Development Instructional Model in Waveguide and Propagationusing PIAEDA Learning Model


  • Wittarit Khotmanee Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. Faculty of Industrial Education Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, Sam Chuk


PIAEDA learning model, Waveguide, Wave Propagation


Objectives of this research were to developed and find the efficiency of an instructional model on Waveguide and Propagation. The concept of learning model and other related researches have been studied. Thus, we develop and design the student centered learning model called the PIAEDA learning model. Researching Tools were as follows the Waveguide and Propagation instructional contain with teacher guide, teacher plan, content, achievement test, PowerPoint and CST Microwave Studio®. Sample group was 15 students who were studying in Bachelor of Industrial Technology from the Program in Telecommunication Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi. This paper results showed the quality of developed research tools is evaluated by the five experts that the PIAEDA learning model is more appropriate   (X= 4.14, S.D. = 0.63). The efficiency of the PIAEDA learning model was equal to 1.08 that was consistent to the standard criteria of Meguigans’s. The quality of learner's satisfaction is more satisfy level (X= 4.25,        S.D. = 0.77) which agreed with the research hypothesis. Therefore, the developed learning model can be used effectively in partial teaching on Applied Electromagnetic subject.


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How to Cite

Khotmanee, W. (2021). Development Instructional Model in Waveguide and Propagationusing PIAEDA Learning Model. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 9(1), 15–28. retrieved from



Research Article