A Study of Affecting Factors on Academic Achievement of Students in Industrial Engineering Major, School of Engineering, University of Phayao


  • อัจฉราวดี แก้ววรรณดี Department of Industrial Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Phayao, Phayao Province 56000
  • เอราวิล ถาวร Department of Industrial Engineering, School of Engineering, University of Phayao, Phayao Province 56000


Statistical Analysis, Correlational Study, Academic Achievement


A main purpose of this research is to study affecting factors on students’ academic achievement in Engineering major at University of Phayao due to freshman students’ dropout rate was relatively high and also their grade point average (GPA) were too low. In addition, this research aims to study and analyze a sample of 78 students in Industrial Engineering major by collecting factors, which are probably affecting on students’ academic achievement, in the form of students’ data such as Admission Channel, School Group, High School GPA, O-NET Test Score, Cumulative GPA in freshmen year, and interview answers in order to analyze data correlation by using SPSS application and then build regression models. This project also considers 2 main points: Pairwise Comparison and Factor Analysis. The analysis result indicates that different admission channels do not significantly affect students’ cumulative GPA. On the other hand, different school groups relatively affect students’ cumulative GPA in the first academic year. Furthermore, The O-NET 3 Subjects - Test Scores (Math, Science, English) are used for forecasting students’ cumulative GPA based on proposed regression models. The main advantages of this research are that instructors will be able to plan for improving course management for more efficiency and effectiveness and to develop students’ educational foundation before students will start their higher education.      


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How to Cite

แก้ววรรณดี อ., & ถาวร เ. (2019). A Study of Affecting Factors on Academic Achievement of Students in Industrial Engineering Major, School of Engineering, University of Phayao. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 5(1), 25–48. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Humanties-up/article/view/197127



Research Article