The Effect of Power Yoga Training Program on Core Muscle Strength and Balance Among Female Students in Silpakorn University Sanam Chandra Palace Campus

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Pimthicha Jantarawong
Sahatsawat Boonthong
Hemhong Nimitsomsakun
Narinthara Chantasorn
Napasorn Neelapaijit


The purpose of this research was to study and compare the effect of power yoga training program on core muscle strength and balance before and after training. The participants of this research were 20 first-year female Silpakorn University students in 2022 by purposive sampling. The tool in this research was 1) Power Yoga training program reviewed by three experts (IOC=0.98); 2) Core strength test (Plank Test) and balance test (Stork Balance Test) (IOC=0.1). Statistics used to analyze data were One-way ANOVA with Repeated Measure and BonFerroni's Method for individual differences. The research results found that firstly, the Plank test for core strength test before training, after 3 and 6week training, showed mean and standard deviation scores of 39.27 ± 13.00, 68.01 ± 22.15, 80.30 ± 18.51 seconds, respectively. The comparison of core strength revealed that after 6 weeks of training with the Power Yoga training program, the strength of the core muscles was significantly better than before training (p ≤ 0.05). Secondly, the balance test results from the Stork Balance test before training, and after the 3rd and the 6th weeks of training showed the mean and the standard deviation scores of 7.40 ± 3.13, 10.69 ± 4.24, 13.27 ± 4.37 seconds, respectively. Regarding the balance comparison, it showed that, after 6 weeks of practicing with the Power Yoga program, students had improved their balance at a statistically significant test result at the .05 level. From the research results, it could be concluded that the 6-week Power Yoga training program resulted in an increase in the participants’ muscle core strength and balance.

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