The Administrative Model of Quality assurance for Vocational Education Institutes


  • อุดม รูปดี Education Administration, University of Phayao, Phayao Province 56000
  • สมบัติ นพรัก Education Administration, University of Phayao, Phayao Province 56000
  • วิทยา จันทร์ศิลา Fuculty of Education, Naresuan University, Phisanulok Province 65000
  • สำราญ มีแจ้ง Fuculty of Education, Naresuan University, Phisanulok Province 65000


Model, Assurance, Vocational Education Institutes


The main objective of this research is to do the administrative model of quality assurance for Vocational Education Institute the specific objectives are 1) to study the conditions and the way to manage the quality assurance for Vocational Education Institute 2) to do the administrative model of quality assurance for Vocational Education Institute 3) to evaluate the administrative model of quality assurance for Vocational Education Institutes. The three research procedures are 1) studying the conditions and the ways to manage the quality assurance for Vocational Education Institutes by analysis and synthesis of documents and literature reviews. From the first procedure, the conditions and the ways to manage the quality assurance from the colleges with the best practice in the office of the Vocational Education Commission have been done by studying documents and interviewing. Besides, the ways of the quality assurance management of the universities in the Office of the Higher Education Commission getting the vocational students have been studied by interviewing the four experts. 2) doing the administrative model of quality assurance for Vocational Education Institute by taking the information above and formatting it to be the administrative model. And then the nine experts have examined the model by discussion and conclusion from all of the acceptation. Moreover, the twelve professionals have checked the accuracy and the accordance of the format and the evaluation tools for the format by IOC.  3) evaluation the model by the questionnaire from the eighteen directors of Institute of Vocational Education, the one hundred and sixty directors and the one hundred and sixty–one heads of quality assurance that are in the Institute of Education. The statistics used are the means and the standard deviation

The results of the research are:

  1. The administration of the quality assurance for Institute of Vocational Education contains three factors such as the structure of the quality assurance committees of Vocational Education Institute, the scope of the education quality assurance of Vocational Education Institute and the procedure of administration of quality assurance of Vocational Education Institutes
  2. The administrative model of quality assurance for Institute is the schematic model. It contains three factors and two successful conditions. The first factor is the structure of the quality assurance committees of Vocational Education Institute and the action committees of quality assurance.The action committees are divided into the committees of Vocational Education Institute and the committees of the colleges that are in the institute. Thesecond factor is the scope of education quality assurance which consists of the work scope inside the office of quality assurance and the scope of the quality assurance of the colleges being in the institute. The third factor is the administrative procedure of the quality assurance for Vocational Education Institute which contains PDCA: P is planning D, C and A are doing, checking and action respectively. For the two successful conditions are the coordinate (co) and the standard (s).
  3. The results of evaluation of the administrative model of quality assurance for Vocational Education Institute have been the high possibility and advantage.


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How to Cite

รูปดี อ., นพรัก ส., จันทร์ศิลา ว., & มีแจ้ง ส. (2019). The Administrative Model of Quality assurance for Vocational Education Institutes. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 3(3), 12–25. retrieved from



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