Competencies of Physical Education Teachers and Learning Management in the 21st Century

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Sirawan Kongsub
Somboon Silrungtham


The rapidly changing context of the current global society, driven by advances in science and technology, has led to a transformation in the way human life is conducted. Thailand must turn back to reflect on and reconsider its educational reforms in order to ensure the quality of developing learners to possess knowledge, abilities, skills, and essential qualities necessary to confront the uncertainties and changes of the 21st century.

The management of physical education aims to develop learners holistically across five dimensions. The design of physical education learning activities should be adaptable and integrated to foster learner development in the 21st century. Physical education teachers must possess a body of knowledge to analyze and design learning management that aligns with goals. This includes continuous improvement and innovation in their own teaching methods to be responsive to current learning skills. Physical education teachers need competencies in managing physical education learning to enhance learner development in the 21st century, promoting effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability. The results of the analysis and synthesis of the current problems in physical education learning management found that the essential competencies for educational administrators in managing learning in the 21st century consist of 7 competencies: 1) Self-development and professionalism 2) Student development and learning management 3) Communication and fostering good interpersonal relationships 4) Ethical values 5) Use of media and digital technology 6) Adaptability to change and 7) Innovation and research.


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