The Analysis of Household Accounting Process
Household AccountingAbstract
The objectives of this study were to find the problems and to develop the household accounting system. The results from survey shows that the understanding of project implementation was at the moderate level indicating that project members were uncertain with the objectives of project. This could be that the participants did not have sufficient supporting system and had the unused accounting data collected from household, so these made the participants unclear of what they did in the project. Besides, the villagers' opinions were not different. The results from depth interview and the observation on government meeting are consistent with the results from the survey. The lack of monitoring and evaluating were found.
To develop the household accounting system, the government should focus on three factors; input, process, and output of the project. Moreover, the project evaluation should be added. The result also shows that the households need more simply process of recording. Moreover, the accounting information should be analyzed and sent it back to the community so that they can use the information to solve their problems together with the government for the sustainable development.
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