The role of Public Forum TV Program in creating participation to change social issues


  • อัญชลี เทียมคีรี Communication Arts and Innovation, Graduate School of Communication Arts and Management Innovation, National Institute of Development Administration, Bangkok 10240
  • อัศวิน เนตรโพธิ์แก้ว Graduate School of Communication Arts and Management Innovation, National Institute of Development Administration, Bangkok 10240


Public Forum TV Program, Creating participation, Change social issues


The researcher focused on studying “Public Forum TV Program” broadcasted on Thai PBS TV station. The objective of the research is to study the process of creating participation with Public Forum TV Program to change social issues and the results of such process that lead to change of social issues. Data collection tools included Documentary Research, In-Depth Interview with Key informants, Content Analysis of the TV program, Participant Observation and Focus Group. Research findings were that Public Forum TV Program, which was produced and remained under Thai PBS public media organization. Following the study on the presentation, the program emphasized mostly reform issues, followed by issues regarding effects of government policies or mega projects, issues regarding environment and disasters, issues regarding communities, society and culture, issues regarding human rights, and issues regarding politics and administration. All issues usually linked and affected the policy level. The TV program created participation in several dimensions including 1) participation as a source or an issue owner; 2) participation in planning and determining the program’s contents; 3) participation in the program; 4) participation in driving the issues; and 5) participation in expressing opinions toward the program’s contents. But the level of impact and change was the lowest. However, the strong point of the TV program was that it created assembly of citizens, reinforced citizen power, reflecting their existence, power and identity.


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How to Cite

เทียมคีรี อ., & เนตรโพธิ์แก้ว อ. (2019). The role of Public Forum TV Program in creating participation to change social issues. Trends of Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 6(1), 60–81. retrieved from



Research Article