The Development of Linear Equation in One Variable Problem-Solving Abilities by Using Interactive Skills Exercises Through Liveworksheets with the KWDL Technique of Grade 7 Students


  • Pornpachara Wongklongkhuan Faculty of Education and Educational Innovation, Kalasin University
  • Wannatida Yonwilad Faculty of Education and Educational Innovation, Kalasin University
  • Nopakun Tongmon Health Technology , Kalasin University


Interactive skills exercises, Problem solving, Problem Solving Ability, Linear Equation in One Variable


This research has the following objectives: 1. To develop problem-solving abilities
by using Liveworksheets in conjunction with KWDL techniques for 7th grade students with
a score of no less than 70 percent. 2) To study the retention of learning by using Livework sheets in conjunction with the KWDL technique with 7th grade students, which meets the criteria of 70 percent. A sample group of 33 grade 7 pupils from Namonphitthayakom School in Kalasin Province was selected using cluster random sampling. The research utilized a learning management plan for a linear equation in one variable, incorporating interactive skill exercises (Liveworksheets with KWDL), and a test to measure the mathematics problem-solving ability. Data analysis utilized percentages, means, standard deviations, Index of item objective congruence (IOC), Item Difficulty (P), Reliability (rn), Development​ Testi (E1/E2) and t-tests.
The research results demonstrated that 1. After being taught using interactive skills training worksheets, grade 7 students' mathematics problem-solving abilities demonstrated a KWDL higher than the 70 percent criterion differences with no statistical significance at the .05 level.
2. The latter has been teaching management using Liveworksheets in conjunction with the KWDL technique. Persistence in learning among students in grade 1 had a mean score
of retention in learning after 2 weeks higher than the criteria of 70 percent.


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How to Cite

Wongklongkhuan, P. ., Yonwilad, W. ., & Tongmon, N. . (2024). The Development of Linear Equation in One Variable Problem-Solving Abilities by Using Interactive Skills Exercises Through Liveworksheets with the KWDL Technique of Grade 7 Students. Journal of Education, Loei Rajabhat University, 18(1), 13–23. Retrieved from



Research Article