Development of mathematical reasoning abilities on ability matrix using multimedia to assemble the inductive method for grade 11 students


  • Chanjira Sangsana Mathematics Department, Faculty of Education and Education lnnovation, Kalasin University
  • Wannatida Yonwilad Mathematics Department, Faculty of Education and Education lnnovation, Kalasin University
  • Nopakun Tongmon Science-Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science and Health Technology, Kalasin University


multimedia, inductive learning management, reasoning ability, matrix


The objective of this research was to develop the mathematical reasoning ability of a grade 11 student on the matrix by having the students score at least 70 percent in their mathematical reasoning ability and pass the criteria by at least 70 percent. of The sample included 40 grade 11 students from Kham Muang School in Kham Muang District, Kalasin Province, who participated in the study via cluster random sampling in the first academic year 2022.The research tools were the learning management plan on a matrix using multimedia for an inductive and mathematical reasoning test. Statistics for data analysis were percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The findings on the development of mathematical reasoning abilities on a matrix indicated that the students had the ability to reason mathematically.There was an average score of 15.40 from 20 people, representing 77.00 percent, and there were 35 students who passed the criteria, representing 79.57 percent of the total number of samples. which is higher than the specified criteria.The results of the research were as follow: for the results
in the development of mathematical reasoning abilities In the matrix, it was found that the students had the ability to reason mathematically. There was an average score of 15.40 out of 20 representing 77.00 percent, and there were 35 students passing the criteria, representing 79.57 percent of the total number of samples. which is higher than the specified criteria


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How to Cite

Sangsana, C. ., Yonwilad, W. ., & Tongmon, N. . (2024). Development of mathematical reasoning abilities on ability matrix using multimedia to assemble the inductive method for grade 11 students. Journal of Education, Loei Rajabhat University, 18(1), 1–12. Retrieved from



Research Article