The Developing the ability to write reports on qualitative data analysis of student teachers, Loei Rajabhat University Using reflective thinking and active learning management strategies


  • Patthraporn Kessung Measurement Program, Faculty of Education, Loei Rajabhat University


Management strategies, Reflective thinking, Active learning, Qualitative data analysis report writing


This research aims to 1) compare the abilities to write report on qualitative data analysis of teacher students before and after learning using reflective thinking and inquiry-based learning strategies, and 2) compare the abilities to write report on qualitative data analysis of teacher students after learning using reflective thinking and inquiry-based learning strategies with a 60% score criterion. The sample used in this study consisted of
27 third-year teacher students from the Faculty of Education. The sampling method was
a method of cluster random sampling. The research instruments included a measurement
of the ability to write qualitative data analysis reports and data analysis, including frequency, percentage, dependent samples t-test and one sample t-test. The research findings indicate that teacher students after learning reflective thinking and inquiry-based learning strategies scored higher in their ability to write reports compared to before learning and exceeded the 60% score criterion with statistical significance at the .05 level.


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How to Cite

Kessung, P. . (2024). The Developing the ability to write reports on qualitative data analysis of student teachers, Loei Rajabhat University Using reflective thinking and active learning management strategies. Journal of Education, Loei Rajabhat University, 18(1), 54–66. Retrieved from



Research Article