The results of the assessment of the Model of Students Affairs Administration to develop the 21st Century Learning Skills of Autonomous University.
Student Affairs, The learning skills in the 21st century, Assessment modelAbstract
The purpose of this research was to evaluate the usefulness and feasibility the Model of Students affairs administration to develop the 21st Century Learning Skills of Autonomous University by handing out the questionnaires to the Student Affairs Executive, professor who working in student affairs, the staff of the student affairs department at the university level and the faculty. In order to evaluate the usefulness and feasibility of 21 sites, a total of 936 people using a proportional sampling method (Proportional Sampling), according to the amount compared to the table of Krejcie & Morgan, can be 274 people or more, with the actual questionnaire collected 220 copies, representing 80.29 percent.
The results of the research showed that the results of the evaluation based on the evaluation from the user of the usefulness and feasibility of this Model. The overall application was at a high level. There are elements of input factors at a high level.
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