Construction of Prisoners in Orasom Suddhisakorn Documentaries


  • Atiphong Peatchkerd Doctor of Art Program in Thai Student, School of Liberal Arts, University of Phayao
  • Premvit Vivattanaseth School of Liberal Arts, University of Phayao, Phayao Province


Construction, Prisoners, Documentaries Orasom Suddhisakorn


Construction of prisoners in Orasom Suddhisakorn’s nonfiction writing emphasizes readers to perceive the identity of prisoners with two strategies; the first is lexicalization and the second is discourse pragmatic strategies. The lexicalization relates to the strategy that shows the writer’s points of view to the prisoners, using lexical and phrasal selection and homophoric referencing. For discourse pragmatic strategy, it is applicable to intensify the context through word selection, enhancing the readers’ understanding and confidence in the text. They are 6 strategies; reasoning, presuppositions, intertextuality, metaphor, modality and syntax. This construction created the image of a prisoner interpreted and presented through the perspective of a non-fiction writer who conveyed the facts of the prisoner construction which leads to the creation of the truth for society.


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How to Cite

Peatchkerd, A., & Vivattanaseth, P. (2021). Construction of Prisoners in Orasom Suddhisakorn Documentaries. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 9(1), 301–320. retrieved from



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