Guidelines for the development of Chairball to a sport for excellence
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Chairball is a game that has evolved into a basic sport taught in schools to promote and support the fundamental movements that lead to the practice of sports skills which is an important part of physical, mental, emotional and social development in children and youth. Chairball has also been promoted to be taught at the higher education level and supported as a sport competition in educational institutions ultimately. However, Chairball has not been clearly defined as a sport. Although chairball is considered an activity or a game with rules. For fun, enjoyment, relax or healthy and may be used as a competition for excellence in the meaning of the word sport. The purpose of this article is to present some guidelines on how to make Chairball a sport for excellence. The information is obtained from the studies of documents, textbooks, concepts, theories including related researches. The data were analyzed and synthesized to create such a sport into a systematic management process to further be nationally and internationally. The development of Chairball, which is fundamental to a sport for excellence, requires a focus on providing opportunities for organizing sport events in order to equally showcase the individuals’ athletic abilities. The process of organizing competitions and developing this sport are what educational institutions, sport authorities and related organizations must take part in imposing clear policies, planning systematically and creating evaluation conditions to set clear patterns and guidelines to concretely lead to a sport for excellence.
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Critical thinking in journals is the right of the author. The Association of Health Education, Physical Education and Recreation of Thailand is not always required, to create diversity in ideas and creativity.
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