The Adversity Quotient of School Administrators under the Office of Secondary Education Service in the Upper Northeastern Region


  • สราวุธ ตรีโรจน์พร Chumphol Phonphisai School, The Office of Secondary Education Service Area 21 Nongkhai and Buengkan Province 43120
  • แน่งน้อย ย่านวารี Faculty of Graduate Studies, UdonThani Rajabhat University, Udon Thani Province 41000
  • พนายุทธ เชยบาล Faculty of Graduate Studies, UdonThani Rajabhat University, Udon Thani Province 41000


School Administrator, Adversity Quotient


The purpose of this research was to study the adversity quotient of school administrators under the Office of Secondary Education Service in The Upper Northeastern Region. The sample consisted of 254 school administrators under The Office of Secondary Education Service in The Upper Northeastern Region working in the school year 2014. The research instrument was questionnaire with the reliability of 0.81. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences program for windows was employed to analyzed the collected data for frequencies, percentage, mean, standard deviation and One – way Analysis of Variance. Scheffe's Method was also applied.

            The research findings were found the adversity quotient of school administrators under The Office of Secondary Education Service in The Upper Northeastern Region was at high level for overall. When compared by school sizes and administration experiences were not different but when considered by gender was not different.


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How to Cite

ตรีโรจน์พร ส., ย่านวารี แ., & เชยบาล พ. (2019). The Adversity Quotient of School Administrators under the Office of Secondary Education Service in the Upper Northeastern Region. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 4(3), 28–37. retrieved from