Development of a Teaching Competency Enhancement Instructional Model Based on Cognitive Apprenticeships for Student Teachers


  • เกศราพรรณ คงเจริญ In Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330


Instructional Model, Strengthen Teaching Competencies, Training, Intellectual teacher students


The objectives of this research were to 1) develop a teaching competency enhancement instructional model based on cognitive apprenticeships for student teachers and 2) investigate the quality of a teaching competency enhancement instructional model based on cognitive apprenticeships for student teachers. The design of this research was research and development, which was divided into two phases: (1) the phase of an instructional model development and (2) the phase of an instructional model’s quality investigation. The developed instructional model was implemented to student teachers for one semester to investigate its effects on teaching competency in the second phase. The population was student teachers of the Faculty of Education, Rajabhat University. Purposive sampling was used for selecting the sample, which was consisted of 60 fourth-year-undergraduate students of the Faculty of Education, Chiangrai Rajabhat University.  There were 3 research instruments used in this study, which were 1) an understanding of instructional design knowledge and organizing learning activities test, 2) a skills of instructional design knowledge and organizing learning activities evaluation form, and (3) an attitude towards teaching profession test. The collected data was analyzed by using mean (gif.latex?\bar{x} ) standard deviation (s) and t – test. The results of this study were as follows.

  1. The developed teaching competency enhancement instructional model was consisted of 3 phases. The first phase was teacher and model’s preparation phase, consisting of 3 preparation procedures: (1) course outline and modeling settling, (2) role of modeling and teacher on instruction settling, and (3) roles and tasks of students on learning and practices settling. The second phase was teacher students’ knowledge constructing phase, consisting of 4 learning procedures: (1) observing, (2) knowledge constructing, (3) implementing, and (4) learning reflection. The third phase was student teachers’ performing phase, consisting of 2 performing procedures: (5) teaching practices and (6) evaluating.

      2)  The effects of this developed instructional model on the teaching competency enhancement of student teachers were as follows: The sample

               2.1. The sample groups’ mean scores on instructional design knowledge and learning activity organizing were higher than the control groups at .05 level of statistical significance.

               2.2. The sample groups’ mean scores on skills of instructional design knowledge and learning activity organizing were higher than the control groups at .05 level of statistical significance.

               2.3. The sample groups’ mean scores on attitude towards teaching professions were higher than the control groups at .05 level of statistical significance.


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How to Cite

คงเจริญ เ. (2019). Development of a Teaching Competency Enhancement Instructional Model Based on Cognitive Apprenticeships for Student Teachers. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 4(3), 12–27. retrieved from