The Encouragement Tactics for Teachers Performance According to the Basic Education Standards


  • ธิดารัตน์ ทองมูล School of Education, Univercity of Phayao, Phayao Province, 56000
  • เจิดหล้า สุนทรวิภาต School of Education, Univercity of Phayao, Phayao Province, 56000
  • สุนทร คล้ายอ่ำ School of Education, Univercity of Phayao, Phayao Province, 56000
  • กนกวรรณ เอี่ยมชัย Phayao Boromratchonnanee Nurse College Foundation, Phayao Province, 56000


Tactics, The Encouragement For Performance


The objectives of this research are: 1) to study the influence factors of teacher’s performance in accordance with the Standards for Basic Education 2)  to create encouragement tactics of teacher’s performance 3) to evaluate the feasibility of encouragement tactics of teacher’s performance.

The 3 procedures of this research are: 1) Studying the conditions and the influence factors of teacher’s performance in accordance with the Standards for Basic Education through analysis and synthetic of related documents and literature reviews to get Latent and Observed variables. The questionnaire is used as tool to request opinions of secondary school teachers and used Statistical analysis of SEM program LISREL. 2) Using the results from the 1st step to create the encouragement tactics of teacher’s performance and considering the suitability by focus group discussion. 3) The feasibility is evaluated by questionnaire and interviewing 128 and 9 directors orderly.  The results of the research are: 

1) The influence factors of teacher’s performance in accordance with the Standards for Basic Education consist of director feature, teacher feature and the organization climate.

2) The encouragement tactics of teacher’s performance consist of 3 tactics which are tactics to encourage the director qualitative management, the teacher’s 5 mental developments and creating organization climate.

3) The evaluation of the encouragement tactics of teacher’s performance feasibility is found at the high level.  And 9 directors from interviewing about the encouragement tactics of teacher’s performance the said to be done by developing team-work, the availability of media equipment for teaching and technology.  There must be participative administration between director, teacher and educational staffs.


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How to Cite

ทองมูล ธ., สุนทรวิภาต เ., คล้ายอ่ำ ส., & เอี่ยมชัย ก. (2019). The Encouragement Tactics for Teachers Performance According to the Basic Education Standards. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 4(3), 101–117. retrieved from