Exploring Communication Strategies in Cross-Cultural Interaction Between Native English Teachers and Thai EFL Teachers
Cross-cultural interaction, Communication strategies, Native English teachers, Thai EFL teachersAbstract
The purpose of this study was to investigate cross-cultural interactions between Thai teachers who teach English as a foreign language (EFL) and native English-speaking teachers focusing on cross-cultural interaction apprehension and communication strategies (CSs) that Thai EFL teachers and native English-speaking teachers used in their conversations. The participants were high school teachers and university instructors in Phayao Province, Thailand. A total of 92 responses were gathered from 75 Thai EFL teachers and 17 native English-speaking teachers. The questionnaire and interview were used to collect data. The results of the study show that native English-speaking teachers had lower cross-cultural interaction apprehension than Thai EFL teachers. A majority of the participants regularly used communication strategies while interacting with people who come from different languages or cultures such as body language. There was a significant correlation between cross-cultural interaction apprehension and communication strategies in Thai EFL teachers, but there was no significant correlation between cross-cultural interaction apprehension and communication strategies in native English-speaking teachers. In addition, the way to use communication strategies between the Thai EFL teachers and the native English-speaking teachers were not significantly different. Moreover, the results show there was a significant difference in the cross-cultural interaction anxiety between the Thai EFL teachers and the native English teachers.
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