The Effect of Organizing Movement and Rhythm Activities on the Social Behaviors for Early Childhood

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Suntorn Pantang
Sumalee Ngamsanga
Pornnicha Chatapun
Parkpoom Ratanarojanakool
Supranee Kwanboonchan
Thitirat Rodthong


The objective of this research is to examine the effects of organizing movement and rhythm activities on the social behaviors of preschool children. The target group consisted of boys and girls aged between 5-6 years, enrolled in the third year of kindergarten, first semester, academic year 2023, at Wat Khok Jala School, under the supervision of the Office of the Private Education Commission : OPEC), with a sample size of 16 children. The research tools utilized in this study included 12 movement and rhythm activity plans and observation forms for social behaviors
of preschool children. Quantitative data analysis was conducted using statistical measures such as mean, standard deviation, while qualitative data analysis involved content analysis and
qualitative description.
The research findings revealed that preschool children who participated in movement and rhythm activities exhibited higher overall and specific social behaviors scores post-activity compared to pre-activity levels. The highest average scores post-activity were observed in areas of assistance, sharing, cooperation, and adherence to agreements, respectively.

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Research Articles


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