Development of STLEAM Education Curriculum for Border Patrol Police School Teachers


  • Saowaphak Wongkrai Faculty of Education, Loei Rajabhat University
  • Parichart Poophakdee Faculty of Education, Loei Rajabhat University
  • Praweenutch Wasuanankul fFaculty of Education, Loei Rajabhat University
  • Amornrat Sangsuwan Faculty of Education, Loei Rajabhat University
  • Somjate Duangpitak Faculty of Science and Technology, Loei Rajabhat University
  • Sitthichai Somsri Faculty of Science and Technology, Loei Rajabhat University


STLEAM education, curriculum design, mathematics skills and processes, learning management


The objective of this research is threefold: (i) to develop a STLEAM education curriculum for teachers at Border Patrol Police Schools. (ii) To compare understanding, ability to design curricula, and learning management before and after using the developed STLEAM education curriculum for teachers at the Border Patrol Police School; and (iii) To compare
the mathematical skills and processes of Border Patrol Police School students before and after being organized to learn STLEAM education. This research is conducted as quasi-experimental study with a target group of 20 teachers and 90 primary school students participating in the Development of Competencies for Border Patrol Police School Teachers project. The research tools include questionnaires to measure the understanding of STLEAM Education learning management, curriculum design and learning management abilities in STLEAM Education, and mathematics skills and processes. The research findings indicate that : (i) The Border Patrol Police School Teacher Education curriculum has been developed with three courses: Khai-Songna-Markabken, Nang-fha-Cluck-Phoon, and Cha-bai-mon. (ii) Understanding of STLEAM education management and curriculum design and learning management capability of Border Patrol Police School Teachers after training is higher than before statistically at a significant level of 0.05; (iii) Mathematical skills and processes of Border Patrol Police School students after being held higher than STLEAM education before being organized STLEAM education statistically at a significant level of 0.05


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How to Cite

Wongkrai, S. ., Poophakdee , P. ., Wasuanankul , P. . ., Sangsuwan , A. ., Duangpitak , S. ., & Somsri , S. (2024). Development of STLEAM Education Curriculum for Border Patrol Police School Teachers. Journal of Education, Loei Rajabhat University, 18(1), 24–38. Retrieved from



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