Game activities for children to develop basic skills in volleyball

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Nontaphol Chumjun
Tharin Kanlueng
Sirichai Sriprom


Game activities are interesting activities with clear rules and regulations, but they are not complicated. Besides the children will have fun. It also helps relieve stress. Promote the cultivation of morality Good ethics, discipline, kindness, unity, promoting physical, mental, emotional, social and intellectual development. Using game activities that emphasize physical movement. It will allow children to practice physical fitness to be ready for sports. Game activities can develop into basic sports skills. Volleyball is a sport that gets a lot of attention and is fun. There are several basic skill components. Each skill has different difficulties, such as movement. Playing with two lower hands, setting, etc. These skills require practice from childhood. Using only volleyball skill training exercises There may not be motivation for children to continuously practice their skills and want to play volleyball. Game activities can therefore be applied as training to develop basic volleyball skills for children. This academic article aims to study game activities for children to develop basic volleyball skills. By studying documents, textbooks, articles, and related research. and interviews with representative coaches of children's volleyball teams in Thailand were analyzed, synthesized and compiled. From the study it was concluded that Using game activities to develop basic skills in volleyball. As a result, children develop skills. Have fun and became more interested in playing volleyball.

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Academic articles


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