Factors Influencing the Performance of Tonkaewpadungpittayalai School Personnel Belong to Chiang Mai Provincial Administration Organization


  • กษิรา วงศ์สุวรรณ Department of Business Administration, Chiangmai Rajabhat University Chiang Mai, 50200


            The purposes of this research are as follows;

  1. Study the Factors influencing the performance of Tonkaewpadungpittayalai School personnel belong to Chiang Mai Provincial Administration Organization
  2. Study the problems of performance of Tonkaewpadungpittayalai School personnel belong to Chiang Mai Provincial Administration Organization, representative sample of this research are 80 persons of Tonkaewpadungpittayalai School personnel belong to Chiang Mai Provincial Administration Organization, the instruments used in this research are the personal information query, the query about factors influencing the performance of Tonkaewpadungpittayalai School personnel belong to Chiang Mai Provincial Administration Organization, open-ended questions about opinion and suggestions of factors influencing the performance of Tonkaewpadungpittayalai School personnel belong to Chiang Mai Provincial Administration Organization, which .95 reliability analysis that the statistics used to analyze the data are percentage, mean, and standard deviation, compare the differentials by analyzing T-test and F-test.

            Results of the research;

  1. Personal factors including sex, age, educational status, work experience, work position, income, supporting factors consisting the work motivation, the work stability, responsibility, occupational and environmental health, technological and motivating factors that are consisted work preference and recognition. These have an influence the performance of Tonkaewpadungpittayalai School personnel belong to Chiang Mai Provincial Administration Organization, significantly differences of 0.05
  2. Problems and obstacles of work performance of Tonkaewpadungpittayalai School personnel belong to Chiang Mai Provincial Administration Organization are policy and administration. They re-plan the management structure so many times that staffs cannot continue with their work, percentage of 27.28. The administrators do not listen to staff’s recommendations, resulting in staff are not willing participate, percentage of 18.18. Although the policies of the administration of the school are clear, there is disagreement in administrator’s performance that confuse staff, percentage of 18.18.


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How to Cite

วงศ์สุวรรณ ก. (2019). Factors Influencing the Performance of Tonkaewpadungpittayalai School Personnel Belong to Chiang Mai Provincial Administration Organization. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 3(1), 31–47. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Humanties-up/article/view/198886



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