Effect of using Flip Classroom and Case-based Learning for enhancing Statistical Thinking of Students in Higher Education


  • ปริวัตร เขื่อนแก้ว Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, 50200
  • ทิพย์รัตน์ นพฤทธิ์ Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, 50200


Flip Classroom, Case-based Learning, Statistical Thinking


The purpose of this research was to study the effect of using flip classroom and case-based learning for enhancing statistical thinking of students in higher education. Target group were 35 undergraduate students of the management sciences faculty, majoring business computer, Chiangmai Rajabhat University, who enrolled research of business computer course (BCOM3201) in the 1st Semester, academic year 2014. The instruments used in this research were 1) lesson plan 2) the statistical thinking level evaluating criteria 3) the statistical thinking level record form and 4) field note. Data about the level of statistical thinking were analyzed using frequency and percentage to compare the changing of the student’s statistical thinking level between online-classroom and in-classroom. Data obtained from observations, interviews and reflective thinking of learners were analyzed using content analysis.

The results were as follow:

  1. Most students of the target group were higher statistical thinking level after learning in flip classroom and case-based learning. Recognition of the need for the data aspect: most students of the target group were idiosyncratic level in online-classroom and increase to Quantitative level in in-classroom. Consideration of Variation aspect: most students of the target group were idiosyncratic level in online-classroom and increase to transitional level in in-classroom.
  2. Most students of the target group could learn by themselves through online-classroom, use knowledge to solve problems in the case studies and exchange the ideas through social network before going to in-classroom. In-classroom, there were brainstorming groups and collaborating within the group and knowledge-sharing among the group. Students shared the work within the group and learned to work together as a team effectively.
  3. Problems found in research were 1) students have not well enough statistical basis and 2) they could not use computer programs to analyze the information effectively. The cause of enhancing the statistical thinking in consideration of variation aspect was still not on the target. The target group needed to review their knowledge in statistics and the use of computer programs.


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How to Cite

เขื่อนแก้ว ป., & นพฤทธิ์ ท. (2019). Effect of using Flip Classroom and Case-based Learning for enhancing Statistical Thinking of Students in Higher Education. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 3(1), 16–30. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Humanties-up/article/view/198880



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