The Development of Online Training Model Using Result Demonstration to Encourage the Knowledge of Exercise for Teenagers
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The purposes of this research were: 1) to develop the online training model using result demonstration on the topic of exercise for teenagers, 2) to compare learning achievement after online training using result demonstration on the topic of exercise for teenagers that were above the criterion of 70 percent, 3) to study the satisfaction of the trainees toward the online training model using result demonstration on the topic of exercise for teenagers. The samples were of 42 Matthayomsuksa 2/9 students who are studying in academic year of 2022, Nangrong School, Buriram province. They were selected by using cluster random sampling with the lucky draw technique by the classroom as a random unit. The research instruments were consisted of 1) an online training model using result demonstration to encourage the knowledge of exercise for teenagers, 2) learning achievement test on the topic of exercise for teenagers, 3) satisfaction survey of the trainees toward the online training model using result demonstration. The statistics used in the study were mean, standard deviation, and the One Sample t-test.
The findings revealed that 1) the online training model using result demonstration to encourage the knowledge of exercise for teenagers has consisted of 5 steps: 1.1) identify problems, 1.2) planning, 1.3) experiments, 1.4) evaluate the results, and 1.5) applying and publishing the findings. The overall scores of the appropriateness of the online training model using result demonstration to encourage the knowledge of exercise for teenagers were at the highest level
( = 4.68, S.D. = 0.43). 2) The learning achievement test after being trained by the online training model using result demonstration was met the criterion of 70 percent, p < 0.05). 3) The overall scores of satisfactions of the trainees toward the online training model using result demonstration were at the highest level (= 4.70, S.D. = 0.47)
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Critical thinking in journals is the right of the author. The Association of Health Education, Physical Education and Recreation of Thailand is not always required, to create diversity in ideas and creativity.
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