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Supranee Kwanboonchan
Pariya Pariyavuth
Preeyaporn Gulsirirat
Untika Thammaphati


          Korfball was founded in 1901 by Mr.Nico Brpekhuysen in Netherland. The International Korfball Federation (IKF) was founded in Antwerp (Belgium) on the 11 June 1933 and has been officially recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in the same year. Korfball is a ball sport. It is played by two teams with 4 females and 4 males’ players in each team. The objective is to throw a ball into a netless basket (Korf) that is mounted on a 3.5 m high pole. The IKF aims to spread korfball around the globe. IKF members are 69 countries. Thailand was established association since 29 September 2017 by that time under the name “Thailand Korfball Association: TKA”. The TKA organized the activities according to the Sport Authority of Thailand Act 2018 then TKA was changed the name to “Korfball Association of Thailand: KAT” since 30 March 2019. In the current time KAT organized more activities to serve the needs of school, universities, and colleges.

          Korfball is a good sport for youth with 2 genders and this sport is also a non-contact sport. The event for the international level is 4 categories which are Korfball 8, Korfball4 and One-zone-one-post korfball, and Beach Korfball.  


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Academic articles


Asia Oceania Korfball Championship 2022. [Image attached]. https://www.facebook.com/photo/ ?fbid=132260692991293&set=a.132263356324360&_rdc=1&_rdr.

Crum, B. (1988). A Critical Analysis of Korfball as a" Non-Sexist Sport". International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 23(3), 233-241.

Gubby, L., & Wellard, I. (2018). Sporting equality and gender neutrality in korfball. In Sex Integration in Sport and Physical Culture (pp. 61-75). Routledge.

Huygens Instituut. (n.d.). Korfbal. https://resources.huygens.knaw.nl/sportbondenclubsperiodieke n/gids/inleiding/korfbal.

IKF Beach Korfball World Cup - Asia 2023. [Image attached]. https://www.facebook.com/photo /?fbid=154204637613433&set=a.154204970946733&_rdc=1&_rdr.

IKF Beach Korfball World Cup - Asia 2023. [Image attached]. https://web.facebook.com/photo/ ?fbid=154231340944096&set=a.154231687610728.

International Korfball Federation. (n.d.). IKF Members. https://korfball.sport/ikf-members/.

Mikasa. (n.d.). Korfball. https://mikasasports.co.jp/e/sports/kfb0001/.

Van Bottenburg, M., & Vermeulen, J. (2011). Local Korfball versus Global Basketball: a Study of the Relationship between Sports' Rule-Making and Dissemination 1. Ethnologie française, 633-643.