Quality of Service that Affects Satisfaction and Repurchase to use of the Bangkok Sport Center
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The objective of this research was to study the level of service quality and compare the relationship regarding service quality that affects satisfaction and intention to return to use the service again of Bangkok Sports Center users. This research is an exploratory research study and collects data from a group of people using the services of a sports center in Bangkok. The researcher selected the sample using purposive random sampling and Cluster Sampling by dividing into 2 groups:1) those who come to use the service on a weekly basis and 2) those who come to exercise occasionally, all 12 sports centers, totaling 504 people and use questionnaires as research tool that have content validity from experts and has a confidence level of 0.86 Statistics used in data analysis include frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation. Analysis of relationship between variables.
The results of the research found that service quality was found to be at the highest level, including responsiveness to customers, Concrete aspect of the service, Knowing and understanding customers and Reliability. Except for giving confidence to customers, it was rated at a high level.The matter of satisfaction of most service users is at a high level. And the overall intention to return to use the services of the Bangkok Sports Center users was ranked at the highest level. The results of comparing the relationship between service quality that affects satisfaction and the intention to return to use the service again among users of the Bangkok Sports Center found that there is a very high level of relationship in the same direction. And can be predicted by the service quality of all 5 variables having the greatest effect on the satisfaction and intention to return to use the services of Bangkok Sports Center users in every aspect.
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Critical thinking in journals is the right of the author. The Association of Health Education, Physical Education and Recreation of Thailand is not always required, to create diversity in ideas and creativity.
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