Enhancing Reading Comprehension of Mathayomsuksa I ‘s Students of Choomchon Banmaetaoklangmittraphap 26 Mae Sot District Tak Province


  • Warisara Wankhruea Thai Language Department School of Education University of Phayao
  • Chintana Paepdip Thai Language Department School of Liberal Arts University of Phayao


Reading Comprehension, OK5R teaching method, Students Attitude


The objectives of this research were to 1) study enhancing reading comprehension skills of Mathayomsuksa I ‘s students of Choomchon Banmaetaoklangmittraphap 26 Mae Sot District Tak Province before and after being taught with the OK5R teaching method and 2) study the students attitude with the OK5R teaching method based on the conceptual framework of Francis P. Robinson . The target group in this study were  Mathayomsuksa I ‘s Students of Choomchon Banmaetaoklangmittraphap 26 Mae Sot District Tak Province, 1 classroom, 25 students by specific selection. The statistics used in the research were the Mean () and Standard Deviation (S.D)

The research finding were as follows : 1) The students’ s score in the post test on enhancing reading comprehension by using OK5R teaching method could gain statistically got higher than pretest. And 2) Students  who taught with OK5R teaching method got satisifacion in good level because students attitude with the OK5R teaching method got statistics mean () 4.61 and standard deviation (S.D) is 0.53 show that students got better in Thai reading comprehension.


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How to Cite

Wankhruea, W., & Paepdip, C. (2022). Enhancing Reading Comprehension of Mathayomsuksa I ‘s Students of Choomchon Banmaetaoklangmittraphap 26 Mae Sot District Tak Province. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 10(1), 45–60. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Humanties-up/article/view/255651



Research Article