Strategies and Effectiveness of Internal Public Relations in University of Phayao


  • รุจินันท์ เอื้อพิทักษ์สกุล School of Management and Information Sciences, University of Phayao


: Public Relations Strategies, Effectiveness of Public Relations


The study of Strategies and effectiveness of internal public relations in University of Phayao has purposes to examine public relations strategies, media exposure strategies, and the attitudes toward internal public relations. Also, it would evaluate an effectiveness of internal public relations in University of Phayao.  In addition, the results of study will be further implemented to promote the efficient and effective internal public relations within university of Phayao by applying qualitative and quantitative research methods.

            The results of the study were:

  1. Principle strategies and effectiveness of public relations in University of Phayao consisted of several strategies as following: first, using good image strategy, second, using media strategies such as shred media strategy, targeted media strategy and new media strategy. Third, using useful message strategies for internal public presentation which provide the positive and productive university image toward society. Also, this image would reflect better people’s quality of life related to the university’s strategies.
  2. The most effective internal public relations was the university website ( Moreover, most information that selected participants obtained through university public relations was ranked as following: first, organizing activities accordance with university’s strategies such as excellent graduates, research, community services, excellent culture, fair administration, renewed energy and clean environment and health services including suggested and additional information for better internal public relations through intranet of the university of Phayao.
  3. Finally, selected participants reflected positive attitudes within university ranked highly as following: first, the unbiased information and presentation. Second, selected participants ranked on the excellent university’s website ( which provide sufficient and unbiased information of the university. Lastly, there should be additional internal public relations within university through all faculties, divisions and buildings.


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How to Cite

เอื้อพิทักษ์สกุล ร. (2019). Strategies and Effectiveness of Internal Public Relations in University of Phayao. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 3(3), 55–64. retrieved from



Research Article