved from



Research Article