Effect of virtual identities in online game social network interaction


  • ธัญญากร บุญมี Communication Arts and Innovation, Graduate School of Communication Arts and Management Innovation, National Institute of Development Administration, Bangkok 10240
  • อัศวิน เนตรโพธิ์แก้ว Graduate School of Communication Arts and Management Innovation, National Institute of Development Administration, Bangkok 10240


Identity, Virtual identity, Social interaction, Online game


Virtual Identity and Building Social Interaction on Online Gaming Network is a qualitative research that focuses on finding causal relationship to obtain comprehensive information and describe relationship of online gamers. The researcher conducted the target population survey in online social network by using the population and samples defining and in-depth interviewing methods with 20 sample interviewees who play the online game called Audition. Research findings were as follows: 1) pattern of virtual identity creation had various description, similar to expression of personal identity in reality, but such diversity did not have fixed pattern or compulsory criteria for creating characters or identity; 2) the fact was the online gamers could build their virtual or different identity because they were controlled by limitations in building identity in each game; 3) virtual identity in playing online games generated social interaction in online gaming network via each game's communication system and virtual identity triggered the beginning of relationship as players had to choose their conversational partner and determined if they would develop or cease their relationship with another online gamer; and 4) social interaction on online gaming network resulted in an assembly of sub-community of online gamers and had impact on lifestyle of online gamers. The impact was not in a negative way, but it brought about a kind of relationship called 'friendship' between gamers.


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How to Cite

บุญมี ธ., & เนตรโพธิ์แก้ว อ. (2019). Effect of virtual identities in online game social network interaction. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 6(1), 82–95. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/Humanties-up/article/view/196638



Research Article