A study on characteristics of the traditional media “Jong Pa Ra festival” and Its use in cultural tourism in Mae Hong Son province


  • กรกนก สนิทการ Communication Arts and Innovation, Graduate School of Communication Arts and Management Innovation, National Institute of Development Administration, Bangkok 10240


Jong Pa Ra festival, Media for development, Participatory communication


This study found that there were some differences of Jong pa ra festival between past and present times which were described as follows; people in the community made a jong pa ra by themselves in the past while there is a project that made jong pa ras for people and a parade to celebrate the festival at present. Moreover, Jong pa ra festival in the past showed the believing of Buddhism and aimed to make the happiness to Meung Pon’s people in the level of an individual and a family. At present, the objectives of this festival are to inherit a local tradition and to support a cultural tourism development. Jong pa ra festival had been performed as a media and a message which was adapted in the form and detail but still remained the valuable of the local tradition. Meung Pon’s people accepted and agreed to use Jong Pa Ra festival as a media to advertise and support the tourism. However, they still highly valued and kept their eyes on the methods of the festival to be in a good way. Jong Pa Ra festival created a good partnership between the public sector and people in Meung Pon. Finally, this study recommended that a limitation of media to promote Jong Pa Ra festival was the reason why tourists did not considerably pay attention or interested in this festival as much as it should. The further study should focus on using media to promote and support the local tradition.


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How to Cite

สนิทการ ก. (2019). A study on characteristics of the traditional media “Jong Pa Ra festival” and Its use in cultural tourism in Mae Hong Son province. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 6(1), 123–143. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Humanties-up/article/view/196657



Research Article