The Secondary School Administrative Model with the Core of Sufficiency Economy


  • เจตน์ศิริ ทิพย์มาบุตร Education Administration, School of Education, University of Phayao, Phayao Province 56000
  • สมบัติ นพรัก Education Administration, School of Education, University of Phayao, Phayao Province 56000
  • เทียมจันทร์ พานิชย์ผลินไชย Education Administration, Faculty of Education, Naresuan University, Pisanulok Province 65000
  • สันติ บูรณะชาติ Education Administration, School of Education, University of Phayao, Phayao Province 56000


Model, Administrative, the Secondary School, the Core of Philosophy, Sufficiency Economy


            The main objective of this research is to develop the secondary school administrative model with the core of sufficiency economy by 1) studying the conditions and administrative methods, 2) the administrative model is formatted and 3) evaluating the possibility of the secondary school administrative model with the core of sufficiency economy

            The research 3 procedures are: 1) Studying the conditions through analysis of related documents and literature reviews and the request opinions of the director, supervisors and teachers 845 persons through the questionnaire by mean and standard deviation then interviewing the administrative methods from 10 directors through the semi-structure interview, 2) The result from the 1st step is used to formatted the secondary school administrative model with the core of sufficiency economy which is considered by focus group discussion, 3) The possibility of the model is evaluated by mean and standard deviation.

            The results of the research are:

            1) The conditions of the secondary school administration with the core of sufficiency economy as a whole had been done in the high level, and had used school-based management, applied the King’s work with global Knowledge and local wisdom together with moderate practice according to sufficiency, rules and laws. The educational materials have been managed sufficiently for jobs, teaching activities, supervising, evaluating. Supporting and exchanging to develop creating activities of students, teachers and directors according to their performances emphasizing economic, social, environment and culture for sustainable development.      

            2) The secondary school administrative model with the core of sufficiency economy as a dynamic administrative model consists of: the principle procedure with 5 administrative processes 1) Decision-making –D 2) Planning – P 3) Operating-O 4) Evaluating -E and 5) Appropriate-acting – A, and uses moderate practice, which is in the sufficiency economy, within every process.

            3) For the results, the possibility of the secondary school administrative model with the core of sufficiency economy has been evaluated as in the high level.


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How to Cite

ทิพย์มาบุตร เ., นพรัก ส., พานิชย์ผลินไชย เ., & บูรณะชาติ ส. (2019). The Secondary School Administrative Model with the Core of Sufficiency Economy. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 4(3), 38–52. retrieved from