The Result of Development English Reading Skill Exercise According to Communicative Language Teaching Approach Using Local Information Nan Province for Sixth Grade Students


  • การุณย์ อินแสง Faculty of Humanities, Naresuan University


English Reading Exercises, Communicative language Teaching Approach, Local Information for Nan Province, English Reading Skills


The purposes of this research were to:  1) to study the fundamental data and analyze concerning the development of English reading exercises based on communicative language teaching approach using local information for Nan province needs assessment  2) to develop and test the efficiency of the English reading exercises whether it met the expected efficiency criterion of 75/75;  3) implement English reading exercises based on communicative language teaching approach using local information for Nan Province and 4) to evaluate and to improve English reading exercises. The samples consisted of 30 tenth grade students studying at during the second semester in the ace emic year 2014 of Darunwitthaya School, Nan. The duration of the implementation covered 15 hours. The results of this research were: 1) The students and stakeholders revealed the needs for the development of skills exercises with varieties of formats, content concerning local information for Nan Province, beautiful illustrations and varieties of learning activities; 2) The English reading skill exercises based on the communicative language teaching approach consisted of 5 units and the efficient score was 79.92/82.58; 3) The results of the implementation of the English reading exercises approach showed that the students were enthusiastic to read about Nan Province, enjoyed doing activities and answer the questions and 4) The students’ pretest and posttest scores significantly different at .05 level and the students highly agreed with learning through.


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How to Cite

อินแสง ก. (2019). The Result of Development English Reading Skill Exercise According to Communicative Language Teaching Approach Using Local Information Nan Province for Sixth Grade Students. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 3(2), 23–32. retrieved from



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